
Jan 25, 2015
Two most impotant passvie for Rogue dual daggers you must have: One is Pincushion passive in Achery skill tree but work perfectly for dual daggers even much better than bow & this is most powerful passive for rogue dual daggers, it extra damage with every hit in 10 sec, you can reach > 20 hit in 10 sec with nomal attack & better if you use spining blades, for example at 1:07 in nomal shadow strike deal 4k damage, at 1:38 when reach high hit combo it deal 10k damage. Two is Sneak Attack passive, when attack dragon to back leg your critical hit chance x2.
When you want use Thousand cuts with ultimate power you must have Pincushion, thousand cut deal 38 hit just in few sec, stack damage number bonus from Pincushion is insane, & Sneak attack, when you use thowsand cuts attack dragon from behind your critical hit chance x2, & you should have Bloodied Prey, it give you 10% damage when your health higher than it, killer's archemy will give you 15% damage each time you use Elixir or drink pottion, it stack 3 time, if you drink 2 potion & use 1 Elixir you will have 45% damage plus, Ambush in Subterfuge tree ignore 50% def after you use stealth 6 sec, cheap shot in Sabotage tree weaken 20% def when you crit & final you must have enhanced thousand cut ring.
To kill dragon with one shot you must have mighty offen tonic, this potion give you 58 main attack damage & 100% crit damage, if you use best dagger your main attack reach 151, 58 attack plus of potion is great, critical change you can reach 90~100% with good weapon + passive Sneak attack then 100% crit damage alway work, you can get this potion recipe from Storm Coast.
If you have all of them you just need two Daggers or Bow ( with good schematic & good update, no need rune ) craft by tier 3 metal to kill dragon.