
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 17, 2009
I don't know about you guys, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that it was Nero, not DmC Dante, that we were watching. We could complain about how Capcom hasn't learned that we want our Dante, not Nero and not a half-baked imitation, but have faith. Capcom gave us Vergil and brought back his voice actor for DMC4:SE. Then they've not only started making DMC5 after 10+ years but brought back the voice actors for both Dante and Nero - they're listening. They're finally listening.

You might say "Capcom isn't listening, they're giving us Nero again" - but let's pause for a moment. With all the time that has passed since the last true DMC game, it is only fitting that this game takes another leap into the future. Look at the setting, it takes place a lot later than DMC4. The demons have overrun the city, but where is Dante? The mantle of DMC seems to have been passed on to Nero and Not-Kyrie (praise Mundus) because Dante has yet to return from his trip to Hell in DMC2. When we do see Dante, he is sporting his DMC2 hairstyle, maybe a little longer, and a much scruffier face than he's ever had. Not to mention, he is riding a motorcycle. DMC5 is taking the ambitious task of being a sequel to both DMC4 AND DMC2, arguably the two weakest/most disappointing games in the series. This is pretty ballsy, you have to give them that. They've been pussyfooting around DMC2 for 15 years, not even wanting to acknowledge it. Then they decided they'd rather reboot the series than make a sequel to DMC4 after we all collectively rejected Nero. Now they're giving us a reason to embrace him. This is the perfect opportunity to finally explore his origins and link him to Vergil. Yes, Vergil. We all thought he would return in DMC4 and were sorely disappointed when he didn't, but the hooded figure that took Nero's arm could not possibly be anyone else. But what are his motives? Is he responsible for unleashing the demons? Is he still trying to gain ultimate power? If so, for what? Why was he ever trying to gain power? He made a vague comment about "not being able to protect anyone, let alone yourself" in DMC3. He also said that he "needs more power." Not just once, but again when he was revealed in DMC4:SE. Why would he "need" more power? Are these truly selfish motives, or does he know something that Dante doesn't? This is a chance for Capcom to develop Vergil even further as a character, rather than just making him the villain again. I would love to see a team-up between the three descendants of Sparda against Mundus or perhaps an even greater evil than Mundus.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Nero is Capcom's boy so I can understand why they focus on him so much, even though it's clear the fans really want Dante. That said, I do think Nero is more popular than he used to be and at this point, he represents familiarity for us. He represents the DMC we remember before the truly dark days. I quite like Nero, but I'm glad that Dante is also playable. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they tie it together with DMC4 and DMC2, though at the moment Capcom is only acknowledging DMC4 by saying it's "years after that game." I'm wondering if there might even be a time skip during the game because it says that Dante's "whereabouts are unknown" and Nero has taken over the Devil May Cry shop. It'll be cool if they do indeed finally acknowledge DMC2 and attempt to fit it into the story. It'll be interesting to see how they do it and how they explain how un-Dante, Dante was in that game.
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 17, 2009
They'd also have to explain how he went back to being Dante because his Frank Gallagher looking ass is on that motorcycle screaming "WOO-HOO YEAH" again. I was thinking Trish could have been killed before DMC2 by whoever the villain of DMC5 turns out to be. Maybe even Vergil, who was disgusted by Trish being the spitting image of their mother as shown in MvC3 via post-fight dialogue if I remember correctly. But now that Dante seems to be back to his normal self again, it wouldn't make sense to do that.

Honestly, after DmC I'll take just about anything that the old school team gives us. But I would prefer if Vergil not be the villain seeking power again. Like either Moses or Aptom used to say, it would make him a cardboard character. After what he went through in Hell, he needs to show growth for him to be compelling as a returning character. Capcom has to know that we all want Vergil back as a playable protagonist. If he starts off like Dante did in DMC4 as a red herring (or in this case, blue) then that would be perfect. Something also has to explain why Vergil waited this long to take the arm (and thus, Yamato) from Nero. As we know, Yamato is the key to the Hell Gate. What if Vergil took his arm back so that he could bring Dante back to the human world? Or, what if someone else is after Yamato and Nero became a target, so Vergil took it back to protect his son? Vergil must be an anti-hero for this game to reach maximum epicness.
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Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Now officially confirmed to be after DMC2. Extremely interested in seeing how they handle that in the game. They must have something planned, even if it's brief, or else they wouldn't have really needed to say that it's definitely set after DMC2. Wonder if we'll see Lucia.