May 31, 2005
I'm sure everybody wants a season 6, but who knows whether it will happen or not. I remember a group of magazine scans last year with like 5 new digimon that could possibly be part of a 6th season but I have not heard anything since.

^And season 3 should definitely be up there considering it was one of the best seasons


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 26, 2007
the first three seasons were very good. and yeah, season 3 is highly looked up to among digi-fans. It was pretty cool.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 4, 2006
The new digimon season is called Digimon Neos. I will be directing it, and I am full of Go ahead and google Digimon Neos. lol

We can only dream.


Feb 15, 2005
Here is wishful thinking, I know that another season would be a small blessing for this community.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖓𝖑��
May 3, 2006
That'd be nice.
Aug 30, 2006
As long as it doesn't do that season 4 digimon crap, doesn't ruin old digimon (mainly series 1 digimon) and has cool digimon, characters and music, it will rock.
but not as much as Adventure 01.


A proud jackass.
Jul 25, 2005
Regina, SK
Well, like many users have said on other forums, the continuition of Digimon anime series will depend on the viewers recpetion on Savers, so if the reception for season 5 is very well, it would be likely a season 6 will come in the near future


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I think the show has been on a swift decline when the people started combining with their digimon in season 3 and then when they became the digimon for season 4. And don't even get me started on season 5, i hated it, lets leave it at that. I think they need to return to the way things should be, with a limited amount of people the "Digi-Destined" if you will. Those first 2 seasons were amazing though, so if they expand on those for another season, that would be great.
Jan 27, 2007
well in somewhat of a foreshadowing ending to season 5 i say season 6 will be based on ikuto(keenan)and chika(kristy) seeing as in the end they are about marcus's age basically what im saying its sort of like the transition from season one to season two where as in season one kari and tk were really young then in season two they were about the age of tai and the others so to me it seems very plausable also the digimon in season 5 tell their masters that they will see them again


Sep 24, 2007
most ppl think that a movie-runaway locomon
continues the series but either way season 6 as a continuation would be way better


Feb 12, 2008
Honestly I think they should continue from season 2. I remember an episode when one of the girls goes to a dark dimension of some type. (I know that's nothing to go on, but hopefully it will ring a bell for someone here to explain things better...sorry!)


Jul 25, 2008
I think that season 6 would be a sequal to season 3.

I officially love you LOL. I made an account just to say that. But look at this item from Ebay, which lead to me searching if there is a season 6 ...

the link will take you to a Justimon which is in a package that says Season 6 on it.

If there is a new season it should definitely be a sequel to season 3! And it must have the same characters! I love RYUKI! (Ryo+Rika). Also check out some of my fanfictions on my user is Kaoru2585 ... all my works are Ryuki! :D Geeze I love Digimon season 3!


Jul 25, 2008
most ppl think that a movie-runaway locomon
continues the series but either way season 6 as a continuation would be way better

Runaway Locomon/ Digimon Express was the ending to Tamers. It had taken place AFTER the D-Reaper [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 14, 2008
Hopefully there will be a new season and it wont take to long to come i hope its a follow up of the the fifth season
Digimon Rocks!


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2004
I'm planning a season six right now on that will coming out pretty soon this Decemeber, yet I really hope they make a season 6. Look how many seasons they made Pokemon.


Jan 31, 2009
Season 6 should continue Adventure 02 with an evil digimon infecting others with the x antibody and controls them.

After the digidestined defeat the first evil digimon it is revealed, after they return to the human then back to the digitalworld, that the evil digimon came into power because Imperialdramon and the royal nights(which he created)were trapped by the demon lords.

In this part of the series the first 5 demon lords are fought in the digital world then barbamon, the last of the five demon lords in the digital world, tells the digidestined that the last 3(Daemon,Beelzemon,LucemonCM) have secretly taken control of the human world and have created three kingdoms in the human world, because time in the human world went faster than the digital world opposite of Adeventure 01.

Daemon enslaves many humans and digmon in his kingdom, but not most of them. Deamon is violent in a sporting manner and has a coliseum, where he is first found with LucemonCM, and beelzemon(who kills the winner of the coliseum battle as the winner recieves his trophy) as his guests. Demons kingdom is similar to rome and greece having seperate villages controlled by the Olympus 12 his minions. Deamon resides in a large temple on a montain. Deamon is defeated first.

Beelzemon's kingdom is a huge metropolis that looks like Hong Kong with small villages that are remanicent of chinese villages. Even though the kingdom looks chinese it is actually a gang land of american italian style mobs. Beelzemon talks like a amreerican italian mobster. The digidestined have an easy time finding Beelzemon because beelzemon will easily kill his allies and acquaintances, as sean in Daemon's coliseum, and the mob lords are easily bribed, etc.

When a few digidestined find Beelzemon he is at the top of a building in the city. His throne room is an decorative room with stairs leading to his throne. The digidestined that are present approach Beelzemon who kills his "right hand man" in the middle of a speach with the digidestined. Beelzemon then maniacally laughs and proceeds to defeat the digidestined, but the other digidestined, who where earlier separated arrive to help defeat Beelzemon.

LucemonCM is the final lord, and leader of the demon lords. His appearance is not like his normal CM look, he looks like a formal businessman or politician he wears a suit with his wings concealed and his hair is shorter and combed back. In Lucemon's kingdom he is the president and the citizens are totally loyal to him, human and digimon, because they say he had rid their land of crime. The digidestined fight through armies to get to Lucemon who is in the capital, which looks like Washington DC. The battle with Lucemon is in sections, first in his suit, then in his normal CM look, then he disappears, after that he returns to his destroyed kingdom in Shadowlord Form. The digidestined find out he can be defeated by attacking lucemon larva when he is not protected because the larva is attacking.

After the demon lords are defeated the royal nights are freed and in the final part of the series the digidestined and the royal nights defeat a greater enemy (maybe DexImperialdramon, a corrupt paladin mode, because it has combined with dexmon) ending the season.

hope fully it will also include dorumon, calumon with digivolutions, and the demon lords full lines are revealed: such as what is between impmon and beelzemon and Lucemon and LucemonCM mabey even Lucemon CM and shadow lord receiving new names like chaoselucemon and lordlucemon.

The digidestined digimon should be



other new digimon are introduced also

then calumon and one more digimon are introduced later in the season with two new digidestined.

The digimon series will hope fully not be focused on digivolution the whole time forcing crappy digivolutions.

The X antibody section is focused on bonding with digimon.

The first five demon lords secton is focused on getting to the mega level, the digivolution phase.

The demon kingdom section is focused more on the iteractions of the digidestined, the digidestined become deeper characters and make morally gray decisions that are not as pure as the digidestined are represented. So the are not focus on survival only, they are living in the kingdoms like normal life the slowly coming to defeat the lords.

The royal night and Deximperialdramon Phase is just a large final battle maybe lasting up to 10 or eleven episodes.



Day 1 Veteran, July '00
Jul 31, 2000
RKOmaster_ said:
The fact that 3, the best season(tied with 1), isn't a mention in this thread has rendered it insignificant right off the bat.

Apr 19, 2009
I absolutely loved the first 3 seasons of digimon, but it went so far downhill afterwards. they can't really go back to the characters from adventure because they tied up everything at the end of season 2. i don't think they could use the season 3 characters again either, and who cares about 4 and 5, they both sucked. honestly, it seems like the best storylines are over with. and does anyone know if the first 3 seasons are on dvd?
Jan 21, 2009
[blockquote]shadowriku19 posted:
I absolutely loved the first 3 seasons of digimon, but it went so far downhill afterwards. they can't really go back to the characters from adventure because they tied up everything at the end of season 2. i don't think they could use the season 3 characters again either, and who cares about 4 and 5, they both sucked. honestly, it seems like the best storylines are over with. and does anyone know if the first 3 seasons are on dvd?
Five was pretty fantastic until they shoehorned the Royal Knights into it. The dub sucked as well but that's Disney for you. I'd honestly like a season six if only to get the community active again.


May 9, 2009
I agree with most on this thread, season three definitely needs to be included in that. However, I'm not a HUGE fan of season five, and I absolutely loathed season four, but I'd like a sixth season, just to see what happens. I'd rather it not be another season four, though. You can't beat Adventure 01 and Adventure 02, though.
May 9, 2009
I really do hope theres is a season 6 because I love all the seasons (some more than others.) I think it would be a bad idea if they continue from season 3 even though its my favourite season. But the only reason is the cards. Most anime popular ones have cards in them such as bakugan and yu-gi-oh. I like it when they have different seasons to each other (well the last two.) It brings out creativity :D
May 15, 2009
My hopes are of season six either being a sequel to either season 3 or 4, or for it to be a digiverse season where the digiworld has to call on the main digidestined of all of the seasons.


Feb 3, 2005
What makes digimon so wonderful is the connections between the children and the digimon. That is why season 4 sucked so hard. That and all of the characters were unlikeable.

That brings me to the problem with season 5. There wasn't a single likable character in that entire show. Marcus was a freaking tool, and the other characters were annoying as hell.

Never say never when it comes to digimon. No one ever thought there would be a fifth season, and now most of those people wishe there wasn't :-P Seriously, focus on the characters and their relationships transcend the hurried animation. A good story with an emotional hook is why I keep coming back for more, despite the pain of the last two season.

And BTW, Digimon X-Evolution is definitely worth checking out.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I would love a 6th season to bring the show back to its roots. I hated season 3 when I was younger, loved season 4, and absolutely hate season 5. They never should have changed the design style. I think the story should be about the tea, of digidestined that went to the digital world before the kids of season 1. Somehow Matt and TK's dad already knew about the digimon before Myotismon attacked the real world, and there has to be a reason why he did.


The Perfect Example of an Imperfect Person
May 30, 2006
Los Angeles
Who the **** are you?

I think someone in this thread suggested that they make a season based on the Dark Sea from Season 2. Interesting idea. Also, Whiteboypimp has an idea for a prequal, which is not bad. We could have seasons based on the Digimon games. We can have a season that features Adventure 1 tamers and is based on Anode/Cathode Tamer, or any of the WonderSwan games.
Sep 6, 2009
I would like to see a continuation of season 4, since that had an annoying ending. Some kind of expansion of the episode in season 4 where takuya turns into a digimon in the real world. It was interesting, but nothing ever came of it. Or a season in which they bring together some of the storylines would also work.


Nov 15, 2007
I would love to see a six. One big complaint I heard over and over from other fans is that seasons 3-5 weren't connected to the first two (the first two being the best). It would be unusual to see a Digimon Adventure 03 since it would take place in a world where digimon are public knowledge since that's where 02 ended. Keeping the digital world secret is a common gimmick in every season (except 4). The idea I'm working on for a sixth season is Digimon Adventure 00. It takes place about five years before the first season and tells the story of the original digidestin eluded to in the season 1 finale.

P.S. I really liked every season of digimon, but I thought 3 was by far the worst.


Dec 5, 2009
There is a possible season 6 now, Digimon Around

Japanese TV guide:

use CTRL + F to activate the finder, and type in Dejimon, this should let you find it.

:) Digimon Around=Season 6?

Make sure you keep an eye on Digimon Around, who knows what's gonna happen!
Dec 10, 2009
Choose TWLOHA as your charity and Vote!


Dec 12, 2009
i think they should make season six after season three i liked how they used card to help their digimon ad also their digivices r cool and they will come up wih a toy line


Dec 22, 2009
RKOmaster_ said:
The fact that 3, the best season(tied with 1), isn't a mention in this thread has rendered it insignificant right off the bat.

I have to say season 3 (tamers) OWNS!!! They should make 6 a continuation of that something about, since at the end of tamers Takato found portal. What if he rallies everyone and they tell the parents this time so Henry's dad can make it possible for digimon to come back to the human world, so they go into the portal and start seaching for the digimon and split up, etc. more to continue later.

Changes from 3: After a few months without Guilmon, Takato is stronger and more self-supportive (unlike 3 when he had the strongest digimon but rellied on others to much to really use his strengths and brains) and more teen-like (they should be teens by now right) with more than a simple,"Lets help everyone doo dee dooo dee doo." and more like,"I don't have time for this." (not jerk mean though but tey shouldn't help everyone rightand please just some romantic stress to make the story-line easier for Teens to love) (even more) and if crushes then consider Takato and Rika wouldn't a stronger Takato be perfect for her??? Think about it she already has some felling for him (if you watch the series as much a me its obvious).

It's a good idea and more human vs. human quarles like escalating to fists that would be sick

Make sure to comment I want ideas :)


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I don't know how legit it is, but wikipedia has a listing for a sixth season on the Digimon page. Last night it was called Digimon Chronicles, and today it's called Digimon Around so I don't know what it will be called. Here's hoping it turns out to be true! And if it is true, PLEASE GOD bring back the original animation style of the series, I couldn't stand the style of Savers.


The Perfect Example of an Imperfect Person
May 30, 2006
Los Angeles
Yeah, there has been a new game announced. Lost Evolution, for the DS. Gonna be like DWDS. Shortly after they possibly announced Digimon Around.


Dec 22, 2009
pauzaoo said:
I'm planning a season six right now on that will coming out pretty soon this Decemeber, yet I really hope they make a season 6. Look how many seasons they made Pokemon.

Face it in Hoenn the Pokemon anima started to fail. No the world is upsidedown and Ash is played by a girl in the english version


Dec 22, 2009
whiteboypimp91 said:
I don't know how legit it is, but wikipedia has a listing for a sixth season on the Digimon page. Last night it was called Digimon Chronicles, and today it's called Digimon Around so I don't know what it will be called. Here's hoping it turns out to be true! And if it is true, PLEASE GOD bring back the original animation style of the series, I couldn't stand the style of Savers.

If there is a way on earth for me to agree more then tell me haha


Dec 27, 2009
I hope they will make a sequel of the 3rd season, or they will just let the fans of digimon come together and make that perfect season, or someone would help them. I would like to help them :D . I acctully have an idea and i hope i can share it with them... but how do you contact the creators ?


Feb 12, 2010
Maybe I'm weird but I'd like to see them make a season 6 that was a continuation to seasons 1 and 2 but not with the digidestined we're used to, let them make it with the kids of the digidestined.
Apr 30, 2010
the season has actually just been confirmed. type in digimon season 6 confirmed and look for the video with the gaomon thumbnail *that's mine*
the title is digimon cross wars. watch my vid for more info[face_plain]