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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]December is For Destroying Humans[/link]
by IGN Staff

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon now has an official release date of Dec. 1 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, publisher THQ announced today. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Apr 15, 2003
Maybe they might actually put some effort into this one. The first one was great, the ones after were horrible. I really have no hope for this franchise anymore.
Jun 6, 2006
How can they cancel this game so close to launch?.. reminds me of Thrill Kill on Playstation.... bummer, I was really looking forward to this game.
Apr 20, 2008
Don't fret my fellow PS3 users!

You can just wait until it's released in Europe and import it on eBay or some other site!

It will probably show up in the US later anyways, but if you can't wait, Do as I shall, and get one from Europe!

Dec 11, 2008
I have been a serious fan and player of DAH on the PS2. I read about a month or so ago that one was going to be released on the PS3. Boy was I excited. I went to Best Buy today to see if they had it. To my surprise they only had it for the stinkin X-Box. I asked the sales clerk to look it up and they had no info. I came home and checked and to my disappointment, it was stated that it is not for U.S. release. What in the world is going on here. The Wii gets a new DAH, then the X-Box gets one, they scrub the PS3 version. What is the alien lover to do. Is the European version playable on the U.S. version of the PS3? If so how do we get a copy of it? I think that if it does not, we all as gamers need to boycott all THQ games until they make us the gamer happy. Maybe then they will get the message.
Apr 15, 2009
I've heard that the reason for the cancelletion is because they need the addtional time to finish it. But how long is that, a year, in 2 months, 40 days? You know it sucks that Destroy All Humans 3 fans and gamers(confusing? I know, I thought that the prequel DAH Big Willie was the third game. But it wasn't the third, go figure!) Why do fans and gamers have to wait for an unknown amount of time. Oh, and turns out DAH Big Willie Unleashed is for Wii AND Ps2. So THQ, pick up the pace and make gamers happy here in the USA.