
Grilled Cheese
Jan 21, 2004
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Published by: Bandai
Developed by: Bandai
Genre: Fighting
Number of Players: 2
Release Dates
-US: February 2002
-Japan: December 6, 2001
-Europe: Unreleased
Features: Dual Shock, Memory Card, Vibration


[hl=#cd0000].[/hl][hl=#ce0600] [/hl][hl=#cf0c00]D[/hl][hl=#d01200] [/hl][hl=#d21800]i[/hl][hl=#d31e00] [/hl][hl=#d42400]g[/hl][hl=#d62b00] [/hl][hl=#d73100]i[/hl][hl=#d83700] [/hl][hl=#da3d00]m[/hl][hl=#db4300] [/hl][hl=#dc4900]o[/hl][hl=#de5000] [/hl][hl=#df5600]n[/hl][hl=#e05c00] [/hl][hl=#e26200].[/hl][hl=#e36800] [/hl][hl=#e46e00]B[/hl][hl=#e67500] [/hl][hl=#e77b00]a[/hl][hl=#e88100] [/hl][hl=#ea8700]t[/hl][hl=#eb8d00] [/hl][hl=#ec9300]t[/hl][hl=#ee9a00] [/hl][hl=#ee9a00]l[/hl][hl=#ee9e00] [/hl][hl=#efa200]e[/hl][hl=#f0a600] [/hl][hl=#f0aa00].[/hl][hl=#f1af00] [/hl][hl=#f2b300]C[/hl][hl=#f2b700] [/hl][hl=#f3bb00]h[/hl][hl=#f4bf00] [/hl][hl=#f5c400]r[/hl][hl=#f5c800] [/hl][hl=#f6cc00]o[/hl][hl=#f7d000] [/hl][hl=#f7d400]n[/hl][hl=#f8d900] [/hl][hl=#f9dd00]i[/hl][hl=#fae100] [/hl][hl=#fae500]c[/hl][hl=#fbe900] [/hl][hl=#fcee00]l[/hl][hl=#fcf200] [/hl][hl=#fdf600]e[/hl][hl=#fefa00] [/hl][hl=#ffff00].[/hl] a.k.a. [hl=#ffff00].[/hl][hl=#fefa00] [/hl][hl=#fdf600]D[/hl][hl=#fcf100] [/hl][hl=#fced00]i[/hl][hl=#fbe900] [/hl][hl=#fae400]g[/hl][hl=#f9e000] [/hl][hl=#f9db00]i[/hl][hl=#f8d700] [/hl][hl=#f7d300]m[/hl][hl=#f6ce00] [/hl][hl=#f6ca00]o[/hl][hl=#f5c500] [/hl][hl=#f4c100]n[/hl][hl=#f3bd00] [/hl][hl=#f3b800].[/hl][hl=#f2b400] [/hl][hl=#f1af00]R[/hl][hl=#f0ab00] [/hl][hl=#f0a700]u[/hl][hl=#efa200] [/hl][hl=#ee9e00]m[/hl][hl=#ee9a00] [/hl][hl=#ee9a00]b[/hl][hl=#ec9300] [/hl][hl=#eb8c00]l[/hl][hl=#e98500] [/hl][hl=#e87e00]e[/hl][hl=#e67700] [/hl][hl=#e57000].[/hl][hl=#e36900] [/hl][hl=#e26200]A[/hl][hl=#e05b00] [/hl][hl=#df5400]r[/hl][hl=#dd4d00] [/hl][hl=#dc4600]e[/hl][hl=#da3f00] [/hl][hl=#d93800]n[/hl][hl=#d73100] [/hl][hl=#d62a00]a[/hl][hl=#d42300] [/hl][hl=#d31c00].[/hl][hl=#d11500] [/hl][hl=#d00e00]2[/hl][hl=#ce0700] [/hl][hl=#cd0000].[/hl]

Published by: Bandai
Developed by: Bandai
Genre: Fighting Action
Number of Players: 4
Release Date
-US: September 7, 2004
-Japan: July 29, 2004
Features: Dual Shock, Memory Card, Vibration
Media Size: 1 DVD

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[ul] [li]Where I can find one?
[/li] [li]Is this game any good?
[/li] [li]Introduction
[/li] [li]Characters
[/li] [li]Arenas
[/li] [li]Game Modes
[/li] [li]Items, Power-Ups, Bonuses, ...
[/li] [li]Credits and Special Thanks
[/li] [li]Links to Resources[/li] [/ul]
[hl=#FFA824]• Where can I find one?[/hl]
The easiest way is online. You can order it from IGN.com. I can't guarantee you if these games are available on the store near your area, but I've seen it on Philadelphia, PA's Best Buy long time ago. If you're not sure of what are you doing, check your local store's phone number and call them.

[hl=#FFA824]• Is this game any good?[/hl]
I would recommend you to get DRA2 when the price is dropped. I've been playing this game until today and the excitement is getting lower and lower. One big factor that makes you bored of this game is the fact that this game is a very short lasting. You can a least beat this game in one day with all features unlocked. As for the first one, it's a must-have, because it's from PSone and the price should be low already, yet the game is really great. For more, ensure through my reviews below.

[hl=#FFA824]• How are these games?[/hl]
Digimon Rumble Arena a.k.a. Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution is a PSone best-seller and you all most likely know already about how remarkable this game is. If you know about Super Smash Bros., then it'll be easier to illustrate, because these games are similar.

DRA2 is an average game, designed by Bandai and its speciality is 4-Player. Unlike the first one, you have longer digivolution phase during gameplay. You are required to start from rookie level (early phase), to champion or armor (2nd phase), and followed by the ultimate or megas (last phase). Most Digimons skipped their ultimate level and jump right into megas. This game has Single-Player Mode, where you can unlock stuff in the game. There is also a Multiplayer, where you can play in 8 different arenas, plus two additional after you unlock it. Besides just rumbling with your foes in a Knockdown Battle, there are 9 other game modes, such as King of the Hill, Crazy Chase, Digi Race, etc. (only available at Multiplayer). They also have a lot more Items/Power-Ups that you can utilize throughout the rumble. Also, this game has one thing that the first DRA should have, the Practice Mode. Here, you can play as long as you want, collect points by defeating your opponents and play until your hands are sore. As far as my concern, this game is alright and good for a Digi-fan's collection.

[hl=#FFA824]• Who are the Characters in the games?[/hl]

DRA / Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution (25 playable Digimons)
Note: "-" = Partner

Attacks: Bone Daster, Grimm Slasher
Signature: Burning Tornado

Attacks: Dragon Crusher, Black Tornado
Signature: Terra Destroyer

Omnimon - Taichi & Yamato
Attacks: Garuru Cannon, Transcendent Sword
Signature: Double Shot

Attacks: Badda Boom, Summon

Attacks: Dark Ringer, Darkness Claw
Signature: Chaos Flare

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
Attacks: Positron Laser, Splendor Blade
Signature: Omni Sword

Gabumon - Yamato Ishida
Attacks: Blue Blaster, Horn Attack

MetalGarurumon - Yamato Ishida
Attacks: Metal Wofl Claw, Garuru Tomahawk
Signature: Giga Cross Freezer

Agumon - Taichi Yagami
Attacks: Pepper Breath, Claw Attack

WarGreymon - Taichi Yagami
Attacks: Mega Claw (Dramon Cutter), Great Tornado
Signature: Terra Force

Patamon - Takeru
Attacks: Boom Bubble, Slamming Attack

Seraphimon - Takeru
Attacks: Hallowed Knuckle, Seven Heavens
Signature: Hallowed Ascension

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No Longer a Noob
Feb 13, 2005
Overflow from opening post edited here:

Terriermon - Lee Jenrya
Attacks: Bunny Blaster, Terrier Torpedo

MegaGargomon - Lee Jenrya
Attacks:Gargo Missile, Mega Twister
Signature: Mega Barrage

Guilmon - Matsuda Takato
Attacks: Pyrosphere, Rock Breaker

Gallantmon - Matsuda Takato
Attacks: Royal Joust, Spiral Saver
Signature: Elysion Blaster (Final Purification)

Renamon - Makino Ruki
Attacks: Diamond Storm, Kohenkyo

Sakuyamon - Makino Ruki
Attacks: Dragon Helix, Fox Drive
Signature: Talisman Sphere (Konguokaimandara)

Wormmon - Ichijouji Ken / Digimon Emperor
Attacks: Sticky Net, Silk Thread

Stingmon - Ichijouji Ken / Digimon Emperor
Attacks: Moon Shooter, Spiking Strike
Signature: Hot Squeeze

Veemon - Daisuke Motomiya
Attacks: Vee Headbutt, Vee Punch

Imperialdramon Fighter Mode - Daisuke Motomiya
Attacks: Positron Laser, Splendor Blade
Signature: Mega Crusher

Gatomon - Hikari Yagami
Attacks: Cat's Eye Hypnotism, Lightning Paw

Magnadramon - Hikari Yagami
Attacks: Fire Tornado, Hemit Fog
Signature: Apocalypse

DRA2 / Digimon Battle Chronicles (47 Playable Digimons, only 19 are selectables)
• "~" = Digivolve to
• These pictures are not taken from the game version
• For Digimon informations, please visit GameFAQs.

Agumon ~ Greymon ~ WarGreymon

Gomamon ~ Ikkakumon ~ Zudomon

Biyomon ~ Birdramon ~ Garudamon

Flamon ~ Agunimon ~ BurningGreymon

Thanks for all your work and effort
Last edited by a moderator:
Jan 2, 2005
Overflow from original post added here:

Gabumon ~ Garurumon ~ MetalGarurumon

Guilmon ~ Growlmon ~ Gallantmon

Gatomon ~ Nefertimon ~ Angewomon


Patamon ~ Angemon ~ MagnaAngemon

Palmon ~ Togemon ~ Lillymon

Veemon ~ Flamedramon ~ Imperialdramon

Tentomon ~ Kabuterimon ~ MegaKabuterimon





Here's a ChaosGallantmon pic since BKey couldn't find one (Still,great work by the way!)

Oh and Imperialdramon P.M's Signature is Omega sword, not omni sword (sorry about my pickiness)
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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Overflow from original post added here:


BlackAgumon ~ BlackGreymon ~ BlackWarGreymon

BlackGabumon ~ BlackGarurumon ~ BlackMetalGarurumon

BlackGuilmon ~ BlackGrowlmon ~ ChaosGallantmon

[hl=#FFA824]• What are the arenas?[/hl]
DRA / Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution (7 available Arenas)

Sky Arena
Specialty: None

This stage is up above the clouds, which means you can undoubtedly fall to your destruction if you get knocked off. At the top, there is a widescreen TV monitor which shows every freaking thing that happens, including the Pause Menu. When the screen goes dark, watch out! Lightning trikes more than once from the altars, which is more than enough to sap your life.

Specialty: Nature

The forest stage is not very dangerous in itself, unless you stand in the middle. There are rocks of various sizes, of which can roll over you or your opponent. The small ones can be hit with certain attacks, and the large ones will knock you all the way down the waterfall and you'll pop back up on the treebranch.

Power Plant
Specialty: None

At the top of the stage, a crate drops blocks onto four conveyor belts. These crates can damage Digimon. When the conveyor belts are full, they can either tilt or start moving, but either way, the compactor opens and the crates drop in. Be careful with the electricity machine that moving unexpectedly on the top of the stage, because it done some damage unless when you block or avoid it. Also, rookie Digimons can go in the hole at the top corner from left to right or otherwise.

Rotating Box
Specialty: None

At random intervals, the stage will spin in a random direction and length. There are also explosive boxes, which blow when you come in contact with them, and can also drop when the stage spins. Be careful not to be starting an attack when the stage is about to spin, especially a Special Finish, because your efforts will ultimately be wasted!

Specialty: Water


Icicles periodically drop from the bottoms of the floors, serving more of a purpose to annoy you than to hurt you, and the sides of the middle platform can fall off, dropping you into the frigid waters. On this arena, your control will be unusual, due to the ice slippery.

Specialty: Fire

This stage is full of platforms, and with good reason: the lava at the bottom of the screen is deadly, and can be even more deadly when the volcano erupts! When the giant rock face in the background gets that eerie glow, you know it's gonna blow!

Deep Void
Specialty: None

The background is constantly changing with destracting and often annoying psychadelic colors, and the stage is longer than all other stages put together. There's no items or pickups on this arena so try to defend yourself at any chance possible. Maybe because of this, maybe that's why they use this stage for the boss (Reapermon) in Single Player mode.

DRA2 / Digimon Battle Chronicles (10 Environments available)
Jungle Ruins

It's a rumble in the jungle! Bounce from tree to tree above the ancient ruins of a forgotten civilization as you take on all comers! The Jungle Ruins are beautiful but they hide many secrets. Smash trees to find a few treasures but look out; your opponent has the same idea.

Danger Gulch

If you aren’t careful this Wild West ghost town might have a real ghost in it pretty soon – you! The TNT barrels explode when hit with an attack, fallen on, thrown, collide with mine carts, or pushed off the edge and fall. Try to use them to your advantage!

Lava Lake

It’s not just you. It’s hot in here! Digimon fighting above the smoking shores of Lava Lake will have to step quickly and jump carefully to avoid plummeting into the molten rock below. Watch pout for the stone skull in the background! When it opens its mouth, head for high ground before a tidal wave of lava sweeps you away!

Pier 47

The cargo cranes are hard at work stacking crates around and reloading ships, meaning that while you’re brawling with your buddies you’ll have to watch the skies for shipping crates. You can smash the brown ones to find valuable prizes inside but if you fall into the water it’s curtains for you!

Rubber Tree Falls

Hundreds of feet above the ground, the top of a great waterfall serves as a great site for high-flying Digimon fun. Bounce off one of the sky where Digimon battle to knock each other off of a swinging rope bridge. Be careful though, it really is a long way down.

The Cannery

Things get tricky when the Rumble Arena moves onto the conveyor belts of a great cannery plant. The constantly sliding floors threaten to drop the Digimon into the belly of the canning machine! Try to stay out of the machine while knocking your opponents into it, then watch the fun as they’re dropped back into the battlefield. You won’t believe that this much action can fit into a can!


In the middle of the ocean on a floating oil platform you’ll spend as much time dodging jets of a flame and steam as you will in the heat of battle! The Steamworks is a dangerous place, full of leaky pipes and unstable storage tanks. A careless Digimon will wind up extra-crispy.

Twisted Toy Town

Run for it! The moments you and your foes touch down in Toy Town it’ll start collapsing under your feet, forcing you into a pell-mell dash to the right! Nothing stays the same for long here as the floor crumbles, platforms disappear and giant toys rain destruction on the battlefield!

Ice Palace (Unlock from Single-Player mode)

Hidden in depths of Single-Player Mode is the strangely beautiful but deadly Ice Palace which can be unlocked for the Multiplayer competition. As you slip and slide across the dangerously slick platforms, watch out for the spiny icicles that line the level!

Chaos Wasteland (Unlock from Single-Player mode)

Once you’ve won the Single-Player Mode you can challenge you frinds to Digimon battles in constantly-churning Chaos Wasteland. As an uncontrollable lightning storm rumbles in the sky, the platforms under your feet may freeze, explode, reverse their gravity or plummet into the bottomless pit below. Only expert Rumble Arena players can hope to stay in the game here!

Thanks, I would like some correction if you sees mistakes on the FAQs so it could be corrected and edited.

The ChaosGallantmon pic is not actually a ChaosGallantmon. It's only Gallantmon which edited by some picturing programs with special effects so it would appear to be similar as one. The real ChaosDukemon/ChaosGallantmon's color should be all metallic black, purple, and platinum.

Imperialdramon PM's finisher attack is either Omega Sword or Omni Sword. They're the same - the dub distinguish the name of it, such as Omegamon and Omnimon.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jan 2, 2005
Overflow from original post added here:

[hl=#FFA824]• Game Modes[/hl]
There are 4 game modes for Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution and they are:
1P Mode: Go through 8 different Digimons that hinder you before you meet the boss, Reapermon. This is where you can go unlock things to reach the 100% completition in the game, including the Digimons, mini-games, etc. For this mode, you can't use a Mega level from a rookie, except Belzeemon.
2P Mode: Where you can test your skill between you and your match or just have fun. Play against another human player here and you can use any Digimon if unlocked.
1P Mini-Game: You can unlock 3 different mini-games from 1P mode and play against a COM opponent here. The mini-games are: Target, Digivolve race, and Basketball.
2P Mini-Game: Play mini-games against a human player.

Digimon Rumble Arena 2

To unlock many of the secrets of the Rumble Arena and to bring some of the hidden Digimon you'll need to enter the Arena on your own. The Single-player campaign will test your wits, reflexes and skill as you and your chosen Digimon go up against determined assortment of arenas and CPU opponents. This mode is arranged in a "tree" structure. After a victory in your first match – a one-on-one battle at the Jungle Ruins – you can pick which opponents and battlegrounds you want to take on next.

As you progress through the battles, you may find that new competitors appear to challenge you, such as the rare and vicious BlackDigimon, or that your next match will be played under distinctly unusual rules. If you can adapt to these new circumstances and win, you'll unlock either your opponent or the new set of rules for your own use. Expect that you might want to play this mode for many times to reach 100% game competition.

Up to three friends or CPU opponents can join you in the Rumble Arena for a no-holds-barred slugfest! Select your Digimon, your environment, your preferred game type and your speed, then get rumble! When you play first, there are only two game modes are available: Timed Rumble and Knockout. You can unlock the rest from Single-Player mode.
Timed Rumble: The clock is ticking! The winner here is whoever has the most KOs on the scoreboard when the time runs out.
Knockout Battle: Just like Single-player mode, all competitors have three lives. Whenever you run out of health or falloff stage you lose one of them. Whoever is the last Digimon on the stage is the winner.

Keep Away: Grab the Spirit Egg and run for it! The longer you can keep hold on the Egg, the more points you score. Other Digimon can swipe the Egg from you by knocking you down, so keep on your toes.
Poison: At the start of the game one player is randomly chosen to suffer from the Poison! By landing a successful attack on another player you can poison them instead of cure yourself. The winner is whoever is still got HP and the end of the round so if you’ve got poisoned, tag it away – fast!
Digi Race: The name of the game here is Digivolving. Land big combos to gather Digi-ups and collect them fast, because scoring in Digi-Race means powering up ASAP and firing off your Ultra attack! Once you manage that, though, you’ll be returned to your least powerful form. You have to unleash your ultra 3 times to win the match.
Little versus Big: A Knockout Battle with a twist: one player will begin the turn in its most powerful Digivolution. If the other three players can knock him out, whoever stikes the final blow will instantly Digivolved into its most powerful form! You’ve got three lives each in this “seesaw” battle for the ages.
Spirit Collection: it’s raining Spirit Eggs! The winner of this bout is whoever collects the target number of Eggs so you’ll want to be fast on your feet. You can also win by going on the attack, as in this mode, attacks would ordinary scatter Digi-ups will instead shed Spirit Eggs!
King of the Hill: The “hill” in question is a platform with a flag planted on it. A Digimon standing on this “hill” will get one point for every 3 seconds and anybody can hold their position here. Can you keep all the other players off your hill?
Crazy Chase: There goes Calumon! Catch her to score a point and whoever reaches the target number first wins! Calumon’s kind of evasive though, and you opponents are just as interested in keeping you from catching in themselves. It’ll wind up as a brawl for the right to track Calumon down!
Speed: In above modes you have the option to pick your pace: Slow, Medium or Fast. Beginners may favor the more strategic pace of a Slow match while fans of all-out action will appreciate the reflexes involved in a Fast Battle!

Practice Mode
You can collect as many points you got on this mode. Practice and sharpen your skill in Rumble Arena against up to 3 opponents in one desired arena per match. It’s basically an endless knockout battle with no live and time limit so you can excessively gain many points as you never have done before!

[hl=#FFA824]• Items, Power Ups, Bonuses, ...[/hl]
In Digimon Rumble Arena, there are many items and cards (power-ups) that scattered throughout each arena, except for the Deep Void arena. These items are divided into three categories; cards, meals and bombs.

Chocolate Bar, Candy, Bread - All of them are functioned to restore a little part of your Health bar.

Bombs - Instantly damage the Digimon when it comes in contact. It's lighten up after a period of time, then explode by itself, if it's untouched.


Yellow Plus: Increase Digivolve meter partially.
Yellow Minus: Decrease Digivolve meter partially.
Purple Ring: Malfunction a Digimon for couple seconds.
Multiple Purple Rings Worse than purple ring with longer effect.
Summon (Yellow circle in the middle, with parentheses): Make a Digimon to Digivolve although the tamer didn't summon.
Brown Grand Cross: Increase Digivolve meter to maximum.
White Marble Bust: When taken, white light glowing, indicates that your Digimon attack is greater than usual.
Blue Down Arrow: When taken, blue light glowing, indicates that your Digimon attack is lower than usual.
Blue Fire: Allow Digimon to shoot ice projectile once.
Red Fire: Allow Digimon to shoot fire projectile once.

Green Fire: Allow Digimon to shoot nature projectile once.

For Digimon Rumble Arena 2, in each stage, dependent upon the mode you’re playing, power-up items will appear in set locations at certain times. Watch out for them as a power-up at the right time can mean the difference between victory and defeat!

Digi-Up: Partially fills the Digimeter.
Digi-Max: Fills the Digimeter and instantly allows Digivolution!
Digi-Nuke: An enormous explosion knocks out 30% of all Digimon’s Digimeters.
Fire-Up: You’re on fire! No… really. You’re on fire. Anyone who touches you will take damage from your burning skin and your normal attacks do 25% more damage!
HP-Max: Heals the Digimon.
HP-Up: Heals the Digimon for 10% if its health meter.
Invincibility: For a limited time you’re untouchable! Any attack that hits you will bounce right off without inflicting any damage.
Iron Fist: Kabong! Your attacks are more powerful and send a struck opponent flying!
Life-Up: Gives the Digimon an extra live.

Chance items: Digi-Change Devices
Watch out for Digi-Change devices though. You may get something good out of these boxes… or you might get something very bad. Most of these will affect all players.

Body Snatchers: All players suddenly randomly control another Digimon, but with your own Digimeter and heath meter. Chaos is sure to ensue!
De-Digivolution: All players de-digivolve one level.
Digivolution Convolution: If you’re at level 3, you’ll revert to level 1. If you’re at level 1, you’ll Digivolve to level 3. If you’re at level 2, you’ll Digivolve if you’re losing, and de-digivolve if you’re winning. This is perfect for come-from-behind victories… or sudden defeats.
Digivolve All: All players Digivolve one level.
Lightning Strikes: Look out! The skies light up with thunderbolts for a few seconds. Run for cover!
Piñata: The unlucky Digimon who grabs this powerup turns into a festive and defenseless donkey piñata! Chase the Digimon down and attack for literal shower of digi-ups, but work fast before it transformed back. Unfortunately…. it might be you!

Sleepy Time: All Digimon except the one that activates this power-up go sleep for a little while. It’s time to get in some free hits!

Summon Phantomon: Phantomon appears at random, flying around and passing through platforms like a… well, like a ghost. Any Digimon it touches with its sickle will be KO’ed instantly. Phantomon cannot be attacked by any means so the only way to escape is get away from it!
Sympathy pains: All players randomly shuffle their current health. Suddenly someone who has close to getting KO’ed is back on their feet and healthy Digimon will be weak!

[hl=#FFA824]• Credits and Special Thanks[/hl]
I have really spent a week working solo on this FAQ. Without the help from the following, I couldn't done it by myself. Thanks to GameFAQs for providing some of the parts on the FAQ thread. This link will bring you more information for Digimon Rumble Arena and this link is for Digimon Rumble Arena 2. IGN also helped with the screenshots for both DRA and DRA2. Well, I can't name for the rest of the help, but thanks for everyone who contributed to this guide in some way or another.

[hl=#FFA824]• Links to Resources[/hl]

IGN's page

IGN is not responsible for the content of these sites below. If you visit a site and experience problems, please report them to the appropriate sites' administrators. So here are the resources links that you might can use for the games, if you need more and detailed informations.

Note: For the DRA2, most of the links are for PS2 version

Official Digimon Rumble Arena website
Official Digimon Rumble Arena 2 website
DRA Game Stats
DRA2 Game Stats
DRA game spy
Dark Station
DRA2 game spy
DRA Game Winners
DRA2 Game Winners
DRA NeoSeeker
DRA2 NeoSeeker

Feel free to use this thread for anything about the game, site recommendations, etc. This will keep the board as a whole as clean as possible, and give people a single thread to look for when asking questions or looking for game-related topics. Do not spam this thread, however, with meaningless conversation that would be more suited for the Community Thread. Thanks!

Oh i see, i thought that pic looked kinda off

Here's one that could be right:


Oh and Imperialdramon FM's finisher is giga crusher, imperialdramon DM's attack is mega crusher
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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The pic looked like a BlackGallantmon, even though I don't know if it exest or not. it's only a matter of colors and if there's a uncut pic of that card, maybe we'll see who's that in the card. The link recognize it as BaclkGallantmon, by the way, and I believe it's not it. I've never seen a pic of ChaosGallantmon on the internet before, but there must be at least one hidden somewhere.

The attacks are based on the dub version and it was taken off from the gameFAQs.com and I believe it was pulled directly from the game. The names are different and I think both are right.

Note: On the Japanese version (Digimon Tamers: Evolution Battle), I heard Imperialdramon speeched "Giga Blast" when performing its finisher.

[link=http://boards.ign.com/user_watch_update.asp?usr=1144104][hl=#551011].[/hl][hl=#5e1013] [/hl][hl=#671016]»[/hl][hl=#701019] [/hl][hl=#79111c]-[/hl][hl=#82111f] [/hl][hl=#8b1122]«[/hl][hl=#941125] [/hl][hl=#9d1227]b[/hl][hl=#a6122a] [/hl][hl=#af122d]r[/hl][hl=#b81230] [/hl][hl=#c11333]o[/hl][hl=#ca1336] [/hl][hl=#d31339]w[/hl][hl=#dc143c] [/hl][hl=#dc143c]m[/hl][hl=#d21338] [/hl][hl=#c81335]k[/hl][hl=#bf1332] [/hl][hl=#b5122f]e[/hl][hl=#ab122c] [/hl][hl=#a21229]y[/hl][hl=#981226] [/hl][hl=#8e1123]»[/hl][hl=#851120] [/hl][hl=#7b111d]-[/hl][hl=#71101a] [/hl][hl=#681017]«[/hl][hl=#5e1014] [/hl][hl=#551011].[/hl][/link]
Jan 2, 2005
Curse you oh mysterios ChaosGallantmon!

Here's a Reapermon pic:


and DRA was realeased in europe
Jan 2, 2005
> Attack=Pepper Breath
v Attack=Claw Attack
^ Attack=Claw Uppercut

> Attack=Nova Blast
v Attack=Great Horns Bash
^ Attack=Great Horns Attack

> Attack=Terra Force
v Attack=Great Tornado
^ Attack=Great Tornado
Bonus Attack=War Driver
Ultra Attack=Ultra Tornado

> Attack=Blue Blaster
v Attack=Blue Cyclone
^ Attack=Horn Attack

> Attack=Howling Blaster
v Attack=Slamming Attack
^ Attack=Wolf Cry

> Attack=Ice Wolf Claw
v Attack=Metal Wolf Claw
^ Attack=Metal Wolf Throw
Bonus Attack=Giga Missile
Ultra Attack=Burst Wolf Claw

Will do more later


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Thanks for the Reapermon pic. Its better than the one I put above.

>> and DRA was realeased in europe
The info were [link=http://psx.ign.com/objects/017/017385.html]taken from IGN[/link] and it still says that DRA is unreleased; probably outdated or something.

Here are some addition for the list above: (other attacks - taken from the DRA2's Digidex)

¤Skull Cracker

¤Blizzard Bash
¤Giga Missile
¤Burst Wolf Claw

[link=http://boards.ign.com/user_watch_update.asp?usr=1144104][hl=#551011].[/hl][hl=#5e1013] [/hl][hl=#671016]»[/hl][hl=#701019] [/hl][hl=#79111c]-[/hl][hl=#82111f] [/hl][hl=#8b1122]«[/hl][hl=#941125] [/hl][hl=#9d1227]b[/hl][hl=#a6122a] [/hl][hl=#af122d]r[/hl][hl=#b81230] [/hl][hl=#c11333]o[/hl][hl=#ca1336] [/hl][hl=#d31339]w[/hl][hl=#dc143c] [/hl][hl=#dc143c]m[/hl][hl=#d21338] [/hl][hl=#c81335]k[/hl][hl=#bf1332] [/hl][hl=#b5122f]e[/hl][hl=#ab122c] [/hl][hl=#a21229]y[/hl][hl=#981226] [/hl][hl=#8e1123]»[/hl][hl=#851120] [/hl][hl=#7b111d]-[/hl][hl=#71101a] [/hl][hl=#681017]«[/hl][hl=#5e1014] [/hl][hl=#551011].[/hl][/link]
Jan 2, 2005
> Attack = Spiral Twister
v Attack = Talon Twist
^ Attack = Ostri-Kick

> Attack = Meteor Wing
v Attack = Fire Storm
^ Attack = Phoenix Rising

> Attack = Wing Blade
v Attack = Boulder Breaker
^ Attack = Fist Of The Phoenix
Bonus Attack = Garuda-Punch
Ultra Attack = Fire Hurricane

> Attack = Super Shocker
v Attack = Rhino Spin
^ Attack = Shock Jaw

> Attack = Electro Shocker
v Attack = Electric Storm
^ Attack = Beetle Horn Attack

> Attack = Horn Buster
v Attack = Repulsor Field
^ Attack = Horn Thruster
Bonus Attack = Rhino Charge
Ultra Attack = Lightning Wave
Jan 2, 2005
> = Poison Ivy
v = Sleep Spores
^ = Thorn Thrust

> = Knockout Fist
v = Needle Spray
^ = Light Speed Jabbing

> = Flower Cannon
v = Vicious Vine
^ = Flower Cutter
Bonus Attack = Sun-Crescent Kick
Ultra Attack = Sunburst Vine

> = Marching Fishes
v = Bubble Deflector
^ = Tail Slap

> = Harpoon Torpedo
v = Icicle Coat
^ = Horn Attack

> = Vulcan's Hammer
v = Thor's Fury
^ = Hammer-Head
Bonus Attack = Anvil Smash
Ulta Attack = Vulcan's Vengeance
Jan 2, 2005
> = Boom Bubble
v = Thousand Wings
^ = Slamming Attack

> = Hand Of Fate
v = Angel Slam
^ = Angel Rod

> = Flying Sword Of Justice
v = Shield And Counter
^ = Excaliburs Grace
Bonus Attack = Excaliburst
Ultra Attack = Gate Of Destiny

> = Cat's Eye Hypnotism
v = Catastrophe
^ = Collar kicker

> = Queen's Paw
v = Rosseta Stones
^ = Queen's Curse

> = Celestial arrow
v = Divine Kick
^ = Lift Your Spirits
Bonus = Heel Of Justice
Ultra = Heaven's Charm


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
More attacks/techniques addition for Digimons above:

¤ Peck Attack

¤ Talon Tear

¤ Talon Tear

¤ Dynamo Spin

¤ Shocking Touch

¤ Ground Circuit
¤ Rocket Butt

¤ Thrown Throw

¤ Triple Jump

¤ Sliding Seal

¤ Belly Flop

¤ Nail Pull
¤ Shell Smash

¤ Spin Kick
¤ Air Slam
¤ Glide

¤ Staff Sweep
¤ Air Slam
¤ Glide

¤ Magna Jump

¤ Tail Trip
¤ Mega Kick

¤ Hot Foot

¤ Angel Dash
¤ Flying Kick
¤ Super Jump
¤ Angel Wing
Jan 2, 2005
> = Vee-Knockout
v = Vee-Punch
^ = Vee-Headbutt

> = Fire Rocket
v = Flame Shield
^ = Flame Shot

> = Positron Laser
v = Dragon Kick
^ = Splendor Blade
Bonus = Supreme Positron Laser
Ultra = Ionic Blaster

> = Pyro Sphere
v = Rock Breaker
^ = Neck Stretcher

> = Pyro Blaster
v = Dino Kick
^ = Dragon Slash

> = Lightning Joust
v = Gallant Charge
^ = Spiral Saver
Bonus = Shield Attack
Ultra = Lightning Charge

> = Flame Toss
v = Monkey Ball
^ = Noble Heart

> = Pyro Darts
v = Fire Dash
^ = Pyro Tornado

> = Pyro Barrage
v = Fire Below
^ = Burning Inferno
Bonus = Burning Grey Basher
Ultra = Wildfire Tsunami


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Additional attacks/techniques of the above Digimons:

¤ Vee-HeadDrop

¤ Blade Drive

Imperialdramon (FM)
¤ Dragon Knee
¤ Majestic Strike

¤ Dragon's Spine

¤ Gravity Lance

¤ Fire Slide
¤ Elbow Drop

¤ Tail Whip
Jan 2, 2005
> = Pepper Breath
v = Claw Smash
^ = Claw Uppercut

> = Mega Flame
v = Great Antler Bash
^ = Great Antler Attack

> = Terra Destroyer
v = Great Tornado
^ = Black Tornado
Bonus = War Blaster
Ultra = Ultra Tornado

> = Petite Fire
v = Ice Dash
^ = Little Horn

> = Fox Fire
v = Ice Wall
^ = Howling Wolf

> = Fire Wolf Claw
v = Ice Wolf Claw
^ = Metal Grinder
Bonus = Giga Destruction
Ultra = Blizzard Wolf Claw

> = Pyro Grenade
v = Rock Crusher
^ = Virus Breath

> = Exaust Flame
v = Plasma Blade
^ = Dragon Slash

> = Demon's Disaster
v = Gallant Charge
^ = Spiral Wailer
Bonus = Shield Attack
Ultra = Waking Dead


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Additional attacks/techniques of the above Digimons:

¤ Flying Kick

¤ Tail Whip
¤ Great Antler Drop

¤ Skull Driller

¤ Metal Masher

¤ Chaos Crusher
Jan 2, 2005
v = I Like Beans
^ = Happy Accident
Bonus = Gassed Off
Ultra = Uh-Oh

> = Garuru Cannon
V = Blaster Blade
^ = Ultimate Uppercut
Bonus = Trancendant Sword
Ultra = Sword Of Ruin

> = Web Wrecker
v = Line Surge
^ = Cable Crusher
Bonus = Virus Download
Ulta = System Failure

> = Death Gaze
v = Ghost Move
^ = Brute Strike
Bonus = Geist Blade
Ultra = Geist Blade Storm

> = Screaming Darkness
v = Black Rain
^ = Chaos Crusher
Bonus = Crimson Mist
Ultra = Panemonium


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Additional attacks/techniques of the above Digimons:

¤ Page Fault

¤ Gruesome Grab

¤ Sould Shield


Sep 26, 2003
I find it very odd that you use the American names for the Digimon, yet the Japanese names for the trainers.

Either one or the other, please.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
^ ^ Uh, no problem. The reason why I use the Digimon's American names is because some source site didn't have the correct Japanese names, which I have to find out more about it.
Jun 8, 2005
hmm game sounds good but it doesnt look good according to the pics...ive played super smash and i like it alot so if this is just like it i might buy it...sounds good but graphics wise its not.....so what do u say should i buy it? [face_monkey]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Super Smash Bros. is indeed a much better game than this. If you're a big Digimon fan and game collector, then go get it since the price should be lower at this time.


May 5, 2005
Browmkey said:
Super Smash Bros. is indeed a much better game than this. If you're a big Digimon fan and game collector, then go get it since the price should be lower at this time.
i was thinking about that but i hvae super smash bros