Aug 27, 2008
So bought it yesterday and wanted to share some of my thoughts. Game runs very smoothly still the same formula with the peons basically being polygons with sticks at normal difficulties. Best running Dynasty Warriors game of all time hands down. Frame-rate always stays smooth and the lack of fog on the screen at any given time is little to none whatsoever (Love that).

Free Mode is back and it's great. Been playing a lot of the new Co-op story mode and it's kind of strange to be honest. Your officers levels continue to increase and you keep all of the items that you pick up in said mode but your progress doesn't count to your regular single-player story mode so it's kind of like a glorified free mode that you get to experience with a friend.

So online co-op works very very well and for the first time is a truly absolute blast to play the framerate is solid at all times and I've seen no hiccups or fog which is awesome. There are a little bit of strange things that occur that are kind of difficult to explain but I will do my best. It's as if sometimes on screen you and your co-op partner are seeing two semi-different things at once. Sometimes while communicating with my partner I've noticed that he is attacking the same officer that I am but we are several yards away from each other and other times we are attacking the same soldier but one of us doesn't see the damage properly to his bar and they are just defeated in less than a couple of seconds. Other then these strange incurrences the Co-op is very solid and I highly recommend it.

In Story mode it's quite a bit of fun. All of your officers seems to level with the one you are mainly using so the disparity of difficulty doesn't rise and fall depending on who you play as because everybody levels up at the same time, which I personally think is a good idea. There is an abundance of different skills that you can level up as well as personal elements and bonuses to each weapon that you receive while playing which gives random weapon pick-ups a little added fun to it.

Bare with me because I've yet to play a lot so I've yet to see a copied move set yet but from what I've seen between the three characters I've mainly used the abilities of the weapons and the weapon move sets are absolutely sensational and look amazing. The officer weapon affinities give the game a little bit of a rock, paper, scissor strategic value to it but some of greatest moves are when you are facing an officer with an opposite affinity to the weapon you are using and you unleash a crazy technique that just keeps hitting like a freight train. It's great.

From what I've seen thus far this game is shaping up to be one of the very best iterations of Dynasty Warriors, if any of you would like to play with me on online Co-op my PSN is Xx_HandofGod_xX
Oct 2, 2001
so i been playing since tuesdaynight and i tryed the anyone else haveing issues when you go to recruit and some one joins and it says they're selecting a person then they get kicked out? i wanna say 3 people out of 9 connected sofar.
Aug 27, 2008
Me too Terra that's a good point that I didn't bring up at all either. The stage designs are very intuitive and no copies of other maps like I've seen in previous iterations of DW. I'm really liking this game.

Weasel I haven't had much trouble with online but that's just because I play with my brother and nobody else so I wouldn't know of that problem. My bro tried to finish a stage without me the other day and he was having issues just trying to connect to another player online so I don't think he ran into those problems either he just couldn't find anybody else to play with.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
It's a great game overall but Ambition Mode gets dull very quickly. The great story mode definitely makes up for it though.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
I can't find an option to apply Japanese voice-overs. How come the English voice-overs are available at the moment?
Aug 27, 2008
Gohan I think you would be pleasantly surprised, it's the most solid DW I've played in a very long time. It brings back the objectives to do in levels like in 4 but it does a very good job of letting you know and understand what is meant to be done in order to get these objectives done. Some maps are obviously more vague and challenging than others. Saving Sun Ce from death comes to mind but others are very easy.

The beautiful thing about it is that every weapon has there own individualized move sets and there's over like +70 different weapons so every character has that unique feel. I've ran through Shu's and almost done with Wu's and I've yet to see a character with the same Ex-Weapon (Their default weapon). I don't really understand why each person has the ability to use a different weapon but it kind of goes with the Heaven, Man, Earth (Rock, Paper, Scissors) weapon affinity bonus so in case you are not leveled up a bit you can at least take advantage of an officer because you have the opposite that he has.

The story mode is very cool this year they go back to that kingdom premise but this time they give you the option to play as at least 3/4 different officers for every map. These maps are usually customized to benefit those three characters as well so you never feel like, "Dammit why isn't Lu Meng the character here in Fan Castle," because you have the option to play as three of the other ambushing officers that is based off of the actual story.

To be honest before this DW came out I was kind of losing hope for the series, I think 6 and 7 were pretty terrible (In comparison) but this iteration has definitely renewed my faith in Koei for the time being.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
The rage feature is what made the game brought me back to like the Musou series again. I think the Japanese voice-overs isn't there because it may be implemented as a free DLC like from the seventh game. They should have put both voice-overs in it. It did with Samurai Warriors 3 on the Wii before, so I don't know why they left that out again.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003
Loving the game. Found new favourites in the likes of Yue Jin, Xu Shu and Wen Yang. Having just lots of fun being sucked into this game like a damn black hole.

You play a stage, see you've unlocked something... and then find yourself looking at the clock and finally noticing two or three hours have passed. Typical DW affairs at it's very best. :^O


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
framerate sucks though but its better than the last several games, but not enough to bring it back to its original glory, been playing dynasty warriors 3, so far its my favorite.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
framerate sucks though but its better than the last several games, but not enough to bring it back to its original glory, been playing dynasty warriors 3, so far its my favorite.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003
Yeah the frame rate on stages like Chi Bi is horrendous. Playing on Chaos mode for those Lvl 5 weapons on stages like Chi Bi can make prioritizing conditions somewhat frustrating especially. (looking at you, Jia Chong)


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
The patch for the 360 should be incoming within the next few weeks, as well as the JP voice option.

I actually have really enjoyed this game. It's packed to the brim with good content and I think more people should be giving it a go.