
Apr 14, 2008
This week, we take a trip to India for what should be a much needed Yaz episode. More importantly, Chinball didn't write it. [face_dancing]

@CrimsonTriden7[URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@mariofreak91[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@kogunenjou[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Raccoon2117[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@ZERO_ninja[/URL][/URL]@ wintermute0[URL=''][URL='']@Milky_Blue[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@J0HN_L0CKE[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@RedFeather1975[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dalekbuster523[/URL][/URL]
Nov 12, 2018
I've got to be honest of all the episodes of Season 11 so far, this one is probably the one I like least.

My main issue with this episode is that it follows pretty much the exact same premise of "Rosa" with the "Do not interfere" thing which I feel was much better handled in that episode. This entire episodes premise was clearly to focus on Yas's backstory by placing her in past events with her Grandmother and it does that well with strong character moments from Yas and it has to be said Bradley Walsh who once again showed real heart in this episode.

Now the Doctor is well known not interfering with events in history usually involving important historical events as we saw in Rosa however when someone's life is on the line he/she has broken that rule on several occasions because that's what the Doctor does, she/he helps people yet here she's seemingly fine letting a guy get shot. However what really felt out of place in this episode were the Alien guys who's name I forget because the first half of the episode really plays up the mystery of who these guys are and what they want but in the second half they're shown to be a red herring who simply want to observe events so that people who meet their fate don't do so alone. Similar to the villain from Rosa it really feels like you could remove these dudes from the plot and it wouldn't change a single thing although I will say these dudes had more of an interesting backstory and I'd love to know why their planet was destroyed.


Apr 14, 2008
3.5, rounding up for the poll. While certainly not perfect, a different writer provides a much needed breath of fresh air. I liked the concept of the aliens although they should have dropped the spooky evil motif from the beginning if they really weren't up to anything. You could definitely tell it was a budget episode, including the shot with the camera in frame that they apparently couldn't afford to reshoot. [face_tongue]

Has chinball written every other episode so far? because yikes if so
This is the first one he didn't at least co-write, although he may have done some cleanup work here and there. RTD and Moffat often did some rewriting on episodes they aren't credited with.
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