
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Idk why but I still on occassion though not lately still come back too this game but none of the others. I hate all the current gen titles all suck and not very fun.

If I'm ever to buy another dw game it needs to be massively improved and changed somehow. Maybe add a unique story for once. Make it rated M add blood and gore!

I can only really play this game when really drunk since it's just pure button mashing good for just getting your mind off stuff just let your mind go blank and you can play this game for hours.

Man this series sucks! They are all pretty much exactly the same, only the first 4 games were any good in my opinion but thats because back then was pretty new, I still like dynasty warriors 4 and probably always will out of nastalgia.
Aug 9, 2012
But that's the restraint of the series. No matter what the creators do, they can never deviate too far from the history which the game is based on. If what you want is a unique story, I recommend the Warriors Orochi series. That being said, DW7 added the new campaign of Jin, whereas DW8 adds 'what if' and 'alternative ending' missions to let players experience what would have happened if certain parts of the history turned out other wise. DW8 also improved enemy AI to punish players who simply button mash and do not pay attention to the battle situation. Yes, there is much that they can improve, I can count 10 from the top of my head, but what I'm saying is that the newer installments are nowhere as bad as you might think.


Jun 25, 2013
i think they should bring back character creation,equipable items that can level up. survival,timed, and versus mode. and even bodyguards.

1) character creation- i like creating my own characters and having weapons that belonged to fu xi and nu wa.
2) euipable items- i enjoyed fighting and earning better items killing enemies.
3) survival- sometimes you just enjoy testing your officers limits.
4) timed- its fun to complete an obstacle course in the fastest time.
5) versus- I enjoyed facing my friends, may be we can verse players online with our created characters and gain ranks.
6) bodyguards- I would love to have bodyguards that consist of one lieutenant who is a non playable officer from your kingdom and 4 soilders.who can level up.

these are the features i wish they never took out from the game.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I like the old formula of the games, the gameplay and graphics just need hugely altered in order for me to buy another dynasty game ever again. The series is a bad joke now. Before it was fun, enemies could be quite challenging now you see like a thousand enemies on and it's like whatever hit the attack button a few times and they are all dead. No real reason to play these anymore.


Oct 26, 2012
I cherished DW3 and DW4 so much it was a fun journey I had with those games I spent so many hours trying to unlock all the secrets, flee from Lubu, unlock all the characters, and kick Lubu's butt when I came back with my maxed out character. The series just doesn't do much for me now I miss being able to do story mode with all the characters I don't like the formula they have now they only do a select few and the rest are just left for challenge/conquest/free modes.


Oct 26, 2012
i think they should bring back character creation,equipable items that can level up. survival,timed, and versus mode. and even bodyguards.

1) character creation- i like creating my own characters and having weapons that belonged to fu xi and nu wa.
2) euipable items- i enjoyed fighting and earning better items killing enemies.
3) survival- sometimes you just enjoy testing your officers limits.
4) timed- its fun to complete an obstacle course in the fastest time.
5) versus- I enjoyed facing my friends, may be we can verse players online with our created characters and gain ranks.
6) bodyguards- I would love to have bodyguards that consist of one lieutenant who is a non playable officer from your kingdom and 4 soilders.who can level up.

these are the features i wish they never took out from the game.

I really wish they expanded on the bodyguard feature I was hoping in the future they would actually let you direct the officers/bodyguards to do more strategic command like guard such and such character.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yeah thats one of my favorite things about dw3 and 4, is the body gaurds ability to save your ass and actually be useful. I have been waiting for them to make it more badass.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
But that's the restraint of the series. No matter what the creators do, they can never deviate too far from the history which the game is based on. If what you want is a unique story, I recommend the Warriors Orochi series. That being said, DW7 added the new campaign of Jin, whereas DW8 adds 'what if' and 'alternative ending' missions to let players experience what would have happened if certain parts of the history turned out other wise. DW8 also improved enemy AI to punish players who simply button mash and do not pay attention to the battle situation. Yes, there is much that they can improve, I can count 10 from the top of my head, but what I'm saying is that the newer installments are nowhere as bad as you might think.
What put me off since DW5 empires is the way they changed the characters personas and messed around with the weapons my former favourite 'Dian Wei' was changed in to a moron with a ridiculous big boulder and chain #-o


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yeah they gave him his axe back in the 8th game which is actually pretty fun, but I still prefer dynasty warriors 4 since you can create your own body guards and characters. None of the others seem to give you the kind of options that game gave you. Also the music was awesome in that as well.

Once I beat all the story modes in the 8th game which I almost have and none of them play any different well just stick with dynasty warriors 4.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Yeah they gave him his axe back in the 8th game which is actually pretty fun, but I still prefer dynasty warriors 4 since you can create your own body guards and characters. None of the others seem to give you the kind of options that game gave you. Also the music was awesome in that as well.

Once I beat all the story modes in the 8th game which I almost have and none of them play any different well just stick with dynasty warriors 4.
Yeah,that was great fun, I used to kill most of the enemy in a group and leave one for my body gaurds so they could level up


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yeah it's a shame the series has lots it's golden touch. Another thing about this game I dont like is how easy it is, and how hard it is. If you play on normal it's easy as crap good luck dying, but if you play on hard it takes forever to kill an officer that I get bored.

Meh I'll be done with it once I complete all the story modes. They kill characters off too fast though, hell you get to play as dian wei like once and then he is killed off....ok...So a lot of them tend to die off due to mysterious illnesses. Pretty lame.