
No Longer a Noob
Jul 25, 2009
It took a while but god damn I love this album. It is absolutely batshit and insane and I’m sitting here finishing my 5th listen ready for midnight mass. I don’t care if it’s considered a bloated mess by a million prewritten think pieces. I don’t give a shit what controversies he uses to promote his music. I love that he literally lit himself on fire for this shit and locked himself in a basement for weeks because he knew he couldn’t focus. Music fucking sucks right now and this is the first album in a long time that made me think of checking back in on this place. I miss feeling this way. There are songs that bring me back to graduation, yeezus, 808s, pablo era - theres a throwback to every album that came before it. I don’t care that it’s cheesy. I don’t care that come to life turns into the best song journey ever wrote. I don’t care that he sounds out of breath on off the grid it’s his best effort in a long time. I don’t even care that there’s multiple versions of the same song. I even fucking love that it doesn’t have a concrete message other than that he’s lonely, upset but possibly coming to terms with it. It’s just him escaping with music and it is beautiful.


Super Star
Aug 26, 2007
I've only listened once but my feelings were that it's somewhat of a return to form, but i also felt like it was a little bit by the numbers. I wasn't really shocked by anything i heard, i didn't laugh at all. i wasn't really moved emotionally by it in any direction. it was just kind like "yeah, this is definitely kanye"
but i'll give it a couple more shots.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2020
Ao Island
Gave it a couple listens. It's pretty mid for me. Not terrible but not the best he has to offer. Nothing really stuck out besides 3 - 4 tracks. I feel like this would have been better as a 30-minute EP.