
Apr 14, 2008

@CrimsonTriden7[URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@mariofreak91[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@kogunenjou[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Raccoon2117[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@ZERO_ninja[/URL][/URL]@ wintermute0[URL=''][URL='']@Milky_Blue[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@J0HN_L0CKE[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@RedFeather1975[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dalekbuster523[/URL][/URL]

Did everyone get eaten by spiders last week? [face_worried]


The Arbiter of Objective Truth
Oct 2, 2009
5 episodes in and the show is failing to ever find its feet. The same problems that have plagued this series are rampant in this episode and I'm getting a little tired repeating them honestly. Dialogue is bad, the episode lacks any creativity or dramatic tension, one off characters lack depth, even the recurring characters lack depth! Though Graham continues to be charismatic even if he wasn't given a lot this episode and Ryan definitely has been improving as a character in the previous episode and this one. The Doctor still fails to really become strong or interesting as a character though and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with Chibnall's complete lack of attempt to really flesh out Jodie's Doctor as her own. Also, does it really take that long to rack your brain about what a creature that shows no interest in doing anything but eating, eating and eating wants? I know there have been examples before of the Doctor missing the obvious answers, but those weren't this level of obvious. It really doesn't help credibly sell how brilliant the Doctor is when her eventual revelation is that the creature, which appears only interested in eating, is in fact only interested in eating.

Hopefully the next 4 episodes, that all lack Chibnall as the main writer, can help make these characters and this era work for me to some extent. However, 5 episodes of Chibnall in it's unfortunately gone exactly how I expected when he got the gig and, while I hope he improves and eventually finds his groove, as it stands right now I'm already ready for his replacement to happen.
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Apr 14, 2008
Way better than last week, despite a bit too much exposition here and there. The creature ripped Stitch off a bit but not too badly. I would have liked to see the android actually do something, though.


Dancing Penguin
Aug 4, 2011
Hello, I have not seen that episode yet I don't think. I've been a way for a long time. I will check it out and rate later.


Dancing Penguin
Aug 4, 2011
I got to see it today. I liked it a lot better than the spider episode! It is interesting to have stories without a tardis saving the day too. So far I like the first episode and this one best.