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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Digimon World: Dawn Review[/link]
by Jack DeVries

Digimon has seen a bit of resurrection on the Nintendo DS. Last December's Digimon World DS was a pretty decent RPG, and arguably the best Digimon game since, well, ever. So naturally the guys over at Bandai Entertainment Company followed it up with a more courageous endeavor: Digimon World: Dawn and Digimon World: Dusk. The double SKU title is bigger than its prequel, but unfortunately, that doesn't quite make it better. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


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May 3, 2006
May 31, 2005
That's not bad. I like where it says that there's no tutorial, i hate it when your doing easy stuff that you already know how to do. Hopefully i can get the game later this week


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Poor digimon.. It tries so hard to reach Poke'mon status, but it just fails time and time again. I guess they thought that by bringing out the new game split into two (a la pokemon), people will assume it is very similar to the excellent diamon/pearl. But, pokemon is still one of the most addictive games on the system, and digimon will never come close.


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May 3, 2006
Although DeVries is a straightforward reviewer, I didn't expect any Digimon game to have high rating. They all got paid to be mainstream; give the unpopular franchise low rating and overrate the top selling games.

And miredale, I don't suppose Digimon is to follow Pokรฉmon. Along with Digimon Savers: Another Mission, Digimon World Sunburst and Moonlight are signs of the rejuvenated franchise. Then again, I never play the DS games so what aspect is similar and whatnot isn't my case to discuss.


Sep 19, 2007
I, just got the game today i have played about 5 or 6 hours of it and i have to say,i think it is better than its older brother,

the review on this title should of been a solid 8
just for the fact that there are 400 digimon.

people that liked the original should def get this one,

i am not a fan of pokemon type games but this game is just great maybe its just because i have always liked digimon better.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
In video games,pokemon is superior to digimon.In the tv series,digimon season 1&2 is superior to watching pokemon.As a kid the storyline was much much better and darker.I assume the popularity of digimon digital monsters inspired games such as these,because digimon fans like myself still like digimon(shamefully to admit)
Jul 11, 2007
I actually think this game was better than the most recent Pokemon. Seriously, it fails in many accounts, the number of available monsters to use, the variety of customizing that can be done on one creature, the difficulty level in the late game, the fact that making a good monster doesn't just involve raw leveling or the use of invisible stats one can't see... I just liked this game much more. Anyway, this reviewer seems like he's never even played the game through, or for that matter, a digimon game at all. He states that only digimon fans will know what's going on, which is ironic because I think HE doesn't know what's going on... anyway, i agree with ChiBKey below, that they're pretty much biased against the smaller gaming companies. Anyway, don't trust everything you hear on the internet. If you want a good oppinion, play it yourself and use your own.


Oct 6, 2007
Bah... Personally I'm just amazed that they are still screwing around with this franchise. The game mite be somewhat decent, but rite now we are all just fragging in Halo3..


Jul 8, 2007
The game is good. Aside from whining and crying from the peanut gallary reviewer, I agree that the been-there feeling is upsetting. If this game were to become online co-op, it'd be better. There should also be more to the levels beside being a tedious maze to go thru.
Oct 17, 2007
I completely agree, this game is like 400% more better than pokemon. In pokemon you are so limited and digimon is a hell lot more creative, plus every year the pokemon has been getting more worse like ugly, non-unique, and STUPID!. They hardly released any new pokemon, there were lots babies and newly evolve forms of old pokemon THAN THERE SHOULDVE BEEN!!! As I played I wasnt even excited anymore, I got sick of it, but when I played digimon it actually got me hooked onto it, I actually was excited to spend my every second on the game compared to pokemon, I had like almost no more motivation for it. Digimon is better!!! GIVE IT A CHANCE!!!


Nov 6, 2007
I am a fan of the Digimon franchise. I picked up a copy of Dawn when I went home to Canada for Christmas (can't seem to find it here in the UK). I think that the reviewer here is fairly accurate in his review. I do like the game, but I find that it's very apparent that the production values are sort of low. I like the monsters in Digimon better than in Pokemon, but I actually kind of find Pokemon to be a better overall gaming experience than Digimon because of the general quality of the two titles. This is a great Digimon game, but unfortunately, Bandai/Namco doesn't seem to sink as much into Digimon games as Nintendo does to Pokemon.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2005
If pokemon has this level of customization then it would be superior. I like the pokemon games, but it just seems to be more of the same lately. When you get right down to it, Diamond/Pearl is the same game we've been playing for years, albeit a different story and some tweaks. And while that's not TOO bad when the formula is good, it's annoying to hear reviewers condemn the less popular games with the "more of the same" complaint. The last truly original Pokemon game was Gold/Silver/Crystal.


Jul 16, 2008
Well I think it is more fun.Why do I say this? You may ask,it's because my friend stole my pearl.(I could not find it in my room so i presumed that she stole it I guess she's envious[face_tongue])But any way I have devoted myself to liking Digimon.[face_tongue]The Pokemon is quite stupid because they can't talk and have only three evolution stages the max I think...But Digimon has more so it is quite fun but when they digivolve,they would restart at level 1 sucky right?
Jun 12, 2008
digimon dusk is an ok game but the fight's are waaaay to easy, and the whole digivolving an digenerating thing is messed up it ok i tried to get a gotamon but i couldnt find the right digimon to digivolve because they didn't follow the digivolution line the show did. also in the field there were too many dead ends it took me longer to find the boss than to beat him. i would give this game a 6.7 rating (i dont care what u other poster's think POKEMON'S SO MUCH BETTER IN EVERY WAY)
May 28, 2008
When it comes to Digimon vs Pokemon (which are WAAY more different than people think), I have found that the two seem to have a balance: Pokemon has better games, but Digimon has better anime (btw, more popular =/= better). As for the cards, I don't think anyone really cares (not that it's a contest anymore since America doesn't get Digimon cards anymore).


Mar 23, 2010
I hate Jack DeVries's reviews on digimon world Ds he was literally insulting friends and was comparing the whole game to the BULL^$#& pokemon seem to mostly pointing out the bad things about the game on the rating/review policy it says they only compare to games that came out A FEW MONTHS BEFORE OR AROUND the time it came out yet he seems to compare to pokemon diamond and pearl which came out months after this game literly making people think its a rip off saying its crap when pokemon a lesser game and story(actuly its the samething) comes out


Oct 24, 2011
I have to agree. Digimon has by far better anime and to be honest the story just gets better with each incarnation, but the games aren't the best. Whereas pokemon has much better games but the anime has gotten quite repetitive, especially recently. I think both have pretty decent films and specials though.