Jun 3, 2010
they are getting out of hand with all these exra charges for content.i think this will be the last EA game i get.they are nothing but money grubbing whores.i'm sick of having to pay for content that should be in the game.anyone else feel this way?


Mar 31, 2011
No I don't. All they're doing is giving players options. For 60$, you get the full game with full career mode and online pass with 15 courses. Great for casual golf gamers. For those who want more bang for there buck, they can fork out an extra 10$ to get an extra 5 courses, good deal imho. And for the hardcore gamer, they can buy extra courses if they want. EA is not forcing us to buy the extras and exept for having to skip a few minor tournaments in career mode, it won't affect your game. You can still play the masters and all major tourneys as long as you qualify for them. It's no different than buying dlc for other games. Golf games in particuler have been selling addon courses for over 20 years. (They we're doing it for links 386 way back in the early 90's).
Jun 3, 2010
they've been selling golf add-ons for 20 years? i assume u mean on the pc. and in my personel opinion i just don't like EA trying to milk me for extra money.don't get me wrong i love the game i just don't like having to pay an extra 50 bucks for the complete course roster.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 11, 2005
EA is a joke. They came out with all these BS add ons right after the Masters came out and they should of been included with the game. It takes alot of time to build one course and they have around 15 courses for DLC already. If you dont think thats a problem, then you're a dumb ass EA fanboy.


A Clockwork Dux
May 5, 2001


he's clearly an EA spam bot.

I too agree with the OP. I am sick and tired of EA nickel and dime-ing the hell out of its customers. The fact all of this DLC is available on day 1 is a clear indicator that they could have included this stuff in the game, since it was already completed. They're just trying to scam us out of more money. Basically they release 75% of a game and call it "complete" while giving you the "option" of buying the other 25%. It's despicable, and it's a deceitful sham.


Mar 31, 2011
You can call me what you like, I don't work for EA and don't buy there games every year. I'm just being realistic. 80% of games out there will have dlcs at one point. Sure they had there's available from day one but the fact is 16 courses available on the disc or 21 if you bought the collectors edition is fair. TO expect EA to give you over 30 courses for the 60$ price tag is unrealistic from a business standpoint. Fact is EA is not forcing you to buy there games or there courses. If you don't like there method, buy John Dailey golf instead.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
smarleau said:
You can call me what you like, I don't work for EA and don't buy there games every year. I'm just being realistic. 80% of games out there will have dlcs at one point. Sure they had there's available from day one but the fact is 16 courses available on the disc or 21 if you bought the collectors edition is fair. TO expect EA to give you over 30 courses for the 60$ price tag is unrealistic from a business standpoint. Fact is EA is not forcing you to buy there games or there courses. If you don't like there method, buy John Dailey golf instead.

I am totally fine with say 6 months down the line them adding courses VIA DLC... however having what 10+ courses implemented into the Season greyed out(right there in the calendar so it constantly points out you don't have the FULL GAME), that you HAVE to buy in order to play is on day one is BS...



Nov 4, 2009
I 1000% agree. With games costing 59.99 or even 69.99 if you get the collector's edition, EA Sports is out of there mind with this crap. If I have to pay for more courses lower the price than. Because I am not getting an accurate game. This is the last game I buy from EA. I don't care about Madden or NCAA Football. I'm done.

Bad enough we get nickle and dimed in every day life now they pull this crap. FU EA!!!


No Longer a Noob
Sep 16, 2004
I'm with you.. What I don't get is when you order a course on a previous game and then you buy the new game and you have to pay 10 bucks for the same course again.. That's why I didn't get the Masters game after playing this game for over 10 years.. I'm sick and tired of getting ripped off, and if you don't think that's a ripoff, you're either a sucker or you like to flush money down the toilet..


Rockband Boards Vice-President
Oct 30, 2007
The Edge of The Abyss
Would you have bought the game for $100.00 if it had EVERY course in it from the release? I would, for this one. It's the last golf game I'll buy, so yeah. Also I live 2 miles from the Augusta National, it's nice to be able to see it in the game knowing I've actually been there so many times...but at the same time, I agree w/ yall' about EA's money grubbing, but that's business. Sad but true.
Oct 16, 2008
I really don't see the difference in EA having DLC available now for money as opposed to selling it sometime down the road. You still have to pay either way, so while I agree it's a way for EA to make more money, the same can be said for every other game created that posts DLC down the road. That's the point isn't it?

The only argument that makes sense in my eyes is making some of the courses DLC that were included in previous installments. If you want to come at me from that angle, I can completely empathize. The fact that Pinehurst No. 2 is absent from the release copy is a severe disappointment since I live relatively close to the course and love its rich history. Luckily I can buy the course instead of it being absent altogether. I see it as a positive, not a negative.

And let's be honest: the fact that Augusta National is in a current Gen console gives me shivers. You can have your "Predator" golf course: give me The Masters.

By the way I work in EA's customer relations department ;)


No Longer a Noob
May 15, 2004
I have not problem with the dlc courses and what have you ......what i do have a problem with is ea online pass this is just an attempt ea is using to make us buy new games over used
Jun 3, 2010
what makes me mad is that they release games with the content already on them then charge u for access to it, and that crap with their online pass.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 16, 2004
Do they let you use a female character on the Augusta course? Golf is so anti-woman and all the people who play this game online seem to be as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't! [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
EA sucks because they mistreat their employees and they don't listen to their fans. I have a teacher who is leaving the job and she hates EA. I am definitely against EA at all times. They are Toyota of Game Design! Look how many times they f**ked up Need For Speed since Underground. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2010 is nothing like the original Hot Pursuit. Fight Night Champion has not been improved and there is still no Road Rash. They are money hungry corporate bastards. They always bastardize every employee they have and Atari is doing the same as EA. In the end, I f**king hate Tiger Woods' games. I guess Tiger's incident is just a publicity to entertain us. EVERY F**KING TIME, EA! EVERY F**KING TIME!


Nov 15, 2006
Honestly I really don't have a problem with this. 15 courses is enough that I haven't really gotten tired of them yet and I can buy around 20-25 more if I want to. That's a heck of a lot of courses for a golf game. That plus the fact that Augusta is in this game was good enough for me. It hasn't hurt me in the career mode to skip those tournaments either.

The only gripe I have is the fantasy courses are free. I loved The Predator and The Highlands and wish I could play them without paying extra.


Jan 26, 2011
I didn't want to start another topic on this, so I hope one of you can help me here.

Just picked up a new PS3 today after my old launch console bit the dust. You can't backup your save data in Tiger 12, so I figured my golfer would just be associated with my EA profile.

Wrong. I had to go back in my PS Store history to find the EA online pass and re-download it before the game would even connect to the servers. But now that it connects, he game won't find my EA "Game Face", and the golfer I've been working on since May is also gone. No XP, no nothing.

Am I doing something wrong here? My existing EA game face was pulled from the servers when I first bought this game, just as it did for Tiger 11 and for NHL12. why am I being forced to start over again?
Oct 26, 2011
I would have to agree with this a game should come out with all the content that has already been made on the disc EA and every other game making companies these days only care about the money their going to make I mean Their is DLC on the marketplace for games that have yet to come out. It's bullshit taking a game for example assassins creed 2 and keeping 2 chapters of the story out when they already had made the missions and objectives for sequinces 12 and 13 but Ubisoft would rather make millions of dollars because they know that people will buy the DLC to understand what went on between those two chapter when they should have been in the game in the first place I just recently picked up BF3 and EA servers are down in the US the only servers that are up are in europe and the game isn't even out their yet. Quit buying their stupid ass DLC packs they come out with its a waste money their overpriced and you don't get what you payed for usually. The people that are giving money to these BIG game companies are to blame for all the shitty DLC and Shitty games that they spit at us every 9 months it should take 2-3 years to make a GOOD game and their spitting games out at us like every 9 months its bullshit call of duty is the perfect example black ops is only a year old and they are already done with MW3. Yes and its because its going to be the same damn game as MW2 was the gaps between good games are years not months from call of duty 4 to MW2 a couple years even after WaW came out Trearch sucks at making games as does EA and everyother company out their. There are few game companies that listen to the fan base that they have and among some of them are rockstar and dice the only shitty thing is about dice is that their online is supported by EA servers and every PC or Console owner can tell you EA server suck ass on evergame but fifa and madden.


Sep 4, 2012
Fuck EA!!! They waited till i got Premium and then they banned from all my games for saying f**k in the BF3 Forums, so fuck them and i will gladly pirate the xbox 360 games.
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Feb 13, 2008
Manchester, England
I was alright with the DLC courses in 13 due to being able to unlock them for free by playing the individual courses 6 times afters spending the coins I've earned in-game but I hate how they've gone back to their money grabbing tactics by removing that feature though. It has nothing to do with bad press reviews but more like they left 13 limited to course mastery once you've finished the Tiger campaign and all you had left was career.


A Clockwork Dux
May 5, 2001
I see that i already posted in this thread 2 years ago, but i'll say some more.

I hate EA's business model. However, I can at least partially justify to myself purchasing additional courses based on the fact that i only buy a tiger woods game every few years, and NOT every single year. If i end up spending $100 on the game and all of its additional courses, then that's still cheaper than buying 2 or 3 years worth of Tiger Woods games.

Really, i don't think it even makes any sense to be releasing a new golf game every year. The PGA roster isn't dramatically changing every year, nor are new courses constantly being added to the PGA. I think it would make a lot more sense If EA just released one new TW game every 2 years, and then offered additional DLC courses in regular intervals in between titles.

Currently, they release a new game every year which usually includes a significant chunk of the courses we've already played. And then they release day 1 DLC that also includes a bunch of courses we've already played. It's so pointless and greedy. Also, the graphics, commentary, and gameplay mechanics are only minorly updated each year. It's really not worth it at all buying a new version each year.
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Aug 1, 2014
they've been selling golf add-ons for 20 years? i assume u mean on the pc. and in my personel opinion i just don't like EA trying to milk me for extra money.don't get me wrong i love the game i just don't like having to pay an extra 50 bucks for the complete course roster.
Apr 6, 2015
they are getting out of hand with all these exra charges for content.i think this will be the last EA game i get.they are nothing but money grubbing whores.i'm sick of having to pay for content that should be in the game.anyone else feel this way?
Madden NFL 15 sucks... I honestly think EA spent more time on player models, and card design, than GAMEPLAY! I mean I find 3 new glitches EVERY time I load the damn game... And it's not like I can just improve my team and practice, it's my receivers not getting a catching animation, my linebackers not tackling, my CBs dropping EVERY pick, and my QB ALWAYS throwing ducks, even Tom Brady, not to mention I have to spend $100 to get enough "points" to get players, worth selling, to improve my team, so FUCK MADDEN SCREW EA! unless the next Madden has great/fantastic review I'm done, for good. Rant. Over.