
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
I think they should make a DAH game in present day.In the game Crypto and pox goes missing in the 80s so a new Furon named Crypto 666 who is alot more evil comes and takes their place.But Crypto and pox aren't missing they moved to Hawaii.They find out that a new Furon is doing their job so they have to get rid of him.Crypto 666 becomes worried that the leader of Gorta will find out that they are back so to make sure he keeps his new job he uses his advanced mind powers to bring Silhouette,Milenkov and Colnel Klukin back to life to help fight them.But they all look the same as when they had died.

(Crypto 666 will also bring back the main bad guy in POTF)

Tell me what you think of it.


May 11, 2008
that is a great idea then when crypto goes to watch tv in his vacation house he sees that micheal jackson has taken over all the music companys then crypto starts to get mad and goes to 5 invasions sites new york,hawaii,san francsco,china,and santa modesta.
crypto meets micheal jackson and maybe have to do a dance off with musics like bad and thriller.Pox could get his body back then start a rock bad with kiss. mean while emperor furon sends a human robot to kill crypto and pox then crypto may have to go back to the future to the year 1959 to make sure he never came to earth. Also crypto's
son could have a girl named Caroll ann and she haunts him out of his house when the other side gets her.
Crypto could get sent to another secret invasion site with 3 humans and they work together to save a small town some where in the east.Maybe Geraldo riviarea could get beat up by crypto when he helps micheal jackson with his music plans and allmost destroys the whole 80's thing.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
M.J. is a gay *** who rapes little boys.He should be in jail for a long time until he gets hanged.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Uhh, guys, first of all, that would give the game an "M" rating. 2nd of all, nobody has been hanged since the 1800s, its illegal now, and considered cruel and unusual punishment.
May 3, 2008
dude. santa modesta is santa monica i think, and they already did that and san francisco. and you need to be more specific, china. they're doing hong kong right now
Jul 21, 2008
anyway back to the subject i am not goin to question that they should make dah5 but in potf crypto is actually FIGHTING THE FURONS and it would be much better if the kept continuing from where they left off in the previous game.
May 3, 2008
I think they should make a DAH game in present day.In the game Crypto and pox goes missing in the 80s so a new Furon named Crypto 666 who is alot more evil comes and takes their place.But Crypto and pox aren't missing they moved to Hawaii.They find out that a new Furon is doing their job so they have to get rid of him.Crypto 666 becomes worried that the leader of Gorta will find out that they are back so to make sure he keeps his new job he uses his advanced mind powers to bring Silhouette,Milenkov and Colnel Klukin back to life to help fight them.But they all look the same as when they had died.

(Crypto 666 will also bring back the main bad guy in POTF)

Tell me what you think of it.

hah we had the same thing in our site. you could always come visit and see what u think of it. ask SWJS for the link
Jul 21, 2008
ha..right both the same thing so there both way too obvious and i want a dah to finally be challenging and long there too easy combining them would not help at all.
Feb 15, 2008
if they make destroy all humans 5, they should realease it on alot of systems, because the past destroy all humans games have only been released on 2 counsles. if they don't realease it for every system, they should realease it on ps3, x360, and ds, since ds does'nt have a dah! title yet.


Retarded Genius
Aug 5, 2008
you see, when i joined IGN, this was gonna be my home board. why not? i dunno

are you all new here (or do you just rarely come on IGN?) you all have low post counts...

anyway, we cant judge for DAH!5 until we get 4. 1 step at a time guys, 1 step at a time...


Retarded Genius
Aug 5, 2008
yeah... 360? not high

why dont you guys post on other boards? surely you play more then just DAH!


Mar 7, 2006
I post on the street fighter board sometimes. But just cause I play a game doesnt mean I have to post on that board. That would be alot of boards I'd have to post on then [face_mischief]
Feb 14, 2009
That idea you got for dah!5 is not good sorry to tell you that.
The reason's for that is:
* at the end of potf pox becomes the empereor with a monkey body
* although crypto returns to earth and says he will return in 10 years.
* san fransico as already been done as Bay City on dah!2 is san fransico
* all of the final bosses from previous games will make it boring
* MJ in the game will be funny but not by killing him, it be funny if crypto abducts him for "testing"
* also at the end of potf the old empereor dies before telling them about the nexos so maybe having a furon or something like that telling them the truth and having the nexos returning will be good.

My ideas:
* mini-maps made so you know where missions are, a bit like the mini-map on dah! bwu
* i think natalya and blasto (crypto's son) should return and that natalya has a husband and crypto gets jeolous.
* an invasion site in hawaii be good and so is new york be good
* having the blisk returning be good but tis time having a group of flying blisk warships in one story mission be good
* blisk was the furon's enemy in the war, so learning more about the war be good, as crypto going back in time to learn what happened in the war is good and it could show how the nexos became extinct.

P.S i am sorry for the spoilers but with the stuff you people came up with I had no choice


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
I wrote the other one before POTF was released so I didn't know that Pox was the emperor yet so here is my new plot.

Crypto is in Hawaii on vacation (like before) when Crypto 665 tries to kill pox and crypto but crypto escapes and pox goes into a coma. So crypto goes after his clone who his hiding in New York disguised as Mj.Crypto finds out that crypto 665 is using furon tech in Mj's music videos to to hypnotize all of the worlds teens to follow him. After using the disintegrator ray to catch MJ’s hair on fire, crypto follows crypto 665 to Egypt where the teens are digging up a piece of the mother ship’s computer that was in the sand. After fighting a zombie Silhouette riding an alive snyx,crypto follows Crypto 665 to Antarctica to get a piece of the mother ship's computer.AS Crypto goes to stop him he is attacked by a zombie blisk Milenkov that can control snow and ice.Crypto 665 then goes to a small village in West Africa.He finds another piece of the mother ship’s computers in a swamp surrounded by crocodiles.Crypto tries to stop him but he is attacked by a a zombie Colonel Kluckin that can control crocodiles.Crypto 665 then goes to Furon (not the Fourth ring but the real planet) where he gets the data out of the ships computers and clones himself with perfect furon dna. He becomes bigger,smarter and more powerful than any other furon.Crpto 666 then tells all the furons that crypto tried to kill pox and that pox should be put out of his misory .He then tells them that befor he went into the coma pox told Crypto 666 he is the new emporer.Crypto tries to fight him but he is stoped by a zombie Master who can pick up entile buildings and throw them.Crypto 666 then goes to a small planet and tries to kill Natalya,Blasto,and Pox (who is still in a coma) in three different ways .Crypto flies to the small planet and saves them.Befor he fights, crypto finds out that Crypto 665 had discovered the furon dna and was susposed to go to earth but pox swicthed the data in the computers and he and crypto were went instead.Crypto 665 was sent to a small lifeless planet (witch they were on now) and had to stay there for thirty years.Crypto then fights crypto 666 and wins.Crypto then takes Natalya,Blasto, back to earth and takes Pox back to furon where he stays in a coma till the ninties.


May 16, 2009
I just hope that there is a DAH! 5. I also hope that it is a lot lon than POTF. My prdiction would be:
Crypto returns to Furon 10 years after the end of POTF. He finds out Pox has be kidnapped and recieves information on the kidnapper from a whittness. Then the rest of the story is up to the creator of the game [face_tongue]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
My plot idea was that... well it's long and complicated, so I wrote a story series of it on

That's it. It's about a civil war that starts on Furon and the real culprit turns out to be... well, just read it to find out.


Prime Member
Dec 29, 2007
My idea is that Crypto left Earth for a few years (to fight in a war or he was given a break, something like that) and when he returns its the 70's, America has a new government and Majestic is back, so he has to restart the invasion. I'm actually coming up with a detailed description of the missions, weaponry, and locations, but my idea may be too complicated for a game: it has 15 locations AT THIS POINT and tons of missions. Also, the new Majestic is led by Silhoette and Ponsoby's son (if you remember, it referred to them as being in a relationship, so I came up with that idea).
Jul 26, 2009
Hay i have come up with this idea for a new dah game this is what i thought of.
its the 80's and the majestic and or the KGB come back with an experimental time traveling device that will allow the to travel back in time to destroy the furon gene out of human brain stems once and for all. But unknown to the KGB pox is listening in to them while in Hawaii and says something about it dooming the furon race, but then crypto says to pox, if we follow them thru time we could try to take the device away from them , kill them and return to are own time and destroy it. then pox yells " no i got a better idea we could save the furon race by stealing it and go back in time and stop the Russian KGB from destroying the mother ship and have my body again." or some thing like that. THEY COULD ALSO HAVE FUN IN DIFFERENT TIME PERIODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like the dinosaur era and the Romain era , and many others. Please respond, it sounds like a good idea, doesn't it???


Sep 1, 2009
i have an idea too! its not that good though, tell me what you think!

Crypto is busy causing havoc by destroying Ariel tower stations to stop tv broadcasts and make all the humans unhappy. he lands his saucer and steps out. All of a sudden A Chain shoots out and clamps his leg, he struggles to break free but then another, clamps his other leg. he falls to the ground. a tall fbi man steps out and then everything goes black.He awakes in a lab and is put through a series of tests that hurt and break his wild spirit til he is on his knees begging for mercy. pox comes to the rescue. crypto snaps out and regains his pride. realising they managed to clone crypto and broke his saucer, crypto goes berserk and his powers enhance. defeating the scientists he faints. he awakes in the saucer to see the cloned crypto in the drivers seat. they are both forced to collect parts for the saucer. he goes back to the lab to find out how they cloned him.he then travels all the way to a lab in africa but has to kill genetically engeneered lions and wild animals.learning that the man he is after is no longer in africa he sets of to the arctic wearing a thick coat. killing genetically engeneered polar bears and wolves, he manages to melt the ice and causes global warming! he then heads back to america. here he meets a dog and it takes him to a lab. there they find Karicko, the doctor that cloned him. he shoots the dog on which crypto replies: You shot my dog... you... YOU SHOT MY DOG YOU B****** MONKEY! karicko turns into a huge monster and crypto faces them again, wolves, lions and then karicko. having defeated karicko, attention then falls to pyro, crypto's double clone. They fight. their guns break and then they resort to punching each other. pox picks up a gun and cant tell who is who. he accidentaly shoots crypto who replies: You stupid b****** monkey whatcha do that for?. pyro laughs and is then shot by pox. crypto and pox return to the saucer and destroy the lab and any evidence of them.crypto goes to a sunny resort and chills by the pool. Crypto: Ahhh its a happy ending for us all.then pyro returns and transforms into a huge beast and destroys crypto's drink, that is it says crypto, and the last battle ensues. after winning he goes to furon and everyone is in panic, but what for... the game then ends


Sep 1, 2009
i have an idea too! its not that good though, tell me what you think!

Crypto is busy causing havoc by destroying Ariel tower stations to stop tv broadcasts and make all the humans unhappy. he lands his saucer and steps out. All of a sudden A Chain shoots out and clamps his leg, he struggles to break free but then another, clamps his other leg. he falls to the ground. a tall fbi man steps out and then everything goes black.He awakes in a lab and is put through a series of tests that hurt and break his wild spirit til he is on his knees begging for mercy. pox comes to the rescue. crypto snaps out and regains his pride. realising they managed to clone crypto and broke his saucer, crypto goes berserk and his powers enhance. defeating the scientists he faints. he awakes in the saucer to see the cloned crypto in the drivers seat. they are both forced to collect parts for the saucer. he goes back to the lab to find out how they cloned him.he then travels all the way to a lab in africa but has to kill genetically engeneered lions and wild animals.learning that the man he is after is no longer in africa he sets of to the arctic wearing a thick coat. killing genetically engeneered polar bears and wolves, he manages to melt the ice and causes global warming! he then heads back to america. here he meets a dog and it takes him to a lab. there they find Karicko, the doctor that cloned him. he shoots the dog on which crypto replies: You shot my dog... you... YOU SHOT MY DOG YOU B****** MONKEY! karicko turns into a huge monster and crypto faces them again, wolves, lions and then karicko. having defeated karicko, attention then falls to pyro, crypto's double clone. They fight. their guns break and then they resort to punching each other. pox picks up a gun and cant tell who is who. he accidentaly shoots crypto who replies: You stupid b****** monkey whatcha do that for?. pyro laughs and is then shot by pox. crypto and pox return to the saucer and destroy the lab and any evidence of them.crypto goes to a sunny resort and chills by the pool. Crypto: Ahhh its a happy ending for us all.then pyro returns and transforms into a huge beast and destroys crypto's drink, that is it says crypto, and the last battle ensues. after winning he goes to furon and everyone is in panic, but what for... the game then ends


Sep 1, 2009
This Is My Idea.

Crypto is captured and somehow cloned but his clone is much meaner than him, so he travels the world to africa, fighting off genetically engeneered lions and other strange creatures to find the man who cloned him, then to north pole and he causes global warming, then to vegas. after finding and killng karicko the man who cloned him, his clone, Pyro, Turns evil and crypto must fight for his life, meanwhile pox tries to fix the saucer after Pyro broke it. after crypto wins, Pyro transports to furon. And once again crypto travels home but to discover that the throne is taken, pox goes mad! he disables the rings around furon while crypto protects him. pox is badly beaten so now crypto must defend pox and himself. after winning, pox makes crypto an honoured guest, but crypto turns down the offer and returns to earh to make humans miserable once more.

Tell Me What You Think!