
Apr 14, 2008
Just as things were getting better, its the end of the series and time for another Chinball episode. [face_cry]

Who will survive the Battle of the Silly Name? Will Yaz get anything to do and will Ryan's acting improve at all? Will a dalek sneak in before the end of the year or will the contract rumor finally die? Will more than two of us even watch it?

[URL=''][URL='']@CrimsonTriden7[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@mariofreak91[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@kogunenjou[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Raccoon2117[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@ZERO_ninja[/URL][/URL]@ wintermute0[URL=''][URL='']@Milky_Blue[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@J0HN_L0CKE[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@RedFeather1975[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dalekbuster523[/URL][/URL]
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Apr 14, 2008
This episode confirmed something for me: I don't like Thirteen. I'm not talking about Whittaker. I'm talking about the character. This Doctor pays lip service to kindness and pacifism but routinely doesn't care when people die outside her direct vision. When she can see it, it's "HOW DARE YOU KILLING IS BAD etc." Didn't see it? Eh, whatever. Spiders can go suffocate off screen. It's cool. Bubble wrap killed that girl I met earlier. Oh well.

Let's say you give someone directions and they proceed to find their destination and shoot the place up. Of course it wasn't your fault. You didn't know what they were planning. That said, if you have a shred of empathy, you're going to at least feel mildly guilty for a bit. The Doctor inadvertently put the bad guy in position to commit five genocides. Her response? "Hey, don't put this on me!" I don't buy this character having such a flippant response to that. Not even Six at his douchiest would feel that way.

A great twist would be that this is part of the plan and that Thirteen is actually a bit of a sociopath who pretends to be the empathetic person she supposedly strives to be. Her arc could be learning to be that Doctor that Twelve hoped she would be with his final speech. Unfortunately, I don't think Chibnall is that smart.

The rest of the episode was okay. Graham is still the best part of the series, Ryan is still a poor actor, and Yaz still barely exists.