
Jul 3, 2003
Ok I'm helping Alex to keep this thing alive! lol!

I'm wondering, did you kept your Oni games on your colection library?

This is my story, I own Onimusha, Onimusha 2 and Onimusha 3...em, give me a second...

*puts flame suit*

...ok, ready, I still have to beat Onimusha 3, I bought that game but barely played it, but it looked great so I keep it in my collection, maybe I'll play it again to beat it, the thing is that with the new consoles I didn't get to beat games like FFXII and Oni 3

Well, back on topic, I also bought Onimusha Blade Warriors, it was ok, an ok alternative to Smash Bros with the Onimusha universe, it has some flaws too, I sold that game, don't feel like playing it again, although it gave me a lot of hours of fun

Never bought, played or saw Onimusha "4" [face_tongue]

so, what about you people?


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Still have 1, 2, 3 and Genma, plus Blade Warriors. No DOD though. Thank goodness we only rented it.

Did no one play the Gameboy games?[face_confused]

Shame on you for not beating 3! I can honestly say I'm shocked! [face_shock]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I still own all of the console titles, albeit with Blade Warriors and Dawn Of Dreams in a box within a cupboard. I have also completed the first three games at least twice.

You really ought to complete 3, even if the ending is rather anti-climatic.

Did anyone know that [link=]Heath Ledger was supposed to be playing Roberto(Dawn Of Dreams) in the film?[/link][face_shock] Takeshi was also meant to be reprising his role as Sam.

I did used to have the GBA Tactics Rom, but never got too far into it.


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I will always keep Oni 1-3. I would sell Oni 4 though - it sucks [face_tongue]

You should play Oni 3 soon Vincent. It's a really nice game ;)


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
That bit about Heath Ledger only appeared after he died. I had heard originally it was Ewan McGregor. Since the movie's been pushed back and pushed back, I really doubt the info. Seems a little too "concrete" to never have been heard before.

And you don't own Genma, Red. [face_tongue] Get thee to an Xbox and play it forthwith! Really, it's so superior to Warlords.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
My apologies for the omission of Genma.[face_tongue] It had slipped my mind altogether. Nonetheless, I can not see myself actively seeking out an Xbox.



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2004
Only have 1 and 3, don't think 2 was great but still worth the collection for all games :).


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Ryan6192 said:
Only have 1 and 3, don't think 2 was great but still worth the collection for all games :).

I like 2 for the re-playability of it. And Goooo-gandantess!:D


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2004
2 was good, i really like the whole being in a team thing. Just i thought they should of introduced Jubei better, story was good, should of brought it up more in Oni3.

I never really completed Oni2, i got stuck immensely and none of my freinds could of helped me (probably was lost, didn't know where to go).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I loved Samurai's Destiny for the fact it made effort to show how the rule of the Genma and Nobunaga reached out beyond one little village and one warrior's tale. Magoichi, Ekei, Oyu and yes, even Kotaro all aided in expanding the tale. Each character was driven by their own personal motives - some admirable, some not. But all were lovable characters in their own right. Being able to play as these characters was also an extra bonus.

Of course, the town hub also had its appeals. The ability to speak with the residents and help out one or two without fear of continuously having to stave of demons. The second-half of the intro movie was also beautiful.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2004
Yeah i do like games were if theres is a new main lead that has the same main boss, with a sensible story to it, i think thats very cool and the two main leads at the time didn't know each other and possibly never will.

The whole team element was good too, plus the rehendered(sp) background graphics were something special.

Shame they took it away in Oni 3, possibly for one of the parts were it goes a little DW style.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Unfortunately, 3 would have been laughed out of the room had it stayed with the pre-rended backgrounds even though they were gorgeous and worked great for the game. The gaming "standard" had moved on, and it doesn't really matter what works. It matters that you look "up to date".

The music for all the games was just outstanding as well. [face_batting]


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2004
Yeah one of the favourite music is from Oni 3, the temple at the start of the game :).

Yeah well nothing wrong with a change, to see what it adds and oni3 didn't let me down even though there was no pre-hendered graphics.