Super Star
Mar 14, 2005
So 2 teasers in and Link has a completely different type of garb than his good ol' green tunic thingy majiggy

Cool beans, now I realize most you (and myself) might go: "well hell, Link doesn't always start mean and green, sometimes he has pajamas and shat"

That's true, but I hope that's not the case. I hope it's and hint at Link barbie dress up doll 2.0. Green tunic is cool being an option, but most RPGs have armor customization off the ass.

"But Zelda is an Action/Adventure, not an RPG you r-tard."

Well that's true, but while Zelda isn't a true fleshed out RPG, I've always thought that it has RPG qualities such as side quests and collecting goodies and such.

In short: What's your opinion on customizing Link's outfit such like AC unity/Watchdogs (In case you haven't played those games and don't know what I'm talking about, you can change your player's clothing but his outfit remains very close to the standard despite the changes made)

I for one, want an option to go from medieval Link to Hoodrat Link (1480 edition) my two cents.


Isn't 50 characters a little overkill for a title?
Jun 8, 2009
Hey, it's If_master! Long time no see!

I dunno that I'm all that interested in being able to change Link's attire purely for aesthetic reasons. I feel like if Link is to change out what he wears, it should have some sort of effect on how you play.

One of the interesting things is that throughout the 2 trailers, we've seen Link wearing that black hooded cloak thing. Even in the gameplay demo at the VGAs, sometimes he was wearing it, and sometimes he wasn't. I'm guessing the cloak has some sort of significance.

One idea I've seen is that the cloak would serve some sort of purpose in being able to sneak around. I don't think it's likely, but it's an idea. The cloak has to have SOME reason for existing though, right?

It'd be neat if changing what you wear changes the way people interact with you. Like, if you're wearing the cloak, some townsfolk might not trust you enough to give you a hint about something. Almost like the dynamic of wearing certain masks to gain access to different things in MM.


The Return of Nubbiness
Aug 27, 2006
I like the idea of changing it just for aesthetic reasons, although I think it might work better in games like Bayonetta where they're constantly trying to get you to look at the protagonist.

I also generally like where Hex is going with the idea of wearing masks in MM and how that affected the gameplay and how that would translate over to Zelda U. If what you wore affected how people reacted to you, though, it might start to feel a bit too much like high school again. [face_worried]


May 16, 2009
Corneria (England :P)
Nice ideas guys

At the very least it would be like OoT with some different tunics which had different uses but you could wear them whenever really for aesthetic reasons. I do feel like we will be able to customise Link in some capacity, which would be neat. Also that hood/cloak thing is kinda weird, I'm gunna guess Link is a vigilante or is framed for a crime like in ALttP or something.


Super Star
Mar 14, 2005
Nice ideas guys

At the very least it would be like OoT with some different tunics which had different uses but you could wear them whenever really for aesthetic reasons. I do feel like we will be able to customise Link in some capacity, which would be neat. Also that hood/cloak thing is kinda weird, I'm gunna guess Link is a vigilante or is framed for a crime like in ALttP or something.
The tunic system is an old relic if you ask me.

Red for fire, blue for water

However, different clothing pieces having different effects Ala Majora's mask & masks sounds neat.

Preferably, I'd like to see the RPG style of things where a hat gives you +4 strength, shirt +2 agility, but hey a hood giving you sneaking abilities or floaty boots making you floaty is fine too.

Again, RPG style of Stats is where I'd like the franchise to go as it's already expanding into the open world scene.

Legend of Zelda: Dragons Dogma

*boner engaged*


Isn't 50 characters a little overkill for a title?
Jun 8, 2009
Personally, I'm glad the Zelda franchise avoids numeric stats. I value the Zelda franchise being as approachable as it has been historically. Rather than numeric stats, I like seeing very concrete, tangible effects like floatiness or hovering. I always felt like numeric stats kinda kill immersion because it makes everything feel like a math problem, rather than things feeling intuitively centered around functionality.


The Return of Nubbiness
Aug 27, 2006
Yeah, I love RPGs, but if Zelda goes the true-RPG route, then how many true adventure games are left? Platformers have already died out, don't let the same thing happen to my favorite franchise.


Super Star
Mar 14, 2005
Yeah, I love RPGs, but if Zelda goes the true-RPG route, then how many true adventure games are left? Platformers have already died out, don't let the same thing happen to my favorite franchise.

It's possible to mix water and sugar mate.

While I wouldn't want Zelda to turn into a full blown RPG, can't complain if it borrows elements from other franchises (snowboarding, Fishing, Guitar Hero) even for small segments.

Numeric value or not, the customization option is still a plus for me.

Personally, I'm glad the Zelda franchise avoids numeric stats. I value the Zelda franchise being as approachable as it has been historically. Rather than numeric stats, I like seeing very concrete, tangible effects like floatiness or hovering. I always felt like numeric stats kinda kill immersion because it makes everything feel like a math problem, rather than things feeling intuitively centered around functionality.
I see the concern mate, but numeric stats do not equal a math problem as per say a math problem requires a precise answer to the problem (2*6+_=18) and numeric stats just adds value to your equipment and makes Link look Kewl

So better gauntlets, stronger sword, faster boots = more win. Simple enough, though I said I see your concern


Isn't 50 characters a little overkill for a title?
Jun 8, 2009
Here's sort of another topic for discussion: when a lot of RPGs do stat-changing equipment, that change is often not reflected in the actual appearance of the character, because oftentimes, players want to mix and match various equipment in order to achieve a desired result, and if the equipment changed visually, it might be a bit disjointed. Balancing stats and actual outward appearance is a bit of a challenge to achieve.

Something we've already seen in Zelda is progressive improvements in Link's attire, but one thing I don't like about that is that you can't revert back to a different look without also downgrading your equipment. Also, in that kinda instance, there's no logical reason for wanting to go unequip the superior outfit because there weren't any tradeoffs, which is why they don't really give you the ability to go back to an earlier tunic in the first place.

In my ideal world, I think it'd be cool to have a lot of equipment that provides tradeoffs, but all of the equipment looks like it belongs to a single set, so you don't end up wearing mismatched equipment.

For example, you could have speedy boots, but those boots would match whatever tunic you're wearing, but these boots would reduce traction or something, making platforming segments more difficult. Or you could have gauntlets that give Link more attack power, but they slow you down. What I certainly don't want to see is the sheer quantity of different equipment that is common in a lot of RPGs. Give me a decent amount of options, but not so much that it's not clear what combinations best fit various scenarios or play styles.


Super Star
Mar 14, 2005


Edit: Lord I hate digging up old posts. Some of my posting in 2000's must've been down right embarrassing

However, I still called it
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