Feb 13, 2013
San Francisco
So I started playing Fire Emblem Awakening on Hard and Classic mode. It wasn't too difficult until maybe chapter 6 or 7 (I could certainly beat it, but not without losing some fighters); I just kept getting frustrated and am not sure if I want to play through the whole game on that difficulty. I'm one of those players who likes some difficulty, but I'm not obsessed with challenge. Also, the only other Fire Emblem game I've played is the first one that came to the US on GameBoy Advance (I got to the final stage, but was never able to beat the boss). So... I'm left with two current options, start a new game on...

Normal Difficulty on Classic
Hard Difficult on Casual

What do all of you have to say about these two options? Any advice? I'm currently trying to play though each a little bit, but haven't made a decision yet.


I look like my icon IRL
Jul 19, 2004
I'm playing through on hard/classic now after going casual my first run. Casual takes away the true challenge of Fire Emblem to me, which is not letting any units die