
Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hey, was woundering. Does the Ozar Midrashim theme play in any of the other games(the theme that plays during the intro to Soul Reaver 1). Cause I'm playing Soul Reaver 2 now, and have yet to hear it. I know they play it for a brief moment during the opening to Defiance, but thats it. I would rather hear the song playing while I'm playing the game. The only time they did this, was on Soul Reaver 1 when you first enter Raziels Clan territory. But this was on PS1, and the audio was not as top notch(though it played perfectly during the intro). But since the other games are on PS2, it should record better. So do they play that song on any of the other games during gameplay, or at all.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Uhhhhhhhhhh, first off. Is it my fault the board is dead? 2nd the point of the board is to discuss the game. Thrid, if your not going to answer my question, THEN DON'T SPEAK!


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
j0siris1 said:
Uhhhhhhhhhh, first off. Is it my fault the board is dead? 2nd the point of the board is to discuss the game. Thrid, if your not going to answer my question, THEN DON'T SPEAK!

:^O :^O <--(George, Alex, take note)

1.) It is your fault.
2.) You're discussing music, not a game. If you want, IGN has music boards for that very subject.
[face_nerd] <--(note)
Thrid.) I don't want to tell you... and you're not the boss of me.

Lastly, [face_dancing]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Did you not hear what I said the first time? Why repost if you're not answering my question? Also, I'm not just discussing music, I'm discussing the game. I'm asking if that music plays in any of the other sequels. So how is that not a question about the game? Why would I go to the music section to ask that question? If I did that, then some other mod wannabe would tell me to ask that question in the LOK board. Since I can see that noone will answer my question, I'll just leave this "dead board" that I supposedly killed. As a simple harmless question ingnites an argument from a dumbass with a fetish for emotion icons.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Dude just wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Be_Afraid_%28album%29#Use_in_video_games and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Harland#Video_games. That should give you a start.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
IRMacGuyver said:
Dude just wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Be_Afraid_%28album%29#Use_in_video_games and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Harland#Video_games. That should give you a start.

Now, Macguyver, it's not like this is the internet where anything can be found...with minimal effort.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Thanks, thats all I asked was a simple answer to a simple question. Not to be attacked on a message board for no apparent reason. But Wikipedia is not really a reliable source, thats why I didn't try it. And I've never really heard of Information Society. But thanks again.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
How dare you attack the Wiki, it's been proven just as accurate as those old Britanicas taking up space in your closet, go check how they classify Pluto. And Insoc rocks check their classic "Whats on Your Mind(Pure Energy)", everyone's heard it they just might not know where its from.