
Apr 14, 2008
Is it time for the board to regenerate? The next season starts tomorrow!


Will Chinballs be a good replacement for Moffat? Will Whittaker be another great Doctor? Will someone on the internet yell at you regardless of your opinion of the latter? Will the Daleks make their totally not required appearance to satisfy the contract that absolutely doesn't exist?

@CrimsonTriden7[URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@mariofreak91[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@kogunenjou[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dante86dmc[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Raccoon2117[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@ZERO_ninja[/URL][/URL]@ wintermute0[URL=''][URL='']@Milky_Blue[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@J0HN_L0CKE[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@RedFeather1975[/URL][/URL][URL=''][URL='']@Dalekbuster523[/URL][/URL]

No spoilers until it airs plz [face_shhh]
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The Dragon of the West
Jan 21, 2010
My tea shop
Oooo! Can you tag me when the simulcast starts? I finally get to keep up with the season as it airs again.


The Arbiter of Objective Truth
Oct 2, 2009
Eh, that was alright, 7/10 (might not hold that high on a rewatch). Basically it was a Chibnall episode.

There wasn't much that really turned me away, it just failed to have much excitement or momentum. Jodie's fine in the role but her Doctor isn't terribly exciting first adventure out, the companions are also just fine but not very engaging right now. Hopefully they do flesh out though, I know Chinball is capable of building up ensemble casts to be really interesting and make me really care about them though so hopefully by the finale I do.

The character stuff was okay, the plot was pretty dull and uninspired. The Predator comparisons are right on the mark and while I've no problem with taking inspiration from Predator, I'd rather they'd been inspired to do something more entertaining than they were, Predator itself wasn't so unremarkable.

I am surprised by Ryan though, in trailers (and to an extent the actor in interviews but I try not to judge on that) struck me as so low energy and unemotive, I thought I was gonna really mind his acting. Seeing him in context he's not incredible and those problems are there, but I don't mind it near as much as I thought. Outside of Jodie, Bradley Walsh is clearly the strongest one there but hopefully when they get around to giving Yas and Ryan actual character they'll shine more.

Oh and I found it hard to invest in the cliffhanger when their solution to TUAT's cliffhanger was "and she was fine after the fall". Obviously our characters will survive I'm not saying I'm not invested because I know that, but I would be excited to see HOW they survive if this episode had led me to believe it'd try to tackle cliffhangers in any narratively satisfying way. I'd argue this was worse than the Sarah-Jane falling cliffhanger in Genesis of the Daleks.


The Dragon of the West
Jan 21, 2010
My tea shop
Post-regeneration episodes are generally pretty dull but this was the exception. I really liked this one and it gives me hope for the season, though I'm not sure about the lack of multi-episode arcs. Season 7 was definitely Matt's worst season and I feel like that played into it.

I like Jodie as the Doctor and I'm glad they didn't ham it up that she's a woman. Not really big on the supporting cast right now though.

And finally, if I could change her outfit and her sonic, I absolutely would. I hate them both so much. I'm not that big on aesthetics like that so it's not like I'm gonna stop watching the show because of them, but they are just horrible designs imo. At least it isn't Capaldi's big ass glow stick though.
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Jul 19, 2013
Felt this episode was a starter. Not much to get going. And yes, the outfit is meh (Jodie said she sent it before auditions B & W pic " Woman with Purpose but fun") and the "homemade" screwdriver is worse. Sadly, it may be a season before that changes.

After seeing the episode 4 times it was lacking. That last scene though.

They get picked up by a passing ship and likely she has no Tardis until or after episode 3. To establish her "Doctor Cred" by managing without it.

On another note, Fuck that watch party bullshit. You, want to make commentary do it on BBC:A 2 or the internet. That shit was annoying.


Apr 14, 2008
3-3.5, decent start. I like Whittaker so far. The dialog could use some work, though, and the solution being magically done off screen in five seconds is more or less what I expect from Chibnall.
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Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
6/10 for me. I felt like there was almost nothing that could be taken away regarding Jodie's Doctor and in general I just didn't feel anything for the episode. It was uninspired and unexciting. The supporting cast didn't leave any kind of impression either. Given by score, I wouldn't say the episode wad dreadful or anything but it didn't leave me excited for what's to come.


The Arbiter of Objective Truth
Oct 2, 2009
6/10 for me. I felt like there was almost nothing that could be taken away regarding Jodie's Doctor and in general I just didn't feel anything for the episode. It was uninspired and unexciting. The supporting cast didn't leave any kind of impression either. Given by score, I wouldn't say the episode wad dreadful or anything but it didn't leave me excited for what's to come.
So, you're saying it doesn't seem to have much to it, it hasn't improved that much since it went off the air,it could have been a lot better, it could have been slightly better written? That you thought it was also very cliched, perhaps a little routine Doctor Who? Very much what the audience is expecting, not very challenging for them to watch? To sum up, that the story itself has been done in different ways in the past few years and very traditional sort of thing people would expect Doctor Who to fall into? I guess overall you'd say that story was fairly eehhhh... boring?


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
So, you're saying it doesn't seem to have much to it, it hasn't improved that much since it went off the air,it could have been a lot better, it could have been slightly better written? That you thought it was also very cliched, perhaps a little routine Doctor Who? Very much what the audience is expecting, not very challenging for them to watch? To sum up, that the story itself has been done in different ways in the past few years and very traditional sort of thing people would expect Doctor Who to fall into? I guess overall you'd say that story was fairly eehhhh... boring?
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The sharpest knife in the...where they keep knives
Aug 9, 2001
It seems BBC has cracked down on vpns :( Don't blame them but still, I loved watching shows on iplayer.
Anyway, this episode was good but felt like just another episode tbh. Only difference was the new doctor who seems as good as anyone else was. I'll keep watching.


Don't tell me what I can't do!
Feb 4, 2009
The Island
It was decent "first" episode, Jodie was pretty good as well. Companions didn't leave a strong impression at all. 3/5.

Gotta say, I think I need to find a way to avoid most doctor who fans/articles on the internet, pretty annoying how everyone is cumming all over themselves saying it's amazing simply because of it being the first female Doctor. I recognized myself judging the episode more harshly because of my disdain for the fans and I don't want that.
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Dancing Penguin
Aug 4, 2011
I got to see a bunch of episodes and this one was my favourite. I could not guess the story within the first 20 minutes and that kept me hooked. Plus I like the new doctor. Still has a lot of the personality I enjoyed from past few doctors. :)