
The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Good review overall. A couple things... You don't mention that this review is for XBOX 360. The game play is slightly different for PC. There is not a glowing yellow CLICK ME surrounding everything on PC. Finding walls to punch through on the first play through can sometimes be a challenge as all you can see are cracks. Which computers and monitors you can use is also not obvious until you touch them. The controller differences are obvious.

Great use of video and narration. Seemed like you were bouncing a little in the beginning but still better than standing stiff as a board.

Difficulty is hard to judge. If you are charging ahead it can be tough to get places but going with stealth negates the harder areas (since there is ALWAYS a way to go around).

Right on with the animations but I think some were great while others were so-so. I thought it warranted less of a penalty to the score (since you liked everything else).

Solid, keep up the good work!


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
rundav said:
Good review overall. A couple things... You don't mention that this review is for XBOX 360. The game play is slightly different for PC. There is not a glowing yellow CLICK ME surrounding everything on PC. Finding walls to punch through on the first play through can sometimes be a challenge as all you can see are cracks. Which computers and monitors you can use is also not obvious until you touch them.
No GIMPed vision for PC?

Xbox 360 [face_dancing]


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
Now that I think about it I played on Give Me Deus Ex so maybe that took away things like the glowing gimme hints. That was my primary issue with Invisible War. It was so dumbed down for console. At least this one seems like they played pretty close to the same way.


Pescatarian, a vegetarian that eats fish
Sep 23, 2001
City of Angeles
I wrote a review as well @ [link=][/link] - loved the game and look forward to seeing what they do next.


My name's not boner
Jun 20, 2010
rundav said:
Good review overall. A couple things... You don't mention that this review is for XBOX 360. The game play is slightly different for PC. There is not a glowing yellow CLICK ME surrounding everything on PC. Finding walls to punch through on the first play through can sometimes be a challenge as all you can see are cracks.
Uh, you can disable that on console.