
Feb 25, 2016
move modifier:121DB880 000000?? 121DB882 000000?? 121DB884 000000?? 121DB886 000000?? 121DB888 000000?? 121DB88A 000000?? 121DB88C 000000?? trait modifier:121DB84E 000000?? 121DB850 000000?? 121DB852 000000?? 121DB854 000000?? all digimon nigh invulnerable:C0000000 00000027 121DB87C 00000064 DC000000 00000180 D2000000 00000000! here are some boss exclusive attack moves i use(replace ?? in move modifier):6F=SOURAI,8C=MUGEN,35=KONGOU,20=KOUEN,5C=IRON CLAWS,5A=CROSS BLADE,64=OMNI BLADE! and here are the traits i always use(replace ?? in trait modifier):37=GREAT BARRIER,51=MIND'S EYE,76=ECONOMIZER S,9A=STATUS BARRIER!there are many more moves and traits to use,but these are the main moves and traits i use on my first created chronomon hm!enjoy!