
May 11, 2008
ok i'll admit icon was a good game w/ the graphics and details like ripped clothes and no health bar, but...i wanna say def jam fight for NY was still better, story line made sense, more characters, more arenas, better clothes/jewlery, and finishing moves. i also like the fighting environment were u can kick and punch ur opponent while their against the wall. With the icon the moving environment was ok and different, but not my style. i wish they made a fight 4 NY Remix so i can be online murkin' (killing) every who challenges me.
Nov 23, 2007
FFNY was almost like an MMA game (almost!). I loved it, and I still play it once in a while. I really wish they'd expand on the FFNY system rather than continue with Icon's bland kick-em-or-throw 'em style


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Fight for New york is one of my favorite games of all time. when they went to make "Icon" they changed the developer and tried to stay ahead of things and tried to make changes to it before it got old.....BIG mistake! haven't they ever heard "if it ain't broke don't fix it"? HOPEFULLY they will learn from thier mistake and the next one will be more like ffny. Probably not, but hopefully.


Jun 27, 2008
I don't I've ever been on a fourm anywhere, where every1 agreed. I'm no different. I waited and waited and waited for Icon and when it came out I was SO disappointed. I'm glad I rented it instead of buying it. It got like a 7 (way too high) Def Jam: FFNY all the way, I wish they make another 1.
Oct 10, 2008
[blockquote]nas2344 posted:
icon was one of the worst games i have ever played!
This. By far the worst.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The only good thing about Icon was its graphics (which are not all that great), which the developers put so much into and thought that better graphics alone would make a better game. No, Icon was nothing like its processors, well maybe in a few ways. But without Blazin' moves and the appeal from Vendetta and Fight 4 NY, Icon loses much potential.