Mar 24, 2015
Ile cut to the chase, Devil May Cry has had a bumpy ride with fans in last few years, we can all agree, since the DMC4 sp is out soon and with DMC5 in the making one can only wonder what story will continue in the franchise.

Your opinions are welcome, and heres my piece of the puzzle.

Dante is trapped in hell fighting demons.

Nero is visited by what seems to be Virgil's spirit, being told he must find Dante and break a special seal to free him, all to help prevent a cataclysm (hell opening to Earth, demons spilling forth).

Nero finds a way into hell and journeys in search for Dante and the seal. Gaining more power.

Nero gains enough power to unleash his full demon form (very powerful). His whole arm becoming permanently demonic after.

Dante is visited by Virgil's soul from purgatory, telling him Nero has been deceived to enter hell and break a seal to begin the cataclysm.

Nero finds Dante, believing a cataclysm is about to occur he manages to get to the seal and break it open with his demon power.

Things get messy as the broken seal opens a gateway to Earth spilling out demons, while a dark power consumes over Nero.

Dante is faces 'Dark Nero' as Virgil arives and grants him more power, allowing Dante to become 'ascended Devil Trigger' (from DMC4 art book) for longer time with extra powers.

Before Dante defeating Nero, Virgil strips back the power he gave to Dante so to spare Nero (Virgil's son) and persuades Nero soul to overcome the possession.

Nero exiles the Mundus from his body as Virgil grants him enough power to fight and banish Mundus completely.

Nero and Dante escape as the gateway closes again.

With Virgil soul passes from purgatory to paradise.

Anyways this is an idea for the story of DMC5 if you think it through it makes sense with the other stories, hope it goes something along those lines.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
the official novel ends with Nero opened a Devil May Cry shop in Fortuna. this gave Dante a CEO title as well. lol.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2010

Dante is trapped in hell after Argosax's battle.
Actually heavily based on The Divine Comedy
He has to travel all the circles of hell with Vergil's soul as his guide
Both of them playable characters, with fully fleshed styles and movestes.

Nero, Lucia, Lady and Trish become the protectors of the human realm meanwhile until Dante escapes.
Mar 24, 2015

Dante is trapped in hell after Argosax's battle.
Actually heavily based on The Divine Comedy
He has to travel all the circles of hell with Vergil's soul as his guide
Both of them playable characters, with fully fleshed styles and movestes.

Nero, Lucia, Lady and Trish become the protectors of the human realm meanwhile until Dante escapes.
This isn't Dante's Inferno, the plot in DMC games is always loosely based, really loosely! And Dante's Inferno is already a game of its own, a twist here is ok, as long as they make it awesome, they already announced dmc5 will have Dante in Hell and Nero the main playable character, I think he also goes to hell in search of Dante anyways, i just think a deception scheme like in dmc3 would make sense to re-open hell( story wise) and Nero needs to be fleshed out as a character (more weapons, moves, powers and a full Devil Trigger). Virgil should stay in the saga, in spirit, even posible to give Dante/Nero an ability where they call on his spirit for some power ect. Anyways hope they make somthing awesome, re-mastered deep/awesome combat system, next gen graphics and movements/animation, but story and characters is the main aim!
Mar 2, 2010

Dante is trapped in hell after Argosax's battle.
Actually heavily based on The Divine Comedy
He has to travel all the circles of hell with Vergil's soul as his guide
Both of them playable characters, with fully fleshed styles and movestes.

Nero, Lucia, Lady and Trish become the protectors of the human realm meanwhile until Dante escapes.
This isn't Dante's Inferno, the plot in DMC games is always loosely based, really loosely! And Dante's Inferno is already a game of its own, a twist here is ok, as long as they make it awesome, they already announced dmc5 will have Dante in Hell and Nero the main playable character, I think he also goes to hell in search of Dante anyways, i just think a deception scheme like in dmc3 would make sense to re-open hell( story wise) and Nero needs to be fleshed out as a character (more weapons, moves, powers and a full Devil Trigger). Virgil should stay in the saga, in spirit, even posible to give Dante/Nero an ability where they call on his spirit for some power ect. Anyways hope they make somthing awesome, re-mastered deep/awesome combat system, next gen graphics and movements/animation, but story and characters is the main aim!
.....Except DMC5 has never been announced.....


Jul 17, 2015
Personally I would love for devil may cry to make a game about Sparda and his story about sealing the gates of hell and rebelling against mundus. Because sparda was the ultimate bad ass. I remember playing the first game when I was young and watching the story about Sparda and wishing I could play as him in that time. Now that would be sick. And lots of untold story to tell between him and Dantes mother. And show baby Dante and vergil at the end.


Jul 17, 2015
Personally I would love for devil may cry to make a game about Sparda and his story about sealing the gates of hell and rebelling against mundus. Because sparda was the ultimate bad ass. I remember playing the first game when I was young and watching the story about Sparda and wishing I could play as him in that time. Now that would be sick. And lots of untold story to tell between him and Dantes mother. And show baby Dante and vergil at the end.
I also think you could use that to help set up another game, dmc 6 for Dante.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Dante orders a pizza.
Never gets a slice.
New dumb villain shows up.
Nero can't do it.
Dante blows the villain up since he's the strongest character in all of fiction.
The end.
Best story ever.

Reviving semi dead thread to toss my two cents in. I'd like to see a game based around Vergil getting out of hell/demon world/wherever demons go when they die, now that his soul is no longer possessed by Mundus. Maybe it could lead up to a tie in with DMC4 or something; Vergil manages to escape hell but has to resort to possessing Nero. It could finally explain the relationship between the two already.

Also it'd be nice if we could just declare DMC2 non canon and retcon the storyline into Dante just ran a successful business for the rest of his life. I'm not even sure how to continue a story from DMC2's ending. It'd probably have to pick up pretty early on after DMC2, and his personality would just clash so much with the personality he had in that game that I'm not sure it's worth the attempt.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 30, 2012
It's rummage time.
Reviving semi dead thread to toss my two cents in. I'd like to see a game based around Vergil getting out of hell/demon world/wherever demons go when they die, now that his soul is no longer possessed by Mundus. Maybe it could lead up to a tie in with DMC4 or something; Vergil manages to escape hell but has to resort to possessing Nero. It could finally explain the relationship between the two already.

Also it'd be nice if we could just declare DMC2 non canon and retcon the storyline into Dante just ran a successful business for the rest of his life. I'm not even sure how to continue a story from DMC2's ending. It'd probably have to pick up pretty early on after DMC2, and his personality would just clash so much with the personality he had in that game that I'm not sure it's worth the attempt.
Vergil was apparently killed in his final encounter with Dante in DMC1. They'd have to retcon that to be able to feature him in a game that takes place afterwards.

DMC2 is a miserable piece of trash.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
Vergil was apparently killed in his final encounter with Dante in DMC1. They'd have to retcon that to be able to feature him in a game that takes place afterwards.

DMC2 is a miserable piece of trash.
It's pretty iffy what happened to Vergil, to be honest, and Capcom's never really made it clear what happened to him. There's a large group of people who swear up and down he's alive to this day.

More on topic, though, my story idea would pick up with him being "dead" after DMC1 in hell, or the demon world, or wherever demons go where they die, and then having to escape it. You'd probably be playing as Vergil's soul or whatever. I'm really not sure how the afterlife in DMC works, but it'd involve that a lot.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 30, 2012
It's rummage time.
It's pretty iffy what happened to Vergil, to be honest, and Capcom's never really made it clear what happened to him. There's a large group of people who swear up and down he's alive to this day.

More on topic, though, my story idea would pick up with him being "dead" after DMC1 in hell, or the demon world, or wherever demons go where they die, and then having to escape it. You'd probably be playing as Vergil's soul or whatever. I'm really not sure how the afterlife in DMC works, but it'd involve that a lot.
I'd be down with Vergil having survived that encounter.

I think what happened to him was, he died after trying to fight Mundus in the post credits scene in DMC3. So, his corpse is basically mind controlled (or something stupid) into fighting Dante in DMC1. Vergil would never willingly serve Mundus. Mundus killed their mom. The reason I say he died with such confidence is Trish's line in her first cutscene in DMC1, "You're the man who lost a mother and a brother to evil twenty years ago, the son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, Mr. Dante." So, basically, after their final fight where he gets the other half of the amulet, Dante allows Vergil to quit being a reanimated corpse.

So, yeah, a story picking up with him being dead would be fine. DMC has a crazy universe, and I don't think anyone would be opposed to that.

edit: I put quotation marks around the quote.
Last edited:
Aug 7, 2015
I think DMC4 should have continued the story after DMC1 instead of building another story on its own. Well at least we have now an idea of what the DMC real wolrd looks like.
I would welcome an rpg twist to the series with the game starting with Dante's shop taking minor jobs (missions) slowly discovering a bigger and sinister picture. Violent events are happening because an evil force in the demon world is contaminating the human world without apparently breaking any seal as they are finally protected and sealed for good. Thanks to Nero's investigations after the fall of The Order, Dante, Trish and Lady will to find out who's doing this and how. This will eventually bring them to the villain who's up to something in the demon world keeping Vergil's soul as an hostage in order to obtain Sparda's power or something like that. Not that the plot is that important in a DMC game anyway.
I'd keep all the characters in the special edition of DMC4 with little improvements to Vergil and Trish movesets and have some flashback missions with Sparda as a lead. He might be awakened at the end for the final boss fight and the player will get the chance to use him in full power.
I would also like to have if not all some of the older weapons from the series stocked in Dante's shop to be unlocked depending on the mission's target:

Rebellion (Dante)
Alastor (Dante, Trish)
Yamato (Vergil)
Red Queen (Nero)
Spada Force Edge/Sparda (Trish, Sparda, Dante, Vergil)
Agni and Rudra (Dante)
Cerberus (Dante)
Ifrit (Dante)
Gilgamesh (Trish)
Beowulf (Vergil)
Nevan (Dante)
Lucifer (Dante)
Ebony & Ivory (Dante)
Luce & Ombra (Sparda, Trish)
Blue Rose (Nero)
Summoned Swords (Vergil)
Shotgun (Dante, Lady)
Kalina Ann (Lady)
Pandora (Dante, Trish)
Spiral (Dante)
Nightmare (Dante, Trish)
Artemis (Dante)

Throw in 3-4 new weapons with their new movesets, great boss fights, good level design, better chamera angles, less backtracking, a more cinematic feel with a better and deeper narration and why not a co-op and a vs mode since the cast has become quite big. I can imagine kick ass and over the top team attacks.
I would remove the 4 styles used by Dante and I will try to implement the best moves from each style depending on his equipment. I'd like a more startegic approach to the gameplay and more depth in choosing and developing weapons and skills with the equipment giving different effects in DT mode.
Difficulty level should stay the same as DMC4 Special Edition. Fun to play in the easier modes, challenging in the harder but never frustrating like DMC3 where starting a new game in normal mode meant basically awful grades until you didn't improve weapons, skills and health.