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Jan 23, 2008
YES! I have no idea about PSN or for the PC but the XBLA version is definitely up right now.


Oct 9, 2005
i like the "coma" thing they've done... nice way of segmenting from the last installment to this one... very different and i have a feeling that people are gonna hate it but i think it's a clever angle for this kind of game.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 1, 2006
The demo was mediocre at best. The first 2 missions were okay, but for the life of me the cops seem WAY too good in the last mission, everytime I was in the clear a cop would come out of a side street doing 100mph and ram the side of my car; not once but at least 2 more times after that, add to that the limited time your given to escape these "professional police drivers". And the dialogue for this game? The banter back and forth between "Odell" and "The passenger" was atrocious, seriously that's the best they could come up with? All in all the game has loads of potential to be fun, the driving is slick, and the shift is a cool feature to separate it from most driving games, which feel stale imo.


Aug 9, 2006
No your not the only one....the demo was fun!! srsly, the people who complain about the game need to play for more than 5 minutes and if they did play it for more than 5 minutes need to complain on the right forum so that the developers @ reflections can hear these complaints..the handling was good, the shift feature was good..the demo was fun to me.. just my opinion..


Feb 26, 2010
i love the game i think it will be wonderfull but it makes me wonder if you will be able to walk around in the game like you could in grand theft auto and the old driver i just hope the did not cut that feature out


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
Good thing is they brought back to their roots from the first game. The bad thing is the demo didn't last. The missions are too easy, that's about it. The driving is so much better and the shift feature is new to me. Let's face it, I hate Driver as a GTA clone, I just love driving the cars. I never like getting out of the car and shoot somebody. I leave that to GTA and Saints Row. The PC is ten bucks cheaper, so get it if you got a decent computer to run it. Driver is about being THE Wheelman, not an assassin.


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
I downloaded the demo on PSN on the 9th and I played at least 2-3 hours since the 9th. I've waited for this game since DRIV3R came out, and I'm loving the demo. I will say though that the cops are way too good. I saw a cop go from sliding to the left out of control to then immediately sliding right in front of me; I was like 2 car lengths away, very unrealistic in the way the cops act. I just hope that they tone down the aggression on the cops. The very first time I played all three missions I beat them on the first try and I've beat them all on every try except the third one. On my 2nd and 3rd tries of the last mission I did fail because I could not shake the cops and ran out of time, but after that I've made it with any where from 2:08.45 left to 0:00.88 left.

Besides all that I do like the demo and I will be buying the game.


Jan 23, 2008
JZ3, nice to see you after so long! How are you? Glad you are enjoying the demo, I know you were one of the people here looking forward to the game the most.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 4, 2006
I haven't downloaded the demo. I've decided to try and wait until the game comes out. I actually can't believe it's only 2 weeks until the game comes out, I've been waiting for this game for 2-3 years now. Really looking forward to it.

Edit: JZ3, it's great to see you back on this forum.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2003
I hope it's coming back!!!!
[face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing]
What's been up? I've popped in here once or twice a year, but with Driver nearing it's release date finally!! Should be actually getting on to IGN more often to at least check out the Driver board, and any articles about it. And hopefully see some of the old crowd on here again. So missed the old days of the message boards.

It's good to see some familiar faces already :)

Hope to see more come back


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
Heyness, I never left, I just watched over everyone but didn't post ;)

I'm doing well, how about you? And everyone else that was a regular here, how are you?

I will say this though, you won't find me playing online (at all or that much). I'm not a fan of multiplayer competition. My nerves don't hold up well (but I did try the multiplayer demo), I haven't even done a single online race in DiRT3. I only did one online race in F1 2010 in which I started 5th came in 4th; I would have finished better if there wasn't any rammers and cheaters.

These are my results from playing Driver SF online:

1st event: qualified 1st, finished 2nd
2nd event: qualified 1st, finished 1st
3rd event: qualified 1st, finished 1st
4th event: qualified 2nd, finished 2nd
5th event: did not qualify (I entered the event 3/4 of the way through so I just drove around for the remaining time), finished 4th
6th event: qualified 2nd, finished 2nd
May 16, 2011
im really enjoying the demo, i think its so much fun. i love being able to shift about a mile up the road into a lorry and just wipe everyone out as they come towards me!! why is everyone so serious these days, driver san francisco is what it is, its not trying to be anything else. just an easy pick up and play game thats alot of fun! definitely going to buy it.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2003
I knew I was going to buy it regardless, But I agree it's easy to just jump in and enjoy and it seems like games that just behave as fun games and aren't trying to be the next epic shock and awe thing but rather just be what they are, and do a good job at staying true to it's own uniqueness (or in Drivers case going back to) that they are rated low and people talk smack about them because they aren't GTA, or Halo, or Gears ect.

I had lots of fun playing the demo, made me more excited about it that it feels like I remember from Driver one, Plus finally get to drive the cover art car that appeared on Drive one ads. But it's hard to keep playing the demo at the same time just for the fact a guy can only play the same three missions over and over for so long lol, and even if you try and just roam around only gives you so much time. Just have to wait for the full game I guess [face_tired]

I hope the story is good altho I'm betting there is plenty of side stuff to do that will be just as fun. Not sure about multilayer cuz I'll agree with not having a whole lot of fun with racing/driving game's online, always does seem to be the ones that just get there kicks ramming you off the road and doing what they can to make sure you don't enjoy the race, but who knows some of the game modes sound like they will be alot of fun.

Only thing I found so far that makes me scratch my head [face_thinking], and it's not even an issue just over thinking the whole shift into people idea. So when tanner "Shifts" into anyone where do they go? and then who is now driving tanners car with Jones in it? I know the AI just takes control of the car when you aren't, but just thinking into the concept of it. Also say if it were real life you shift into someone who is a normal driving home from work person and you tear around town in a police chase with their body and car, then just leave them to deal with the felony's you racked up, in a way Tanner is a douche like that haha. But it's not real life, I actually think the shift feature is really cool, can lose the whole getting out of the car and running around to make a vehicle stop and steal it and by that time you're way behind the objective or at least lost interest in what ever you were doing just free roaming. It's an interesting idea to explain just seeing a car you passed that you want to drive and being able to just jump into it with out turning around, chasing it down, making it stop and hoping it doesn't drive off before you can make it from your car door to theirs.


Jun 4, 2008
joeshmoe86 said:
I knew I was going to buy it regardless, But I agree it's easy to just jump in and enjoy and it seems like games that just behave as fun games and aren't trying to be the next epic shock and awe thing but rather just be what they are, and do a good job at staying true to it's own uniqueness (or in Drivers case going back to) that they are rated low and people talk smack about them because they aren't GTA, or Halo, or Gears ect.

I had lots of fun playing the demo, made me more excited about it that it feels like I remember from Driver one, Plus finally get to drive the cover art car that appeared on Drive one ads. But it's hard to keep playing the demo at the same time just for the fact a guy can only play the same three missions over and over for so long lol, and even if you try and just roam around only gives you so much time. Just have to wait for the full game I guess [face_tired]

I hope the story is good altho I'm betting there is plenty of side stuff to do that will be just as fun. Not sure about multilayer cuz I'll agree with not having a whole lot of fun with racing/driving game's online, always does seem to be the ones that just get there kicks ramming you off the road and doing what they can to make sure you don't enjoy the race, but who knows some of the game modes sound like they will be alot of fun.

Only thing I found so far that makes me scratch my head [face_thinking], and it's not even an issue just over thinking the whole shift into people idea. So when tanner "Shifts" into anyone where do they go? and then who is now driving tanners car with Jones in it? I know the AI just takes control of the car when you aren't, but just thinking into the concept of it. Also say if it were real life you shift into someone who is a normal driving home from work person and you tear around town in a police chase with their body and car, then just leave them to deal with the felony's you racked up, in a way Tanner is a douche like that haha. But it's not real life, I actually think the shift feature is really cool, can lose the whole getting out of the car and running around to make a vehicle stop and steal it and by that time you're way behind the objective or at least lost interest in what ever you were doing just free roaming. It's an interesting idea to explain just seeing a car you passed that you want to drive and being able to just jump into it with out turning around, chasing it down, making it stop and hoping it doesn't drive off before you can make it from your car door to theirs.

Details my friend.. details. I have no idea where these people go when Tanner jumps in.. or how at the same time, he drives the other vehicle as well. I pondered the concept as well. My verdict is just simply "it's a coma dream". The same reason you won't find one toyota prius in san francisco. I wouldn't want one in my coma dream, and neither does Tanner.

Have you tried the online demo yet? I was skeptical at first, but so far I am exceedingly impressed. Eventhough it's the same 2 modes over and over, it gets addictive. I've never done anything like it in a driving game, and especially online. You won't have to worry about some jackass getting his kicks by ruining everything either. If someone rams you off the road, no problem.. Just shift into another car. Simple. And it runs so smoothly, hasn't glitched yet. September is going to be an incredibly lazy month.


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
joeshmoe86 said:
But it's hard to keep playing the demo at the same time just for the fact a guy can only play the same three missions over and over for so long lol, and even if you try and just roam around only gives you so much time. Just have to wait for the full game I guess [face_tired]

About this part. Do what I do:

Demo Mission 1
1. Do it the right way and complete it.
2. Just drive around and explore the city.
3. Get to the part of the mission to tag a cop and instead of hitting the cop, shift into the cop car and and then chase after the Pontiac.

Demo Mission 2
1 & 2 same as above.
3. Shift into any car and race all 4 drivers to the finish.
4. Shift into another car and take out the other team to get your team to win.
5. Shift into another car and take out your team to get the other team to win.

Demo Mission 3
1 & 2 same as above.
3. Shift into a car and follow the cops without getting in the way.
4. Shift into a car (or truck) and try to take out the Audi with the cops.
5. Shift into a car (or truck) and try to take out the cops.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2003
Finally got a chance to play the multiplayer demo, that is pretty fun, wish they had the classic mode with no shift allowed on it. That sounds like fun. Its a cluster f#@* of shifting in and out of cars at times but alot of fun though, I think I'll be playing that alot in the full game, was worried it would be poorly done like some other multiplayer games can be, but its smooth didn't seem to lag, and can always get right back into the battle to chase the lead car in that "Trailblazer" mode, "Tag" I seem to just get my butt kicked alot, I guess I'm just not quick with the shifting yet to catch the tagged car :(, But I'll get the hang of it better I'm sure :). I'm not bad at the qualifying things though, those are almost just as much fun as the races.

And JZ3 I've tried lots of ways of doing the missions already, have to try a couple of those ideas.

I managed to get the third mission to glitch out so that the timer ended but the mission didn't end or fail and the cops were off me. I think what happened is I got to the last location in the little building at nearly the exact same time as the losing the cops count down hit zero to when you had lost the last cop car, and the total mission timer hitting zero as well, sailed on through the location and it didn't end, the cops were off me and the mission timer just moved off screen, I could drive freely with no time limit, but as soon as I hit the button to go into shift it must of corrected it's self cuz the camera/eye looking view went from my car all the way to the last marker where the mission should of ended and it did the little cut scene deal with the phone call and said I passed the mission. Not something I've been able to reproduce as of yet, was like one in a million fluke that both the mission timer, and the lose the cops count down hit zero at the same moment I drove into the last location marker. Hopefully only really odd glitches like that will be in this one, not like Driv3r... But I really really doubt that, demo seems very well finished, to me anyway.


Jan 23, 2008
JZ3Racing said:
Heyness, I never left, I just watched over everyone but didn't post ;)

I'm doing well, how about you? And everyone else that was a regular here, how are you?

Right on, I'm doing very well thanks! Been playing lots of games and I took the family out to vacation last month to California's Gold country, it was neat. Speaking of family, to get this back on topic, my kids and I are all looking forward to the full game. Now that they are almost grown (yup, I'm older) it's easier for me to let them play things with language and carnage. Work is work but at least it's a decent job, so all is good in work life too.

And it's good to see joeshmoe and all the regulars too! It DOES look like the boards will be full of friendly faces again. Good times.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 29, 2008
I really enjoyed the singleplayer and multiplayer demo. The game seems to have went back its roots of Driver 1 which is awesome. This is definitely a 1st day buy for me. The most multiplayer mode I'm looking forward too is the coop mode tho.


The Driver King
Dec 12, 2003
So how many hours do you guys think you put into the single/multiplayer demos?

I downloaded the singleplayer demo on the 9th and I've played it every day since then for at least two hours a day. That makes at least 32 hours total singleplayer.

I downloaded the multiplayer demo on the 17th and I played it for only two days then deleted it since I wanted to focus on singleplayer. But I did put five hours into multiplayer.

That brings my grand total to a minimum of 37 hours playing the Driver San Francisco demos :D


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2003
I don't know how many hours, work takes up too much of my week, so not many. I seem to like the multiplayer alot, few hours I could put into it against other people really helped get the feeling down on the handling of alot of different cars quick. Will be ready to start on the single player story right away.

I think I do like the multiplayer demo better than the single player. No matter how I play the single its just too easy in the demo, can't wait to get to some challenging missions and races, or whatever the single player mode has to offer.

So who is playing the online demo on Xbox live? Could try and meet up and play together online. My gamer tag is in my signature.


Jan 23, 2008
I've played the single player for roughly 4 or 5 hours, same with multi. At this point I'm playing other things (just started Alice: Madness Returns over the weekend, GREAT game so far!) and holding out for the full version of this, but I must admit to feeling that pull [face_skull]
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