
Jan 18, 2004
What the heck is Namco-Bandai doing? They are rivals to pokemon. If pokemon can be as huge as it is then there should be nothing stopping Digimon from doing the same or MUCH BETTER. It has the better universe, it has the better art designs, it has the better stat mechanics and gameplay. The only thing it sucks at is Promotion.

The only thing I have hated of Digimon is two seasons of Anime Data Squad(and the game) and Fusion.

I have dumped over 230+ hours into Digimon Word Dusk and will continue to add to it. I would play Digimon World 2 on ps1 to this day if it was not so hard to transfer abilities.(You have to take Digimon through very complicated evolution paths to make it back to your original form with all the moves you want). Nothing will ever change how much I love those games and cherish them above almost ALL OTHERS.

Namco Bandai also dropped the ball on .Hack. Another awesome game/anime that I will never forget and always cherish. Another IP that suffered from lack of promotion.