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Jul 9, 2003
Dragonsworn Gear - Thank you to all the people who helped compile this list for the community!

Ehrayn's website is also updated to reflect the Dragonsworn gear: [link=]Craftsage[/link]

[li] Alb [/li]
enchanted gloves: 15 dex (no cap)
enchanted helm: 15 con (not cap)
spelled helm: 15 quick (not cap)
ensorcelled helm: 15 acu (not cap)
protected helm: To-hit bonus-3% (pve)
enchanted boots: 5% duration of spells
spelled boots: 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots: 5% healing effectiveness
enchanted leggings: 15 str (not cap)
ensorcelled legs: +5 power cap
enchanted arms: 40 hits (not cap)
ensorcelled arms: 5% buff effectiveness
enchanted chest: 2% melee damage
ensorcelled chest: 2% magic damage

Gilded Plate Breastplate: Bonuses: 2% melee damage
Gilded Plate Gauntlets: Bonuses: 15 Dexterity
Gilded Plate Helm: Bonuses: 15 Constitution
Blazed Plate Helm: Bonuses: 3% To-hit bonus (PvE only)
Gilded Plate Boots: Bonuses: 5 Fatigue
Blazed Plate Boots: Bonuses: 15 Quickness
Gilded Plate Greaves: Bonuses: 15 Strength
Gilded Plate Vambraces: Bonuses: 40 Hits

Marked Jerkin 2% Melee Damage
Marked Crown 15 Con
Marked Sleeves 40 Hits
Marked Gloves 5 Fatigue
Marked Legs 15 Str
Marked Boots 15 Dex
Stamped Sleeves 15 Qui
Stamped Boots 2% Magic Damage

tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Gloves - 15 Dexterity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Crown - 15 Constitution
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Crown - 15 Acuity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Boots - 5 Fatigue
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Boots - 5 fatigue cap
tempered Dragonsworn Wrapped Leather Boots - 5% heal bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Leggings - 15 Strength
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Leggings - 5 power cap
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Sleeves - 40 Hits
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Sleeves - 5% buff bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Jerkin - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather (Friar) Robes - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather (Friar) Robes - 5% heal bonus

helm - +15 acuity
robe - +2% magic dmg
gloves - +5% spell duration
legs - +5 power cap
boots - +15 dex
sleeves - +40 hits

helm - 5% buff bonus
robe - +2% melee dmg
legs - +15 strength
sleeves - +15 con

sleeves - +5% heal bonus

helm - +15 quickness

partisan: partisan 5.7 speed (Thrust) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
rapier: rapier 3.9 speed (Thrust) (Thrust). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
war hammer: hammer 3.8 speed (Crush) (Crush). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
fist wrap: wrap 4.1 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
stiletto: stiletto 2.4 speed (Thrust) (Thrust) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
hand wrap: wrap 3.5 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
blade whip: whip 3.0 speed (Slash) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer chain: chain 3.6 speed (Crush) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
bardiche: bardiche 5.2 speed (Slash) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
long sword: sword 4.0 speed (Slash) (Slash). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer: hammer 2.5 speed (Crush) (Crush) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
short sword: sword 2.8 speed (Slash) (Slash) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great sword: sword 5.1 speed (Slash) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great hammer: hammer 5.5 speed (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
tuck: tuck 5.3 speed (Thrust) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
lucerne hammer: hammer 5.6 speed (Crush) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap

Dragonsworn Forged Adroit Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 dex
Dragonsworn Forged Mighty Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 str
Dragonsworn Forged Insightful Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 acuity
Dragonsworn Forged Protector's Buckler - 2.8spd - 2% melee damage
Dragonsworn Forged Rejuvenating Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% heal
Dragonsworn Forged Accomodation Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% buff

Dragonsworn Adroit Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Mighty Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Insightful Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Acuity
Dragonsworn Rejuvenating Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Healing Effectiveness
Dragonsworn Accomodation Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Stat Enhancement (+buff)
Dragonsworn Protector's Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Fixed Adroit Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Fixed Mighty Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Fixed Speedy Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Qui
Dragonsworn Fixed Protector's Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Long Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Short Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Crossbow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Harmonious Mandolin - Spell duration 5%
Dragonsworn Arpeggio Mandolin - Acuity cap 5
Dragonsworn Mauler Shod Staff - 5.3spd - Str cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Quarterstaff - 5.0spd - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Staff - 3.0spd - Acuity cap 5 - 50 All Focus

[li] Hib [/li]
marked wreath - 15 quick
etched wreath - 15 con
decorated wreath - 3% to hit (pve)
marked hauberk - 2% magic damage
decorated hauberk - 2% melee damage
decorated gloves - 15 dex
marked gloves - 5% healing
decorated boots - 5 fatigue
marked boots - 15 acuity
marked leggings - 5 power bonus cap
decorated leggings - 15 strength
decorated sleeves - 40 hits
marked sleeves - 5% buffing

bespelled hat - 15 acuity
enchanted hat - 5% buffing
enticing hat - 15 quick
bespelled gloves - 15 con
bespelled boots - 15 dex
enchanted boots - 5% spell duration
enchanted pants - 15 strength
bespelled pants - 5 power cap
spell ridden arms - 5% healing
bespelled sleeves - 40 hits
bespelled robes - 2% magic damage
bespelled vest - 2% magic damage
enchanted robes - 2% melee damage
enchanted vest - 2% melee damage

embroidered wreath - 15 con
ensorcelled wreath - 15 acuity
embroidered gloves - 15 dex
embroidered boots - 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots - 5 fatigue cap
embroidered leggings - 15 strength
ensorcelled leggings - 5 power cap
embroidered sleeves - 40 hits
embroidered jerkin - 2% melee damage
ensorcelled jerkin - 2% magic damage

ornamented wreath - 2% magic damage
blazed wreath - 15 acuity
ornamented boots - 15 con
blazed boots - 15 dex
etched boots - 5 fatigue cap
ornamented gloves - 5 fatigue
blazed gloves - 5% healing
blazed leggings - 5 power cap
ornamented leggings - 15 strength
ornamented sleeves - 40 hits
blazed sleeves - 5% buffing
etched sleeves - 15 quick
blazed vest - 2% magic damage
ornamented vest - 2% melee damage

Dragonsworn Rapier - 3.9 spd - Dex cap +5
Dragonsworn Stiletto - 2.4 spd - Dex Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn War Hammer - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hammer - 2.6 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Long Sword - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Short Sword - 2.5 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Great Sword - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Great hammer - 5.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Battle Spear - 5.6 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn War Scythe - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Fist Wrap - 4.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hand Wrap - 3.1 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)

Small: 2.8 Speed
Marked Adroit Buckler: 15 Dexterity
Marked Insightful Buckler: 15 Acuity
Marked Regrown Buckler: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Marked Accommodation Buckler: 5% Stat Enhancement

Medium: 3.5 Speed
Adroit Heater Shield: 15 Dexterity
Mighty Heater Shield: 15 Strength
Speedy Heater Shield: 15 Quickness
Protector's Heater Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Large: 4.2 Speed
Riddled Adriot Leaf Shield: 15 Dexterity
Riddled Mighty Leaf Shield: 15 Strength
Riddled Speedy Leaf Shield: 15 Quickness
Riddled Regrown Leaf Shield: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Riddled Protector's Leaf Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Duskwood dragonsworn short bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn recruve bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler shod staff - 5.3spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler staff - 4.6spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Magus staff - 50 focus to all spell lines and +5 acuity cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Luinneag mandolin - +5 dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Appoggiatura mandolin - +5% duration of spell
Duskwood dragonsworn Adban Trireach mandolin - +5% healing effectiveness

[li] Mid [/li]
Etched Gloves - Dex 15
Etched Helm - Magic damage 2%
Carved Helm - Fatigue Cap 5pts
Etched Boots - Con 15
Carved Boots - Fatigue 5pts
Struck Boots - +3 all melee
Etched Legs - Str 15
Etched Sleeves - Hits 40
Carved Sleeves - Quick 15
Etched Vest - Melee Damage 2%

Bound Boots Fatigue 5pts
Scribed Boots Acuity 15
Bound Helm To Hit Bonus 3% <Pve Only>
Marked Helm Con 15
Scribed Helm Quick 15
Bound Gloves Dex 15
Scribed Gloves Healing 5%
Bound Legs Str 15
Scribed legs Bonus to power bonus cap 5 <works with both power and power% items>
Bound Sleeves Hits 40
Scribed Sleeves Buffs 5%
Bound Haubrek Melee damage 2%
Scribed Haubrek Magic damage 2%

Stitched Starklaedar Gloves - Bonus to Fatigue Item Bonus Cap 5
Stitched Starklaedar Full Helm - Con 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Jerkin - Bonus to Melee Damage 2 %
Tempered Stitched Starklaedar Boots - Fatigue 5 pts
Sewn Starklaedar Boots - Qui 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Leggings - Str 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Sleeves - Hits 40 pts

Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Boots - 15 con
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Boots - 15 dex
Silksteel Dragonsworn Riddled Full Helm - 15 Qui
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Full Helm - 5% Buff bonus
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Full Helm - 15 Acu
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Gloves - 5% Spell duration
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Pants - 5% Power cap
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Pants - 15 Str
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Arms - 5% Healing
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Arms - 40 Hits
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Robe - 2% Magic Dmg
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Chest - 2% Magic Dmg

Long Sword 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Long Sword 1H 3.2 speed Bonus to str cap 5
War Hammer 1H 3.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed War Hammer 1H 3.2 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Double Bladed Axe 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hatchet LH 2.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fang Greave LH 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Moon Claw LH 3.8 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fist Wrap 1H 4.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hand Wrap LH 3.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Great Sword 2H 5.3 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Great Sword 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Hooked Hammer 2H 5.4 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Hooked Hammer 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Battle Axe 2H 5.5 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Battle Axe 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Battle Spear 2H 4.9 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Battle Spear 2H 4.0 speed Bonus to dex cap 5
Hooked Spear 2H 5.1 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5

Delinated Adroit Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Dex 15 pts
Delinated Mighty Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Str 15 pts
Delinated Speedy Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Qui 15 pts
Delinated Pious Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Acu 15 pts
Delinated Protector's Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Bonus to Melee Damage - 2%
Delinated Mending Grave Shield - 4.2 Speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%

Etched Adroit Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Dex 15 pts
Etched Mighty Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Str 15 pts
Etched Speedy Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Qui 15 pts

Tempered Adroit Buckler - 2.8 speed - Dex 15 pts
Tempered Pious Buckler - 2.8 speed - Acuity 15 pts
Tempered Mending Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%
Tempered Accommodation Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Stat Enhancement Spell Effectiveness 5%

Mauler Shod Staff 2H 5.3 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Cap 5
Alloyed Mauler Shod Staff 2H 3.4spd - Bonus to Strength Cap 5
Mauler Staff 2H 4.6 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Cap 5
Archmage Focus Magus 2H 3.0 spd - Bonus to Acuity Attribute Cap 5 - All Spell Lines 50 Levels (50 focus)
Composite Bow 2H 4.5 spd - Bonus to Dex Attribute Cap 5

Sigil Gear

[li]1.85 - New Armors by Realm and type or Ehrayn's in a different layout.[/li]


- New specialty shield recipes have been added to Weaponcrafting in all three realms. These new shield recipes feature the predetermined 5th slot bonus.

1.85 - [link=]New Armors[/link] by Realm and type or [link=]Ehrayn's[/link] in a different layout.

All small shields use 1 Ra gem plus normal materials, medium 2 Ra gems, large 3 Ra gems. None of them require patterns.

Enhanced Small Shields
Sigil Forged Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Forged Mighty Buckler - Str Cap 5
Sigil Forged Insightful Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Sigil Forged Rejuvenating Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Sigil Forged Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5
Sigil Forged Protector's Buckler - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Medium Shields
Sigil Pressed Adroit Heater Shield - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Mighty Heater Shield - Str Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Insightful Heater Shield - Acuity Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Rejuvenating Heater Shield - Heal Bonus 5
Sigil Pressed Accommodation Heater Shield - Buff Bonus 5
Sigil Pressed Protector's Heater Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Large Shields
Sigil Fixed Adroit Tower Shield - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Mighty Tower Shield - Str Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Speedy Tower Shield - Qui Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Protector'sTower Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Small Shields
Rune Tempered Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Rune Tempered Pious Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Rune Tempered Mending Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Rune Tempered Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5

Enhanced Medium Shields
Rune Etched Adroit Cresent Shield - Dex Cap 5
Rune Etched Mighty Cresent Shield - Str Cap 5
Rune Etched Speedy Cresent Shield - Qui Cap 5

Enhanced Large Shields
Rune Delinated Adroit Grave Shield - Dex Cap 5
Rune Delinated Mighty Grave Shield - Str Cap 5
Rune Delinated Speedy Grave Shield - Qui Cap 5
Rune Delinated Pious Grave Shield - Acuity Cap 5
Rune Delinated Protector's Grave Shield - Shield Skill 3
Rune Delinated Mending Grave Shield - Heal Bonus 5

Enhanced Small Shields
Spell Marked Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Spell Marked Insightful Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Spell Marked Regrown Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Spell Marked Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5

Enhanced Medium Shields
Bespelled Adroit Heater Shield - Dex Cap 5
Bespelled Mighty Heater Shield - Str Cap 5
Bespelled Speedy Heater Shield - Qui Cap 5
Bespelled Protector's Heater Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Large Shields
Spell Riddled Adroit Leaf Shield - Dex Cap 5
Spell Riddled Mighty Leaf Shield - Str Cap 5
Spell Riddled Speedy Leaf Shield - Qui Cap 5
Spell Riddled Regrown Leaf Shield - Heal Bonus 5
Spell Riddled Protector's Leaf Shield - Shield Skill 3

All small shields are 2.8 speed, medium are 3.5 and large are 4.2

Spell Marked Luinneag Harp - Dex Cap 5
Spell Marked Appoggiatura Harp - Duration 5
Spell Marked Adban Trireach Harp - Heal Bonus 5

Sigil Harmonious Harp - Duration 5
Sigil Arpeggio Harp - Dex Cap 5

[li]As with all 5th slot items, all 4 Spellcraft slots must be filled with a gem in order to "activate" the 5th slot bonus.[/li]

[li]You may add the item's bonus again as a spellcrafted bonus, such as +28 strength gem on top of the item's +15 strength bonus. The only stat known to have problems is adding more +hits to the 40 hits items.[/li]


Jul 9, 2003
Dragonsworn Gear - Thank you to all the people who helped compile this list for the community!

Ehrayn's website is also updated to reflect the Dragonsworn gear: [link=]Craftsage[/link]

[li] Alb [/li]
enchanted gloves: 15 dex (no cap)
enchanted helm: 15 con (not cap)
spelled helm: 15 quick (not cap)
ensorcelled helm: 15 acu (not cap)
protected helm: To-hit bonus-3% (pve)
enchanted boots: 5% duration of spells
spelled boots: 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots: 5% healing effectiveness
enchanted leggings: 15 str (not cap)
ensorcelled legs: +5 power cap
enchanted arms: 40 hits (not cap)
ensorcelled arms: 5% buff effectiveness
enchanted chest: 2% melee damage
ensorcelled chest: 2% magic damage

Gilded Plate Breastplate: Bonuses: 2% melee damage
Gilded Plate Gauntlets: Bonuses: 15 Dexterity
Gilded Plate Helm: Bonuses: 15 Constitution
Blazed Plate Helm: Bonuses: 3% To-hit bonus (PvE only)
Gilded Plate Boots: Bonuses: 5 Fatigue
Blazed Plate Boots: Bonuses: 15 Quickness
Gilded Plate Greaves: Bonuses: 15 Strength
Gilded Plate Vambraces: Bonuses: 40 Hits

Marked Jerkin 2% Melee Damage
Marked Crown 15 Con
Marked Sleeves 40 Hits
Marked Gloves 5 Fatigue
Marked Legs 15 Str
Marked Boots 15 Dex
Stamped Sleeves 15 Qui
Stamped Boots 2% Magic Damage

tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Gloves - 15 Dexterity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Crown - 15 Constitution
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Crown - 15 Acuity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Boots - 5 Fatigue
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Boots - 5 fatigue cap
tempered Dragonsworn Wrapped Leather Boots - 5% heal bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Leggings - 15 Strength
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Leggings - 5 power cap
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Sleeves - 40 Hits
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Sleeves - 5% buff bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Jerkin - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather (Friar) Robes - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather (Friar) Robes - 5% heal bonus

helm - +15 acuity
robe - +2% magic dmg
gloves - +5% spell duration
legs - +5 power cap
boots - +15 dex
sleeves - +40 hits

helm - 5% buff bonus
robe - +2% melee dmg
legs - +15 strength
sleeves - +15 con

sleeves - +5% heal bonus

helm - +15 quickness

partisan: partisan 5.7 speed (Thrust) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
rapier: rapier 3.9 speed (Thrust) (Thrust). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
war hammer: hammer 3.8 speed (Crush) (Crush). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
fist wrap: wrap 4.1 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
stiletto: stiletto 2.4 speed (Thrust) (Thrust) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
hand wrap: wrap 3.5 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
blade whip: whip 3.0 speed (Slash) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer chain: chain 3.6 speed (Crush) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
bardiche: bardiche 5.2 speed (Slash) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
long sword: sword 4.0 speed (Slash) (Slash). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer: hammer 2.5 speed (Crush) (Crush) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
short sword: sword 2.8 speed (Slash) (Slash) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great sword: sword 5.1 speed (Slash) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great hammer: hammer 5.5 speed (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
tuck: tuck 5.3 speed (Thrust) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
lucerne hammer: hammer 5.6 speed (Crush) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap

Dragonsworn Forged Adroit Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 dex
Dragonsworn Forged Mighty Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 str
Dragonsworn Forged Insightful Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 acuity
Dragonsworn Forged Protector's Buckler - 2.8spd - 2% melee damage
Dragonsworn Forged Rejuvenating Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% heal
Dragonsworn Forged Accomodation Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% buff

Dragonsworn Adroit Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Mighty Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Insightful Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Acuity
Dragonsworn Rejuvenating Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Healing Effectiveness
Dragonsworn Accomodation Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Stat Enhancement (+buff)
Dragonsworn Protector's Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Fixed Adroit Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Fixed Mighty Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Fixed Speedy Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Qui
Dragonsworn Fixed Protector's Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Long Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Short Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Crossbow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Harmonious Mandolin - Spell duration 5%
Dragonsworn Arpeggio Mandolin - Acuity cap 5
Dragonsworn Mauler Shod Staff - 5.3spd - Str cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Quarterstaff - 5.0spd - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Staff - 3.0spd - Acuity cap 5 - 50 All Focus

[li] Hib [/li]
marked wreath - 15 quick
etched wreath - 15 con
decorated wreath - 3% to hit (pve)
marked hauberk - 2% magic damage
decorated hauberk - 2% melee damage
decorated gloves - 15 dex
marked gloves - 5% healing
decorated boots - 5 fatigue
marked boots - 15 acuity
marked leggings - 5 power bonus cap
decorated leggings - 15 strength
decorated sleeves - 40 hits
marked sleeves - 5% buffing

bespelled hat - 15 acuity
enchanted hat - 5% buffing
enticing hat - 15 quick
bespelled gloves - 15 con
bespelled boots - 15 dex
enchanted boots - 5% spell duration
enchanted pants - 15 strength
bespelled pants - 5 power cap
spell ridden arms - 5% healing
bespelled sleeves - 40 hits
bespelled robes - 2% magic damage
bespelled vest - 2% magic damage
enchanted robes - 2% melee damage
enchanted vest - 2% melee damage

embroidered wreath - 15 con
ensorcelled wreath - 15 acuity
embroidered gloves - 15 dex
embroidered boots - 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots - 5 fatigue cap
embroidered leggings - 15 strength
ensorcelled leggings - 5 power cap
embroidered sleeves - 40 hits
embroidered jerkin - 2% melee damage
ensorcelled jerkin - 2% magic damage

ornamented wreath - 2% magic damage
blazed wreath - 15 acuity
ornamented boots - 15 con
blazed boots - 15 dex
etched boots - 5 fatigue cap
ornamented gloves - 5 fatigue
blazed gloves - 5% healing
blazed leggings - 5 power cap
ornamented leggings - 15 strength
ornamented sleeves - 40 hits
blazed sleeves - 5% buffing
etched sleeves - 15 quick
blazed vest - 2% magic damage
ornamented vest - 2% melee damage

Dragonsworn Rapier - 3.9 spd - Dex cap +5
Dragonsworn Stiletto - 2.4 spd - Dex Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn War Hammer - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hammer - 2.6 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Long Sword - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Short Sword - 2.5 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Great Sword - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Great hammer - 5.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Battle Spear - 5.6 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn War Scythe - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Fist Wrap - 4.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hand Wrap - 3.1 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)

Small: 2.8 Speed
Marked Adroit Buckler: 15 Dexterity
Marked Insightful Buckler: 15 Acuity
Marked Regrown Buckler: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Marked Accommodation Buckler: 5% Stat Enhancement

Medium: 3.5 Speed
Adroit Heater Shield: 15 Dexterity
Mighty Heater Shield: 15 Strength
Speedy Heater Shield: 15 Quickness
Protector's Heater Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Large: 4.2 Speed
Riddled Adriot Leaf Shield: 15 Dexterity
Riddled Mighty Leaf Shield: 15 Strength
Riddled Speedy Leaf Shield: 15 Quickness
Riddled Regrown Leaf Shield: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Riddled Protector's Leaf Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Duskwood dragonsworn short bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn recruve bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler shod staff - 5.3spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler staff - 4.6spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Magus staff - 50 focus to all spell lines and +5 acuity cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Luinneag mandolin - +5 dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Appoggiatura mandolin - +5% duration of spell
Duskwood dragonsworn Adban Trireach mandolin - +5% healing effectiveness

[li] Mid [/li]
Etched Gloves - Dex 15
Etched Helm - Magic damage 2%
Carved Helm - Fatigue Cap 5pts
Etched Boots - Con 15
Carved Boots - Fatigue 5pts
Struck Boots - +3 all melee
Etched Legs - Str 15
Etched Sleeves - Hits 40
Carved Sleeves - Quick 15
Etched Vest - Melee Damage 2%

Bound Boots Fatigue 5pts
Scribed Boots Acuity 15
Bound Helm To Hit Bonus 3% <Pve Only>
Marked Helm Con 15
Scribed Helm Quick 15
Bound Gloves Dex 15
Scribed Gloves Healing 5%
Bound Legs Str 15
Scribed legs Bonus to power bonus cap 5 <works with both power and power% items>
Bound Sleeves Hits 40
Scribed Sleeves Buffs 5%
Bound Haubrek Melee damage 2%
Scribed Haubrek Magic damage 2%

Stitched Starklaedar Gloves - Bonus to Fatigue Item Bonus Cap 5
Stitched Starklaedar Full Helm - Con 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Jerkin - Bonus to Melee Damage 2 %
Tempered Stitched Starklaedar Boots - Fatigue 5 pts
Sewn Starklaedar Boots - Qui 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Leggings - Str 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Sleeves - Hits 40 pts

Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Boots - 15 con
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Boots - 15 dex
Silksteel Dragonsworn Riddled Full Helm - 15 Qui
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Full Helm - 5% Buff bonus
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Full Helm - 15 Acu
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Gloves - 5% Spell duration
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Pants - 5% Power cap
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Pants - 15 Str
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Arms - 5% Healing
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Arms - 40 Hits
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Robe - 2% Magic Dmg
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Chest - 2% Magic Dmg

Long Sword 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Long Sword 1H 3.2 speed Bonus to str cap 5
War Hammer 1H 3.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed War Hammer 1H 3.2 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Double Bladed Axe 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hatchet LH 2.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fang Greave LH 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Moon Claw LH 3.8 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fist Wrap 1H 4.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hand Wrap LH 3.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Great Sword 2H 5.3 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Great Sword 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Hooked Hammer 2H 5.4 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Hooked Hammer 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Battle Axe 2H 5.5 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Battle Axe 2H 4.4 speed Bonus to str cap 5
Battle Spear 2H 4.9 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Alloyed Battle Spear 2H 4.0 speed Bonus to dex cap 5
Hooked Spear 2H 5.1 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5

Delinated Adroit Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Dex 15 pts
Delinated Mighty Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Str 15 pts
Delinated Speedy Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Qui 15 pts
Delinated Pious Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Acu 15 pts
Delinated Protector's Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Bonus to Melee Damage - 2%
Delinated Mending Grave Shield - 4.2 Speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%

Etched Adroit Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Dex 15 pts
Etched Mighty Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Str 15 pts
Etched Speedy Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Qui 15 pts

Tempered Adroit Buckler - 2.8 speed - Dex 15 pts
Tempered Pious Buckler - 2.8 speed - Acuity 15 pts
Tempered Mending Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%
Tempered Accommodation Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Stat Enhancement Spell Effectiveness 5%

Mauler Shod Staff 2H 5.3 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Cap 5
Alloyed Mauler Shod Staff 2H 3.4spd - Bonus to Strength Cap 5
Mauler Staff 2H 4.6 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Cap 5
Archmage Focus Magus 2H 3.0 spd - Bonus to Acuity Attribute Cap 5 - All Spell Lines 50 Levels (50 focus)
Composite Bow 2H 4.5 spd - Bonus to Dex Attribute Cap 5

Sigil Gear

[li]1.85 - New Armors by Realm and type or Ehrayn's in a different layout.[/li]


- New specialty shield recipes have been added to Weaponcrafting in all three realms. These new shield recipes feature the predetermined 5th slot bonus.

1.85 - [link=]New Armors[/link] by Realm and type or [link=]Ehrayn's[/link] in a different layout.

All small shields use 1 Ra gem plus normal materials, medium 2 Ra gems, large 3 Ra gems. None of them require patterns.

Enhanced Small Shields
Sigil Forged Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Forged Mighty Buckler - Str Cap 5
Sigil Forged Insightful Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Sigil Forged Rejuvenating Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Sigil Forged Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5
Sigil Forged Protector's Buckler - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Medium Shields
Sigil Pressed Adroit Heater Shield - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Mighty Heater Shield - Str Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Insightful Heater Shield - Acuity Cap 5
Sigil Pressed Rejuvenating Heater Shield - Heal Bonus 5
Sigil Pressed Accommodation Heater Shield - Buff Bonus 5
Sigil Pressed Protector's Heater Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Large Shields
Sigil Fixed Adroit Tower Shield - Dex Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Mighty Tower Shield - Str Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Speedy Tower Shield - Qui Cap 5
Sigil Fixed Protector'sTower Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Small Shields
Rune Tempered Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Rune Tempered Pious Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Rune Tempered Mending Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Rune Tempered Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5

Enhanced Medium Shields
Rune Etched Adroit Cresent Shield - Dex Cap 5
Rune Etched Mighty Cresent Shield - Str Cap 5
Rune Etched Speedy Cresent Shield - Qui Cap 5

Enhanced Large Shields
Rune Delinated Adroit Grave Shield - Dex Cap 5
Rune Delinated Mighty Grave Shield - Str Cap 5
Rune Delinated Speedy Grave Shield - Qui Cap 5
Rune Delinated Pious Grave Shield - Acuity Cap 5
Rune Delinated Protector's Grave Shield - Shield Skill 3
Rune Delinated Mending Grave Shield - Heal Bonus 5

Enhanced Small Shields
Spell Marked Adroit Buckler - Dex Cap 5
Spell Marked Insightful Buckler - Acuity Cap 5
Spell Marked Regrown Buckler - Heal Bonus 5
Spell Marked Accommodation Buckler - Buff Bonus 5

Enhanced Medium Shields
Bespelled Adroit Heater Shield - Dex Cap 5
Bespelled Mighty Heater Shield - Str Cap 5
Bespelled Speedy Heater Shield - Qui Cap 5
Bespelled Protector's Heater Shield - Shield Skill 3

Enhanced Large Shields
Spell Riddled Adroit Leaf Shield - Dex Cap 5
Spell Riddled Mighty Leaf Shield - Str Cap 5
Spell Riddled Speedy Leaf Shield - Qui Cap 5
Spell Riddled Regrown Leaf Shield - Heal Bonus 5
Spell Riddled Protector's Leaf Shield - Shield Skill 3

All small shields are 2.8 speed, medium are 3.5 and large are 4.2

Spell Marked Luinneag Harp - Dex Cap 5
Spell Marked Appoggiatura Harp - Duration 5
Spell Marked Adban Trireach Harp - Heal Bonus 5

Sigil Harmonious Harp - Duration 5
Sigil Arpeggio Harp - Dex Cap 5

[li]As with all 5th slot items, all 4 Spellcraft slots must be filled with a gem in order to "activate" the 5th slot bonus.[/li]

[li]You may add the item's bonus again as a spellcrafted bonus, such as +28 strength gem on top of the item's +15 strength bonus. The only stat known to have problems is adding more +hits to the 40 hits items.[/li]
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