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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Post for items, quests or whatever you players want archived.

For edits that occur after your edit window has closed, contact an IGN guides/codes/FAQs editor (not a board moderator or manager, unless they've been playing Dragon Age).

[link=]Dragon Age Guides & Walkthroughs[/link] (new submissions archived here)
[link=]Dragon Age Walkthrough[/link] by Misfit119
[link=]Dragon Age Walkthrough & guides[/link] by GamingDragon91
[link=]Dragon Age Gift-Giving Guide[/link] by parico65
[link=]Dragon Age Talent List (XLS and PDF)[/link] by unknown author
[link=]Dragon Age Return to Ostagar Guide[/link] by Greywardens
[link=]Dragon Age Leiliana's Song Guide[/link] by Greywardens
[link=]Dragon Age Origins - Awakening Walkthrough[/link] by Misfit119
[link=]Dragon Age Origins - Awakening Guide[/link] by GamingDragon91
[link=]Dragon Age Origins - Golems of Amgarrak Guide[/link] by GamingDragon91

Specializations Guide by [link=]c00lizz[/link]

Berserker: Learned from Oghren if he likes you. Manual can be purchased from Gorim in the Denerim market place.
Templar: Learned from Alistair if he likes you. Manual can be bought from Bodahn at the party camp.
Champion: A reward for completing Urn of Sacred Ashes or learned from Loghain if he likes you enough.
Reaver: A reward for siding with the Cultists during the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
Spirit Healer: Can be bought in the Wonders of Thedas shop in Denerim or from Levi after you complete Warden's Keep(DLC).
Shapeshifter: Learned from Morrigan if she likes you or purchased from Varathorn at the Dalish Camp.
Arcane Warrior: A reward for freeing the ancient spirit in Elven Ruins Lower Level during Nature of the Beast.
Blood Mage: Only accessible for mages. Enter the fade during Arl of Redcliffe questline and bargain with the Desire Demon there.
Ranger: Manual sold by Bodahn in the party camp.
Bard: Learned from Leliana if she likes you enough or purchased from Alimar in Orzammar.
Duelist: Taught by Isabela at the Pearl Brothel in Denerim if you can beat her at cards or convinces her that you are trustworthy.
Assassin: Taught by Zevran if he likes you enough or bought from Alarith’s Store in the Elven Alienage after the Landsmeet.


Circle Tower (Quartermaster)
Dalish Camp (Varathorn’s Goods)
Denerim Market (Gorim after the Landsmeet)
Ostagar (Quartermaster)
Party Camp (Bodahn’s Wares)

Some, like Bodahn and the Ostagar Quatermaster have more than one backpack available so make sure to check their inventory often.


Circle Tower, Quartermaster (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Dalish Camp, Varathorn (Tome of Skill and Sundry)
Dalish Camp, Varathorn (Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Denerim, Wonders of Thedas after the Landsmeet (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Elven Alienage, Alarith’s Store (Tome of Skill and Sundry)
Haven, Shop Keeper (Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Orzammar Commons, Garin (Tome of Physical Technique)
Orzammar Commons, Legnar (Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Party Camp, Bodahn’s Wares (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Party Camp, Bodahn’s Wares (Tome of Physical Technique)
Random Encounter, Dwarven Merchant (Tome of Skill and Sundry)

Companions by [link=]Robbie922004[/link]

Alistair - Joins your party at Ostagar, part of the main storyline.

Morrigan - Joins your party at Flemeth's Hut, part of the main storyline.

Mabari War Hound - Joins your party shortly after Ostagar if you complete "The Mabari Hound" quest. If you are playing as a Human Noble, he will be in your party without having to do the quest.

Sten - Joins your party if you complete "The Qunari Prisoner" quest and allow him to travel with you.

Leliana - Found in Dane's Refuge in Lothering. She will join your party unless you tell her not to.

Wynne - Found in the Circle Tower during "The Broken Circle" quest. She will join your party unless you kill her.

Zevran - He will ambush you after you've fulfilled at least one of the Grey Warden treaties. After the battle, you can kill him, or talk to him. If you talk to him, he will ask to join your party in exchange for sparing his life.

Oghren - He will join your party during "A Paragon Of Her Kind" quest. He will stay in your party after the quest is concluded.

Shale - Shale will join your party after completing "The Golem in Honnleath" quest ("The Stone Prisoner" DLC)

Secret companion, highlight to read MASSIVE SPOILER - [hl=black]Teyrn Loghain will join your party if you spare him during The Landsmeet, this will however, cause Alistair to leave your party forever.[/hl]


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002

Bioware said:

There is a problem where some people, after having finished Redcliffe the Urn of Sacred Ashes in a specific order performing certain tasks, return to Arl Eamons Bedside but do not find Bann Teagan next to him, making them unable to advance the plot.

You guys have provided some savegames and I have developed a hotfix that should address the issue.

Please note that you should only use this hotfix if your game exhibits these symptoms:

* Lady Isolde is dead
* Connor lives
* The urn of sacred ashes was found.
* The urn quest is marked as 'completed' in your journal.

* Upon returning to Redcliffe castle, bann teagan can neither be found near the fireplace and nor next to the Arl's bedside.

If all these conditions are true, please proceed:

Details can be found here:

thanks for your patience.

-- Georg

Grabbed from the official forums, probably a good idea to have it hanging around here somewhere.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
PC only, the Dwarf Noble origin is bugged so that at the end of it, you lose all your pre-order gear.

Bioware Social Network said:
"I figured it out. After losing the items, go into the 'DLC' menu. Uncheck all of your active DLCs and 'force load' your game. Save. Then go back into your DLC section and re-check all of your DLCs. They should appear in your inventory next time you load your game."


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
The specialization unlocking guide is not only incomplete, but the bigger issue is the fact that it has factual errors. For instance, Wynne can't teach you to be a Spirit Healer, and there's no such class as a "Combat Mage". Could you guys remove it from the sticky until it's complete? Feel free to delete this post after you've resolved the issue.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
Berserker: Learned from Oghren if he likes you. Manual can be purchased from Gorim in the Denerim market place.
Templar: Learned from Alistair if he likes you. Manual can be bought from Bodahn at the party camp.
Champion: A reward for completing Urn of Sacred Ashes or learned from Loghain if he likes you enough.
Reaver: A reward for siding with the Cultists during the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
Spirit Healer: Can be bought in the Wonders of Thedas shop in Denerim or from Levi after you complete Warden's Quest(DLC).
Shapeshifter: Learned from Morrigan if she likes you.
Arcane Warrior: A reward for freeing the ancient spirit in Elven Ruins Lower Level during Nature of the Beast.
Blood Mage: Only accessible for mages. Enter the fade during Arl of Redcliffe questline and bargain with the Desire Demon there.
Ranger: Manual sold by Bodahn in the party camp.
Bard: Learned from Leliana if she likes you enough.
Duelist: Taught by Isabela at the Pearl Brothel in Denerim if you can beat her at cards or convinces her that you are trustworthy.
Assassin: Taught by Zevran if he likes you enough.

That's about everything.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
You can also get shapeshifter manual from the Dalish Camp. Other than that I think you have it spot on. better than the guide in the initial post, anyway. Sng, can we get the spec guide in the initial post deleted now? I don't want people getting false info if we have the right info right here.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
[link=]Equipment Database~[/link]

It has descriptions and locations for every piece of armor, weapon, acceessory, etc. It has links to just about everything you'd need to know about DAO. Talents, companions, attributes, walkthrough, etc. Should be put in the sticky. Great site.

[link=]Dragon Age Wiki~[/link]

It's not %100 complete yet, but new things are being added every day. It's helped me many times while playing, and I think it should be in the sticky.



Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002

Berserker: Learned from Oghren if he likes you. Manual can be purchased from Gorim in the Denerim market place.
Templar: Learned from Alistair if he likes you. Manual can be bought from Bodahn at the party camp.
Champion: A reward for completing Urn of Sacred Ashes or learned from Loghain if he likes you enough.
Reaver: A reward for siding with the Cultists during the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
Spirit Healer: Can be bought in the Wonders of Thedas shop in Denerim or from Levi after you complete Warden's Keep(DLC).
Shapeshifter: Learned from Morrigan if she likes you or purchased from Varathorn at the Dalish Camp.
Arcane Warrior: A reward for freeing the ancient spirit in Elven Ruins Lower Level during Nature of the Beast.
Blood Mage: Only accessible for mages. Enter the fade during Arl of Redcliffe questline and bargain with the Desire Demon there.
Ranger: Manual sold by Bodahn in the party camp.
Bard: Learned from Leliana if she likes you enough or purchased from Alimar in Orzammar.
Duelist: Taught by Isabela at the Pearl Brothel in Denerim if you can beat her at cards or convinces her that you are trustworthy.
Assassin: Taught by Zevran if he likes you enough or bought from Alarith’s Store in the Elven Alienage after the Landsmeet.


Circle Tower (Quartermaster)
Dalish Camp (Varathorn’s Goods)
Denerim Market (Gorim after the Landsmeet)
Ostagar (Quartermaster)
Party Camp (Bodahn’s Wares)

Some, like Bodahn and the Ostagar Quatermaster have more than one backpack available so make sure to check their inventory often.


Circle Tower, Quartermaster (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Dalish Camp, Varathorn (Tome of Skill and Sundry)
Dalish Camp, Varathorn (Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Denerim, Wonders of Thedas after the Landsmeet (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Elven Alienage, Alarith’s Store (Tome of Skill and Sundry)
Haven, Shop Keeper (Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Orzammar Commons, Garin (Tome of Physical Technique)
Orzammar Commons, Legnar (Tome of the Mortal Vessel)
Party Camp, Bodahn’s Wares (Tome of Arcane Technique)
Party Camp, Bodahn’s Wares (Tome of Physical Technique)
Random Encounter, Dwarven Merchant (Tome of Skill and Sundry)


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
Q: How do I get past the Ghost Bridge during the quest for the Urn of Sacred Ashes?

A: Follow these steps to get across.
Step 1: Right one, right two, left three.
Step 2: PC steps on first section of ghost bridge.
Step 3: Right two, left three, left six.
Step 4: PC steps on second section of ghost bridge.
Step 5: Right two, right four, left six.
Step 6: Right four, left one, left six.
Step 7: PC steps on third section of ghost bridge.
Step 8: Right four, right five, left one.
Step 9: Right five, left one, left five.
Step 10: PC crosses successfully.

Note, on the console version as each piece of the bridge becomes solid it remains solid permanently greatly reducing the difficulty of this puzzle.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I wanted to add that with my current Arcane Warrior, Bodahn actually had two Arcane Technique manuals for some reason. I bought the one, and the next time I was back at camp he had another! A good glitch? It was not so with my first mage character. Also, the Wonders of Thedas has always had one my first trip. Well before the Landsmeet.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
powersp said:
I wanted to add that with my current Arcane Warrior, Bodahn actually had two Arcane Technique manuals for some reason. I bought the one, and the next time I was back at camp he had another! A good glitch? It was not so with my first mage character. Also, the Wonders of Thedas has always had one my first trip. Well before the Landsmeet.

There's a bug I've run into several times where Bodahn resets his inventory.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I see. The sticky says that he has two backpacks, but not all of my characters had this happen. The reset glitch perhaps?


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
His inventory, like most merchant's in the game, update either once you start the Landsmeet plot or once you finish it.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I didn't know that. That's great info. Thanks! Although I know for a fact I bought two backpacks off of ole Bodahn before I even went to Denerrim.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005

Alistair - Joins your party at Ostagar, part of the main storyline.

Morrigan - Joins your party at Flemeth's Hut, part of the main storyline.

Mabari War Hound - Joins your party shortly after Ostagar if you complete "The Mabari Hound" quest. If you are playing as a Human Noble, he will be in your party without having to do the quest.

Sten - Joins your party if you complete "The Qunari Prisoner" quest and allow him to travel with you.

Leliana - Found in Dane's Refuge in Lothering. She will join your party unless you tell her not to.

Wynne - Found in the Circle Tower during "The Broken Circle" quest. She will join your party unless you kill her.

Zevran - He will ambush you after you've fulfilled at least one of the Grey Warden treaties. After the battle, you can kill him, or talk to him. If you talk to him, he will ask to join your party in exchange for sparing his life.

Oghren - He will join your party during "A Paragon Of Her Kind" quest. He will stay in your party after the quest is concluded.

Shale - Shale will join your party after completing "The Golem in Honnleath" quest ("The Stone Prisoner" DLC)
Secret companion, highlight to read MASSIVE SPOILER - [hl=black]Teyrn Loghain will join your party if you spare him during The Landsmeet, this will however, cause Alistair to leave your party forever.[/hl]


Dec 22, 2009
im having a problem with the final battle quest.....i have killed all darkspawn at redcliff.....and nothing has happend wut do i do now?....


May 1, 2009
"Shapeshifter: Learned from Morrigan if she likes you or purchased from Varathorn at the Dalish Camp."

This is incorrect. Morrigan will only teach you if you have an approval rating of 50 or LESS. She will not teach it to you if she likes you.

Thadroen said:
im having a problem with the final battle quest.....i have killed all darkspawn at redcliff.....and nothing has happend wut do i do now?....

Go to Redcliff Castle, there are darkspawn there that are part of the quest.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Guide to "Lost In Dreams" (The Fade)

People ask about this quest more than any other, and I would like to help anyone who's simply trying to get through it without too many headaches. There are several different ways to go through it. It can be quite confusing the first time through, and hopefully this simple guide will help.

Before you start reading, it's important to know a few things about this guide. First off, there are several "fonts", that when used, permantly increase their respective attributes. EX: "Font of Strength" or "Essence of Cunning" increase strength and cunning, respectivley. There are a total of 21 fonts throughout the fade. That's 21 attributes that can be gained simply by activating an object. I will not be covering those in this guide. This guide will be the fastest way to go through, but not neccesarily the best way. This guide is for -people who just want to get through The Fade in one piece.


When you first enter The Fade, you'll be in a place called "Weisshaupt Fortress". To get through, you'll have to
talk to the phony Duncan. After a short dialog, you'll do battle with him. He goes down rather easy, so no trouble here. After that, a Fade Pedastal will appear behind him. Activate it, and move into The Raw Fade.

Once in The Raw Fade, you'll meet a man named Niall. No matter what dialog you choose, you will eventually have to leave him. Behind him is a Fade Pedestal. You do not activate it! doing so accomplishes nothing. Instead, go behind him to see a purple portal, activate it. Once you're through, you'll see a mouse being attacked by a demon. You must kill the demon, and the mouse will reward you with a shapeshift ability (no matter your class). These "forms" are 100% neccesary to complete, and get out of The Fade. Nearby you'll see a mouse hole, which, conveniently enough, requires the mouse form you've just picked up. Go through, and continue on your way. You'll be back in The Raw Fade, and now the pedestal is activated.

You must now collect the other three forms. Once you have them, you literally walk through each island on the pedestal using the abilites that each form supplies. At the end of each island (including The Raw Fade) there will be a boss demon that you must kill.

The Forms

Mouse: Allows you to go through mouse holes. Has a stealth ability that allows you to sneak past enemies.

Spirit: Allows you to activate Spirit Doors. Has magic that can heal, and a few damaging spells.

Burning Man: Allows you to walk through fire, which is otherwise impassable. Has a few fire spells and uses whatever weapon you have equpped.

Golem: Allows you to smah Massive Doors. Has an obscene amount of health, defense, and armor. Read notes on The Golem Form at the bottom of this guide!

Collecting Each Form

Once you know how to obtain each form, The Fade quickly becomes a cakewalk. This will be a step-by-step guide that shows you how to get each one. Please note that these steps must be completed in order if you're following the exact method described in this guide.

Step One

From the pedestal, select the island "The Darkspawn Invasion". When you enter here you'll see a locked door and a mouse hole. Use the Mouse Form to go through it. Head forward into the next hole and then from there simply follow the path. Mind your map and keep moving forward (away form where you started). Battle various darkspawn and you'll find another mouse hole near the end of the path, enter it. You'll see a man being attacked by darkspawn who desparatley needs your help. Help him kill every darkspawn and he'll give you The Spirit Form. Only two more to go!

Step Two

Next, head to "The Burning Tower" from the pedestal. Use your collected forms to overcome any of the mentioned obstacles. Don't touch the fire! It causes instant death! Make your way through the tower overcoming any passable obstacles. There will be some that you can't pass yet (Massive Doors). Don't worry about them. Keep going though the tower until you see a mouse hole. There are several here, but the one you want is in a small maze. there are parts of the maxe blocked by fire. Go to each path that isn't, and you'll come across the mouse hole. Go through it. When you emerge, you'll see a man whose anger is literally burning him. Defeat him in combat, and he'll reward you with The Burning Man form, which allows you to pass through fire. Only The Golem remains!

Step Three

Select "The Mages Asunder" from the pedastal. Use The Burning Man form to pass through the fire barriers. Keep advancing through each room, using each form to overcome their respective obstackes. You'll come to a large room with servantsin it. Through there, is another room with a staircase going up. Take the staircase. Keep advancing as usual, and you'll come to a room with an Arcane Horror in it. This room also has a staircase, after dispatching the Arcan Horror, go upstairs yet again. After a bit more trudging, you'll come across a room with two golems and a man in it. After killing the golems, you'll be rewarded with the final form, The Golem!

Step Four

Now that you have each form, the rest is simply a matter of walking through each place while overcoming each obstacle. I'm not going into detail there becaue it would take me hours to cover everything in the fade. Instead I'll break it down simply:

Go to each island. With every form obtained, simply walk through overcoming each obstacle that the game throws at you. At the end of each one will be a boss demon. Each demon will be a different type than the last (exeot for one; two are desire demons). Make sure to go back to The Raw Fade. There's a spirit door in the main hub that allows you to kill the island's boss demon. Once all each demon is killed you must head to the central island to kill Sloth: The demon who imrisoned you. But before you do, go to each "Knightmare" to save your companions. If you don't, you'll be killing Sloth solo, which is no easy feat. Once Sloth is dead, and after a short dialog with Niall (Listen to what he has to say, it's important!) you'll be free. Congratulations!


- [READ] To smash Massive Doors with the golem form, you simply have to activate them. Once you do so don't press anything else! Doing so will cancel the smash action and make it seem like you can't do anything. Sometimes it takes a few seconds for the action to start, so be patient. The golem will throw a boulder at the doorm regardless of wether or not the ability is cooled down or not. [READ]

- Pay attention to what Niall has to say at the end. If you don't, one of the main choices The Broken Circle is simply made for you. A choice that has an impact on the entire game.

- If you're having trouble with a particular fight, a godd strategy is to enter spirit form, cast regeneration, and enter whichever for you want to finish the battle in. Regeneration's effect will still be active on whatever form you decide to change into, including simply staying as your character without picking a form (Unconfirmed on PC, confirmed on both 360 and PS3).

- Remember, this is a speed run guide! If you follow this to the letter you'll be missing many of the 21 fonts. But you'll be missing out on up to 21 attribute points; the equivalent of 7 level ups! This guide is only intended for players who want to get out of The Fade.

- This is the way that I find the fastest, but there are other ways. Different peopole will have different strategies to get through this quest. This way has worked the best for me, but don't be afraid to experiment and try to figure out your own way through The Fade, once you've completed it once or twice. That is, if you're up to the task.
Jan 21, 2010
I have yet to get a back pack at the Circle tower. Thought I got one at Danes refuge at Lothering as well as the merchant there since I ran off the lady there... Second time around - none! Also In denerim I had the marker over Father G's house forever even tho I finished the quest. Kept going to the house/go in and the marker is gone/ come out and marker is back telling me there is an active quest to be had ?????
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