
Almost Not a Noob
Sep 6, 2003
Regardless, it should be OK.

I liked the steps THQ took to make Undisputed 3 better but.. It still was missing something. I always look at Fight Night [despite it being a different sport] and see how good the boxing/combos can be if given enough time. I'm hoping that we'll be able to throw crisper shots and land better looking strikes than the [semi]robotic ones we've got with THQ's UFC's games.

If EA gives us anything like FIFA, we're going to have the greatest 'hard sport' game in history, from presentation down to the commentary.. But if we're going to get the Madden/NCAA/Live treatment, then we're gonna get one brand new game every six years.

On the bright side, at least we're going to get Randy in a UFC game before I die, that's something I'm looking forward to, hahaha.
Jul 17, 2009
this could potentially be the death of ufc games as i hated ea mma and think in general ea have too many games in their portfolio to give the same levels of time and dedication to making a great game as thq have,in their defence they have made some amazing sport sims eg fifa,nhl,madden,nba live.so as long as they give it everything and keep the basics that thq have put in place maybe they can have another winner.


Jun 8, 2012
I liked the progression of the ufc games and honestly I love urchin 3 except when I'm fighting off submissions online because I don't know how they latch on and slow you down. Still I wish we got a urchin 4 and 5 before this. However I'm being optimistic


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 9, 2010
I guess that this can just be a good move for UFC, time will tell. But for me it's kinda odd cause I still remember Dana White saying he would never work with EA... But I geti that White left all resement behind and keep the UFC brand teaming up with the best in each media: First FOX Sports, now EA Sports.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 15, 2002
Classic Fedor + Pride mode and I'm happy.

This sucks ... considering how crappy ea mma was.
You're crazy. On a both a technical and philosophical level, EA MMA was far superior. The only thing it lacked was the fit and finish + presentation that comes with several iterations, like Undisputed had.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 9, 2010
Classic Fedor + Pride mode and I'm happy.

This sucks ... considering how crappy ea mma was.
You're crazy. On a both a technical and philosophical level, EA MMA was far superior. The only thing it lacked was the fit and finish + presentation that comes with several iterations, like Undisputed had.

I prefer much more the UFC/THQ buttons sistem.


Oct 9, 2012
give me the UFC rights and I will show you realistic, gameplay, controls will be like UFC 2009 but we won't have too choose muia thia and bjj


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 9, 2010
Classic Fedor + Pride mode and I'm happy.

This sucks ... considering how crappy ea mma was.
You're crazy. On a both a technical and philosophical level, EA MMA was far superior. The only thing it lacked was the fit and finish + presentation that comes with several iterations, like Undisputed had.

What philosophical level did any MMA game had?? Don't smoke and write