
No Longer a Noob
Sep 28, 2001
Let me start off by saying that I understand this is just a game, and one about super powers at that, but I'm having a hard time with the smoke power. I mean, controlling lightning makes some sort of sense, in that lightning is simply pure energy. But smoke...smoke isn't really one particular thing... and certainly not an's a collection of crap in the's wasted fuel:

"Smoke is a collection of tiny solid, liquid and gas particles. Although smoke can contain hundreds of different chemicals and fumes, visible smoke is mostly carbon (soot), tar, oils and ash.
Smoke occurs when there is incomplete combustion (not enough oxygen to burn the fuel completely). In complete combustion, everything is burned, producing just water and carbon dioxide. When incomplete combustion occurs, not everything is burned. Smoke is a collection of these tiny unburned particles. Each particle is too small to see with your eyes, but when they come together, you see them as smoke."

So what exactly is he controlling? Smoke isn't even always made up of the same stuff, depending on what's being burned. I've read that he can absorb smoke from burning cars and chimneys...but he can also absorb the gas from tear gas grenades (from the Game Informer article)...which wouldn't even have any carbon/soot/ I ask again, what exactly is his power? What is he controlling?

Ultimately, it doesn't actually matter, as long as it's a fun power to use. But ill-defined, non-sensical super powers have always been a pet peeve of mine.
Jun 29, 2013
Well, his actual power is the ability to absorb powers from other conduits, so it's not just smoke, which is pretty awesome IMO (although that had nothing to do with your question, but screw it) and what he controls is actually the incomplete fire that makes the smoke.... if that makes sense. And the tear gas..... well, you got me there but hey, that's actually kinda cool. Maybe they're making it so that he has control over all smoke, not just the oil based smoke he uses in the trailers.
Jul 27, 2012
Or perhaps it isn't smoke, but molecular control. Perhaps he's able to absorb the chemical energy from between atoms, and can shred matter and re-form it.


Jan 8, 2009
Yeah it seems like the most applicable part of his "smoke" power is the ability to disassemble and reassemble himself... so in this case smoke is just the most obvious example of large quantities of tiny particles in normal life and of course combat.


Jul 1, 2013
There might be an attempt at some kind of poetic thing there. He can manipulate the filth that makes up the particles of smoke and even become it, because that is what he; in his mind; believes to be his powers. And by absorbing the smoke, there might be the intended feeling of taking the filth into yourself to make yourself stronger. I know you wanted the physics of it but there's nothing I can offer that the others above haven't.
Mar 12, 2012
In Case You Didn't Notice He Has The Same Power A Nix(From inFAMOUS 2) Except He Might Not Be Able To Create Spikers And The Oil Like Substance As Nix Was Able To.