
No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Simple question. As we know most Zelda titles are only loosely connected to one another. Most games have a few references to one another, but otherwise take place hundreds/thousands of years apart. Most feature new incarnations of Link and Zelda. However there are a handful of LOZ games which take place as direct sequels set years apart at most.

*Zelda 2 was a direct sequel to Zelda 1, featuring the same Link, though not the same Princess Zelda.
*Link's Awakening starred the same Link as A Link to the Past (though some theorized it could have been retconed to Oracle's Link).
*Majora's Mask takes place almost immediately after Ocarina of Time.
*Oracle of Seasons/Ages exist as two separate parts of one story.
*Four Swords Adventures is a direct continuation of Four Swords story (though its not clear if they feature the same Link/Zelda).
*Phantom Hourglass takes place within a year or so of Wind Waker.
*Triforce Hero's feature the same Link from A Link between World's according to Nintendo (though I doubt if TFH is even canon).

There are also Zelda games that while not direct sequels in the strict sense could be considered spiritual successors. A Link between Worlds is a clear continuation to A Link to the Past both in story and tone. Spirit Tracks features characters that were alive during Phantom Hourglass. Wind Waker, though thousands of years apart from Ocarina of Time continues its story with Ganondorf. Finally Skyward Sword is a distant prequel to Ocarina of Time.

Now that we've dredged up the past we come to Breath of the Wild. Mild spoilers to those who haven't beat the game. It ends with Calamity Ganon sealed away indefinitely, the champions spirits departed, and Zelda returning to a Hyrule that's left in ruins, but now peaceful. In the secret ending Zelda says divine beast Vah Ruta has stopped working and they should visit the Zora king to inform him. That brings me to the threads main question.

Does Breath of the Wild deserve a sequel of any sort? It could take place directly after the end of the game where we find out what's happening to the divine beasts. It could be interesting to see how the world reacts to the prospect of Hyrule being rebuilt, or what will happen now that there's ancient advanced technology lying abandoned all over the place. The next Zelda could also feature a completely new story and tone, but feature the same Link and Zelda.

Majora's Mask was a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, but the two games were nothing alike. Speaking of MM, reusing the previous games assets could help boost the next game along in development, which could be another benefit to a BOTW sequel. There's also the possibility of going backwards and having a BOTW prequel set either 100 years or 10,000 years before the game in its backstory.

I've also included an option for a spiritual successor to BOTW. This wouldn't feature the same characters, but would feature a distant continuation of the games story or tone. Think of that the same way you would ALTTP and ALBW, or OOT and TWW. Finally let me know if you think the series needs to move on and have a completely new story with little or any connection to BOTW. Prehaps the game didn't include enough meaningful content to continue on with and its time for something fresh.
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Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
I could go for a prequel to BotW, simply because I felt the story lacked in certain areas, mainly villain development. If there was a prequel, perhaps they could fix that. I loved BotW, but something about the characters didnt do it for me. A prequel could salvage that.

I think we will undoubtedly have a spiritual sequel in that Zelda games for the forseeable future will be open world and focus heavily on exploration.

Ultimately I've always felt Zelda games should be more connected instead of one and done and then a new hero. One of the many great things about MM was that the hero was the same - we were already invested and felt more connected because of it. It's kind of like origin stories in super hero movies. We don't need to see how Spider-man gets bit each time. Instead lets focus more on link doing link stuff, instead of retelling the same stories in different ways.


Khajiit Plenipotentiary
Oct 8, 2005
I'd like a direct sequel, personally. I loved the world, but it was so ....I dunno. Cloned enemies everywhere. It would be cool to see it built up. Maybe we don't even fight ganon again, but there's some other problem we have to fix.


𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
Apr 24, 2010
I’d prefer a spiritual successor. Set many years after the first game, with a repurposed map that shows us the rebuilt Hyrule. Different Link and Zelda, if only because a long time would have to pass for the change I want to see to be believable, and an original villain, preferably one with a bit of personality!


King of TL;DR
Sep 21, 2005
If the story connects, but is a new story, that would probably be my favorite option. I really do enjoy how Champion's Ballad fleshed out the characters. (I recommend everyone read the diaries that appear in the champions' native villages!) A game that is connected in some way could develop this new, sort-of-rebooted Zelda universe even further.

I like that this Link has more history as a hero than most other Links, but I would be open to a new Link if there was some interesting way it was still connected to the events of BotW.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
If the story connects, but is a new story, that would probably be my favorite option. I really do enjoy how Champion's Ballad fleshed out the characters. (I recommend everyone read the diaries that appear in the champions' native villages!) A game that is connected in some way could develop this new, sort-of-rebooted Zelda universe even further.

I like that this Link has more history as a hero than most other Links, but I would be open to a new Link if there was some interesting way it was still connected to the events of BotW.

That seems like a reasonable option. I like it.


Original poster

The story is interesting pre-Calamity Ganon but it is not interesting after. Then again, I feel like the end of Ocarina of Time might have been interesting to see where Navi went but they went in a completely different direction with the "direct sequel" so maybe that could work. A Majora's Mask like twist on the world would be interesting, but it doesn't really feel like something I'd want outright.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Ultimately I've always felt Zelda games should be more connected instead of one and done and then a new hero. One of the many great things about MM was that the hero was the same - we were already invested and felt more connected because of it. It's kind of like origin stories in super hero movies. We don't need to see how Spider-man gets bit each time. Instead lets focus more on link doing link stuff, instead of retelling the same stories in different ways.

That's sort of my opinion on this. I think the next Zelda game should go on the same path Majora's Mask did to Ocarina of Time. I've thought about having a sequel that explored having the Yiga clan hijack the divine beasts, or a foreign entity trying to prevent Hyrule from ever rebuilding again. Unfortunately though I think idea's like that would be more the stuff of fan-fictions rather than a story to build an entire game around.

But I still like the idea of continuing on with Breath of the Wild's Link and Zelda. In my opinion Hyrule has been expanded upon enough in BOTW that there's not much more they could add to the overworld with the Switch's current technology. I have a feeling another switch game set in Hyrule would have the same locations only slightly shifted around. Also I feel Ganon has to take a rest for awhile or else he risks being overused.

I think the next game needs to set in a different kingdom with a new villain. While you could do that with a new reincarnation of Link and Zelda, it's makes more sense to bring back the existing ones. Rather than having to establish their backgrounds from scratch, you can have the prologue say "Hey, you see this guy and the princess? They were a badasses that saved the world. Now on to the main story...".

I'm actually not opposed to seeing another game set in Termina if they were to expand upon it the same way BOTW expanded upon Hyrule. It would also give them an excuse to reuse assets from the previous game and speed up the years long development time Zelda is notorious for. As long as they didn't try and copy Majora's Mask's story too closely I'd be up for it.
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My vision is augmented
Sep 21, 2004
I could see it working out if they develop the world more and make enough changes or just set it in another kingdom as suggested. Plus, the villian this time should actively work against you instead of just sitting there waiting for you like with Calamity Ganon.

BotW laid out a pretty good foundation with it's world that they could easily build upon with more lore.
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
I thought BotW provided enough story content to please. Loved it. Perhaps because I have played multiple accounts of the game, and the characters simply started growing on me.

A sequel or prequel can make sense. Most likely, a sequel where everything Link uses on his Sheikah Slate returns with new items included. But idk...they would have to make dramatic changes to keep things interesting. When I mean sequel, I also mean that they pull a Majora's Mask. That would be interesting. Maybe a return of masks. lol

Other than that, if a sequel does not happen, then a brand new Zelda adventure that uses the BotW formula and improves it. Add secret grottos, new enemies like Darknuts, Stalfos, Dodongos, and Like Likes.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 21, 2017
i want better sequel with more dungeons and this time makes all the bosses different not same person and green clothes closer to the begin and mastersword achievable after 1st 3 dungeons, companion fairy, Add secret grottos, new enemies like Darknuts, iron knucklers, Stalfos, wolfos, Dodongos, and Like Likes.
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Feb 22, 2018
I wouldn't mind having the same world, but completely revamped. Or having the same world but bigger! I think they need to do at least one sequel like Majora's Mask was to Ocarina.


Termina Moon Society
Sep 10, 2000
Clock Tower
I would like the next Zelda to follow Breath of the Wild's design template and in an attempt to reduce its long development cycle, even reuse the engine, the world, the art style and the assets. That said, I would like for the new game to only be a spiritual sequel because that would free Nintendo from story elements in Breath of the Wild which weren't best to begin with. Thinking of what I would like the Zelda franchise to go next thematically, maybe a nearby land other than Hyrule could work best. Having a sci-fi theme to it might also be exciting enough to go through the same motions, but with new exciting tech. A cyberpunk Zelda could be cool.



Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2018
I picked none bcuz the only thing i want. Is voice acting no breakable weapons no stupid stamnia meter and no sandbox I want them to make a Zelda that's traditional but still evolved if they want larger scoped world they need to take some references to tww


Certified Narutard
Jul 18, 2006
Breath of the Wild's story and characters were absolutely perfect for the type of game they were going for and is something I absolutely want to see more of.

A direct sequel to Breath of the Wild is probably the thing I want most from the series right now. The concept of allowing me to play what I want, when I want, and a story that requires I tune in for next to none of it outside of what I want to see, is something that more games need to do. That sense of awe, wonder, discovery was something I was allowed to experience myself, rather than just shallowly portrayed through the avatar I controlled in the game. I wanted to know more about Princess Zelda, the various Shiekah, and the people trying to survive and cope in a decimated and dying world. I was allowed to do all that, at my own pace, through simply playing the game and through my own effort. That's an irreplaceable aspect of gaming as a medium that isn't tapped into even remotely enough.

As for a sequel? For there to be a need, there'd have to be things you can expand in its story, characters, and game play and there's lots of room for all 3. BOTW Zelda was my favorite iteration of the character and I'd love to see more of how she's continued to grow and mature after what we see in the first game. The game itself left a lot to improve as well. I'd love to see half the number of shrines if it meant my exploration and effort was rewarded with more variety. I'd love to see even more overworld bosses, maybe even post-game bosses that are just an absolute battle to get through. I'd love to see them expand the number of items (but only if they're as thoughtfully implemented as the first game's). Maybe even add more survival elements! There's a ton left that they could do as long as they don't get in the way of what they pulled off in the first game. An apt comparison would be what made the first Dark Souls game feel so magical and then the sequel completely stripped itself of almost every bit of it. I feel confident that Nintendo knows what they were going for in BOTW and would avoid those mistakes.
Mar 7, 2015
I would say a spiritual sequel maybe with a new Link and Zelda in the same world. I just hate Zelda in that game and Link comes off as a bit aloof. Hopefully there would be a better version of those two in the same or similar open world. I hope that you can explore under water and maybe even go into the sky too. Unless there's going to be no story for the direct sequel, I don't want a direct sequel.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
Well, there is already a direct sequel coming out now, but I'll answer anyway. I think there should be a direct sequel. In my opinion, the game was fun, but there were only four dungeons. That is why the game was so short. I loved the game, though. That is why I can't wait for this new sequel.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
Well, there is already a direct sequel coming out now, but I'll answer anyway. I think there should be a direct sequel. In my opinion, the game was fun, but there were only four dungeons. That is why the game was so short. I loved the game, though. That is why I can't wait for this new sequel.
I mostly agree. My suggestion is to mix things up to expand and increase play time. Focusing on the main quest may shorten the game. I would do a little exploring, do a side quest here, then take on a dungeon when you feel like it. Totally agree, though. The sequel's the perfect opportunity to bring back huge, explorable dungeons with neat puzzles and add explorable caves and secret grottos.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
Spiritual sequel for sure. The gameplay was phenomenal. But the story wasn’t that amazing and I would prefer a different story. It can be a direct sequel, but let’s explore something other than Ganon.