May 11, 2013
Here's a freeby, Capcom.


Street Fighter V

[for simplicity]


Street Fighter V: New Legend

[still simple, but better iterates how Capcom is going to take Street Fighter in a new direction with V while also nodding to Street Fighter III: New Generation]

Number of Entries

There will be three [3] iterations of Street Fighter V to make it a trilogy. After the third game, that is it. Please do not indulge in anymore of this Super Duper Street Fighter V Chocolate With Sprinkles Mega Ultimate Gold Edition fiasco. Get your updates to the game out of your system with just two major additional entries to the Street Fighter V saga, and leave it at that, Capcom. Continue on to Street Fighter VI, make it a trilogy, rinse and repeat for every Street Fighter entry afterward.


Personally, I would love to see Street Fighter V sport 2D, extremely detailed animated character sprites fighting against lush, hand-drawn or 3D backgrounds. It would be a kind of fusion of the old with the new.

However, if you wish to go your own way as far as what the overall look of the game will be, at least keep this in mind. Please get rid of the long-winded cinematics that take place whenever a fighter successfully lands a super or ultra combo. They bring down the flow of the game severely.


Street Fighter V should, without a doubt, take place after the events of Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and after the events of the Ryu Final manga mini-series. It does not have to take place immediately afterward, but somewhere between two and ten years having passed is a good place to start. Depending on how you decide to play with this idea, there are some new characters who could be featured within the very first entry into the Street Fighter V trilogy. Namely, the offspring of previous Street Fighter combatants such as Ken's son Mel Masters is one such warrior who could be included in the new title given that enough time has passed, but that's just one example. Any other offspring or successors of previous fighters could also find their way into the new game.

General Plot Outline

Shadaloo, along with Seth, and Gill with his Illuminati posse are all long gone.

Sagat, having had his fighting spirit entirely reinvigorated after his final match against Ryu [as per the Ryu Final manga mini-series] goes back home to Thailand and reinstates the World Warrior Tournament as its benevolent, respected host, and fierce champion. He invites martial artists from all over the world to come partake in his tournament to prove who is the greatest fighter on the planet.

This will set the stage for new heroes and villains to arise while still hearkening back to Street Fighter's roots with Sagat as the final combatant you must face in order to win the World Warrior Tournament.

Ryu, having finally achieved his dream of becoming a true martial artist after besting and destroying Akuma in battle [again as per the Ryu Final manga mini-series], continues to wander the world in search of strong martial artists to challenge. However, he is no longer challenging them to better himself, and prove his might [at least not in the same manner as he did in the past]. Rather, Ryu challenges only the strongest ofwarriors in order to share his knowledge of martial arts so that they too canreach the level of enlightenment he has attained through his many battles.

The new Street Fighter story should focus on each characters' journey toward becoming the best. Bringing evil organizations bent on world-domination into the story just convolutes everything, but if you absolutely must, that is fine. I still recommend you keep it simple, yet engaging.

Game Features


-With the aforementioned plot device in place, Ryu can now reign as the secret boss character players must fight after achieving X amount of perfects, and Y amount of super/ultra finishes in Arcade mode. Personally, I would have Ryu be the secret character to replace Akuma for the next several Street Fighter games. I understand if you would rather have Ryu as a readily selectable fighter, but I do think having him as the new secret character, at the very least for the very first Street Fighter V title, would do well to better establish Ryu in his new role. Not to mention it would probably provide a pleasant-surprise sort of shock value for long-time players who won't see this coming.

-Ryu can now sport an updated look that matches his appearance at the end of the Ryu Final manga. Remove his red headband, remove his red sparring gloves, and give him the scar on his chest Akuma left when he almost killed Ryu with Shun Goku Satsu in Ryu Final. However, I do understand Ryu is the poster child of Capcom. So if removing his headband, and sparring gloves entirely is too drastic, at the very least you could have him appear pre-battle without them [when he first appears onscreen at the start of a fight], and then have him slip them on during his intro. Perhaps you could also give Ryu a subtle blue aura during his intro to show he's not just some average Joe, but we all know what Ryu is all about, so it is not a must.

-Keep all of his original special moves, plus the joudan kick. If you want to give his signature moves different properties from what we've seen in the past, by all means do so. However, the way the character Ryu fights should remain largely unchanged. He is supposed to embody Street Fighter.


-The undisputed king of Muay Thai will reprise his role as the final boss character of arcade mode. After everyone fights their way through the tournament, they must fight their respective rival, and then they must fight Sagat to finish the game.

-His move list should stay the same, of course giving his arcade boss form some buffs to ensure the fight with Sagat is always challenging.

-New look? I, personally, don't know how I would change Sagat's iconic appearance, but if you feel the need to, go right ahead. I would suggest changing his look only marginally.

The Rest of the Street Fighter Cast

The main cast of characters should be mostly comprised of returning faces from the Street Fighter III saga. Anyone else who appears should be completely new and original characters to Street Fighter V, characters from past games canonically young/fit enough to still be participating in regular fights, and the characters with really strong ties to Ryu. Completely original characters aside, this is my personal list of characters who I think would fit well into the backdrop of Street Fighter V:

-Balrog [Boxer]
-E. Honda
-Fei Long

Some of these characters I could take or leave, but yeah, that is about it.

In-Depth Training Mode

Please include an extremely in-depth training mode that provides players with an experience that can turn any newcomer into a Street Fighter adept with any character. This training mode should not just teach players how to play Street Fighter, but also help rookies develop a better understanding of fighting games overall. Take a look at Killer Instinct's training selections for reference.


Character-specific stages should come back with a vengeance in Street Fighter V. Characters can share stages if there are too many characters to make stages for. At the very least, however, Ryu and Sagat should have their very own exclusive stages.

-Ryu: Suzaku Castle Ruins, of course. The fight with Ryu should take place somewhere around the perimeter of Suzaku Castle, near the trees, with the ruins of the castle in the background. It is a somewhatdesolate, yet very peaceful background with a constant, steady breeze blowing through the trees.

-Sagat: Thailand. Where else? Bring back Sagat's Street Fighter II stage, but with a crowd of people gathered around the statue in the background watching the fight. After all, Sagat is the championship match in the Street Fighter V World Warrior Tournament.

I leave the rest of the stage design to your creative team, Capcom.


Please bring back Hideki Okugawa to do the music for Street Fighter V. There should be default stage themes, and character-specific themes. The main theme of Street Fighter V should convey a majestic tone of new beginnings while still being hype enough to celebrate the franchise's glorious past.


Here is the big one.

The game should borrow most of its core mechanics from Street Fighter III: Third Strike, with a few things thrown in from the Street Fighter Alpha, and Street Fighter IV series respectively. Here is what I would suggest you include in Street Fighter V's gameplay. Please read carefully:

-Control Scheme: Same as always. Six attack buttons consisting of three punches, and three kicks each with a different strength designation ranging between light, medium, and hard. Move your fighter around with the joystick, or D-pad.

-Stun Meter: Please put the stun meter back under the health bar where it belongs. We like to know exactly when we are going to get stunned.

-Super Meter: Of course. Super meter is built by parrying, dealing damage via regular attacks, special attacks, and combos excluding super, and most ultra combos. Divide the super meter into five segments.

-EX Moves: EX moves return. While performing a special attack, press two punches or kicks instead of one to unleash a more powerful version of that special attack. They cost one segment of super meter.

-Super Arts: Super arts, or character-specific super combos will be returning also. They cost three segments of super meter to unleash. Every character has several super arts, all of which are available for use during battle.

-Ultra/Revenge Meter: I know many Street Fighter purists are not the biggest fans of the ultra meter, but it cannot be denied that it definitely makes Street Fighter battles more interesting. It should return for Street Fighter V. Ultra/revenge meter is built whenever a player takes damage, or absorbs damage via using a focus attack. Once filled above the halfway point, the player may unleash their ultra combo at the opportune moment. The damage inflicted by the ultra combo scales with how much of the ultra/revenge meter is filled.

-Ultra/Revenge Combo: With the ultra/revenge meter come the ultra/revenge combos. These are character-specific combos that may be unleashed when a player's ultra/revenge meter has filled beyond its halfway point. Every character should have three of them. Before every fight, players must choose one ultra combo to bring with them to battle. Two of the ultra selections will be character-specific combos, with the third selection being a custom combo option available to the entire roster.

-The Custom Combo Option [Ultras continued]: The custom combo [name pending] option is every fighter's third selection when choosing an ultra combo to bring to the battle. The effects for every character using this option are the same. Anyone who activates this ultra in battle will receive a speed boost, the ability to link any string of attacks together, and a significant increase in the amount of super meter built for each successfully landed attack. Custom combo only lasts for several seconds which scale to the amount the ultra/revenge meter isfilled. Characters with acustom combo-esque option as one of their supercombos will not be able to activate their super custom combo simultaneously with their ultra custom combo. One custom combo must run its course until it is over before the player may activate another.

-Parrying: This must come back. The addition of parrying into the Street Fighter formula was absolute genius, and it should make its return in Street Fighter V. Players press forward at the moment of impact to parry high and middle attacks, down-forward for low attacks. Parrying will also build super meter. There will be the normal white parry for good timing which builds some super meter, and the advanced red parry for perfect timing which builds more super meter. However, I do believe parrying should be made a little more accessible by making the window of execution larger. With the timing for parrying being less strict, newcomers to the franchise will not feel as intimidated by this mechanic, and it will provide for much more intense battles. This brings me to the next, all-new mechanic.

-Focus Meter: With the reworked parrying mechanic comes the focus meter. This meter will be placed under the health bar, above the stun meter. The focus meter represents your fighter's decreasing concentration as they parry one attack after the next. It starts every round full, then depletes a set amount with each parry, and automatically replenishes moderately fast while the player is not parrying, or taking damage. Advanced red parries deplete the focus meter less than normal white parries. The amount of focus meter that is lost with each parry could scale differently depending on the type of attack being parried. The focus meter will ensure that the reworked parrying mechanic does not become the be all-end all of defensive options for skilled players. To see how the focus meter can be replenished at a faster rate, see my explanation for reimplementing the focus attack/cancel, and armor-breaking attacks.

-Focus Attack/Cancel: The focus attack and focus cancel can return for Street Fighter V, but with some adjustments to the way they are used. Whenever a player performs a focus attack or a focus cancel, it will cost one segment of super meter. To perform a focus attack, the player must hold both medium attack buttons simultaneously to begin charging the attack, and then let go of the buttons when they want to unleash the attack. As the player charges the focus attack, its power escalates through three levels, just as before, with each level's power surpassing the one before it. Successfully landing a focus attack will instantly replenish a set amount of focus meter depending on which level of a focus attack was performed. A level one focus attack behaves like a normal, blockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, and restores some focus meter. A level two focus attack behaves like a powerful, yet blockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, crumples your opponent upon impact for a free combo, and restores more focus meter. A level three focus attack behaves like a very powerful, unblockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, crumples your opponent upon impact for a free combo, and restores the most focus meter. A focus attack can be cancelled by simply dashing forward or backward out of it. This is to not be confused with performing a focus cancel. To perform a focus cancel, the player must tap both medium attack buttons at the moment of impact for certain attacks in order to instantly begin charging a focus attack. Focus-attack-dash-cancelling [FADC] is performed in the same fashion, but with the extra step of dashing forward or backward, and will serve the same purpose it always has for extending combos, and/or implementing mix-ups.

-Armor-Breaking Attacks: Armor-breaking attacks will return. Armor-breaking attacks refer to certain attacks each fighter can perform which nullify a focus attack's ability to absorb one hit while charging, and results in a knockdown upon impact. Successfully landing an armor-breaking attack on an opponent charging a focus attack will restore a varied amount of focus meter depending on the level of focus attack that was interrupted. Breaking a level one focus attack will restore some focus meter, breaking a level two focus attack will restore more focus meter, and breaking a level three focus attack will restore the most focus meter.

-Taunt Buffs: Please bring this back from Street Fighter III: Third Strike. When characters taunt, they gain a character-specific buff to aid them in battle. Put this mechanic in Street Fighter V, and have some sort of special effect happen when a fighter gains their buff from taunting.

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I think links/combos should be slightly less difficult to pull off, but with a revamped training mode this may not be necessary. Implementing a team battle mode, or a tag team mode would definitely liven things up, but they are not essential to Street Fighter. The way the characters fight in general, old and new, I will leave to your devices. Please consider the prospect of going back to detailed, animated 2D sprites for the fighters, set against hand-drawn or 3D backgrounds. Please consider the plot outline I provided. Please consider my idea regarding Ryu taking Akuma's place as the secret boss character. Please make Street Fighter V soon.


I believe that is everything. Please comment, and share your thoughts regarding my post.

If absolutely nothing else comes from me posting this, I can at least take heart in the fact that I had lots of fun putting all these ideas together.

Thank you for reading!


-Captain Ransack


You're welcome, Capcom ;P
Last edited:
May 11, 2013
I apologize for any typos. I copied and pasted this idea of mine from Word, and I guess it didn't go through perfectly. I didn't get around to correcting all of them in time, and now they're stuck there.

Thank you for understanding!
May 11, 2013
[UPDATE: Consider this post version 1.5 of my Street Fighter V idea. Many of the changes are minimal, with the most significant being found in the Parrying and Focus Meter sections of this outline. I included what happens if your Focus Meter is ever fully depleted, which I can't believe I forgot to include in the first place. Sorry about that! I may include one more updated post when I have a better idea of how the Red Focus Attack from Ultimate Street Fighter IV works. If I do include Red Focus Attack in my Street Fighter V concept, I do know it will be the one option in the game to require 2 segments of super meter to activate. That is all for now!]

Here is a freeby, Capcom.


Street Fighter V

[for simplicity]


Street Fighter V: New Legend

[still simple, but better iterates how Capcom is going to take Street Fighter in a new direction with V while also nodding to Street Fighter III: New Generation]

Number of Entries

There will be three [3] iterations of Street Fighter V to make it a trilogy. After the third game, that is it. Please do not indulge in anymore of this Super Duper Street Fighter V Chocolate with Sprinkles Mega Ultimate Gold Edition fiasco. Get your updates to the game out of your system with just two major additional entries to the Street Fighter V saga, and leave it at that, Capcom. Continue on to Street Fighter VI, make it a trilogy, rinse and repeat for every Street Fighter saga afterward.


Personally, I would love to see Street Fighter V sport 2D, extremely detailed animated character sprites fighting against lush, hand-drawn or 3D backgrounds. It would be a kind of fusion of the old with the new.

However, if you wish to go your own way as far as what the overall look of the game will be, at least keep this in mind. Please get rid of the long-winded cinematics that take place whenever a fighter successfully lands a super or ultra combo. They bring down the flow of the game severely.


Street Fighter V should, without a doubt, take place after the events of Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and after the events of the Ryu Final manga mini-series. It does not have to take place immediately afterward, but somewhere between two and ten years having passed is a good place to start. Depending on how you decide to play with this idea, there are some new characters who could be featured within the very first entry into the Street Fighter V trilogy. Namely, the offspring of previous Street Fighter combatants such as Ken's son Mel Masters is one such warrior who could be included in the new title given that enough time has passed, but that is just one example. Any other offspring or successors of previous fighters could also find their way into the new game.

General Plot Outline

Shadaloo, along with Seth, and Gill with his Illuminati posse are all long gone.

Sagat, having had his fighting spirit entirely reinvigorated after his final match against Ryu [as per the Ryu Final manga mini-series] goes back home to Thailand and reinstates the World Warrior Tournament as its benevolent, respected host, and fierce champion. He invites martial artists from all over the world to come partake in his tournament to prove who is the greatest fighter on the planet.

This will set the stage for new heroes and villains to arise while still hearkening back to Street Fighter's roots with the backdrop of the World Warrior Tournament, and Sagat as the final combatant you must face in order to win the championship of the world.

Ryu, having finally achieved his dream of becoming a true martial artist after besting and destroying Akuma in battle [again as per the Ryu Final manga mini-series], continues to wander the world in search of strong martial artists to challenge. However, he is no longer challenging them to better himself, and prove his might [at least not in the same manner as he did in the past]. Rather, Ryu challenges only the strongest of warriors in order to share his knowledge of martial arts so that they too can reach the level of enlightenment he has attained through his many battles.

The new Street Fighter story should focus on each characters' journey toward becoming the best. Bringing evil organizations bent on world-domination into the story just convolutes everything, but if you absolutely must, fine. I still recommend you keep it simple, yet engaging.

Game Features


-With the aforementioned plot device in place, Ryu can now reign as the secret boss character players must fight after achieving X amount of perfects, and Y amount of super/ultra finishes in Arcade mode. Personally, I would have Ryu be the secret character to replace Akuma for the next several Street Fighter games, if not forever. I understand if you would rather have Ryu as a readily selectable fighter as he always has been, but I do think having him as the new secret character, at least for the very first Street Fighter V title, would do well to better establish Ryu in his new role. Not to mention it would probably provide a pleasant-surprise sort of shock value for long-time players who will not see this coming.

-Ryu can now sport an updated look to match his appearance from the ending of Ryu Final. Remove his red headband, remove his red sparring gloves, and give him the scar on his chest Akuma left when he almost killed Ryu with Shun Goku Satsu in Ryu Final. However, I do understand Ryu is one of the poster children of Capcom. So if removing his headband, and sparring gloves entirely is too drastic, at the very least you could have him appear pre-battle [when he first appears onscreen at the start of a fight as his intro starts] without them, and then have him slip them on during his intro. Perhaps you could also give Ryu a subtle blue aura during his intro to show he is not just some average Joe, but we all know what Ryu is all about, so it is not a must. The scar is a must, though.

-Keep all of his original special moves, plus the joudan kick. If you want to give his signature moves different properties from what we have seen in the past, by all means do so. However, the way the character Ryu fights should remain largely unchanged. He is supposed to embody what is essentially Street Fighter.


-The undisputed king of Muay Thai will reprise his role as the final boss character of arcade mode. After everyone fights their way through the tournament, they must fight their respective rival, and then they must fight Sagat to finish the game [or Ryu depending on how well the player has fought against everyone including Sagat].

-His move list should stay the same, of course giving his arcade boss form some buffs to ensure the fight with Sagat is always challenging.

-New look? I, personally, do not know how I would change Sagat's iconic appearance, but if you feel you can figure out a new look for him that goes better with his returned status as the world champion, go right ahead. I would suggest changing his look only marginally, though.

The Rest of the Street Fighter Cast

The main cast of characters should be mostly comprised of returning faces from the Street Fighter III saga. Anyone else who appears should be completely new and original characters to Street Fighter V, characters from past games canonically young/fit enough to still be participating in regular fights, and the characters with really strong ties to Ryu. Completely original characters aside, this is my personal list of characters who I think could fit well into the backdrop of Street Fighter V:

-Balrog [Boxer]
-E. Honda
-Fei Long

Some of these characters I could take or leave, but that is for you to decide, Capcom.

In-Depth Training Mode

Please include an extremely in-depth training mode that provides players with an experience that can turn any newcomer into a Street Fighter adept with any character. This training mode should not just teach players how to play Street Fighter, but also help rookies develop a better understanding of fighting games overall. Take a look at Killer Instinct's training and tutorial selections for reference. Killer Instinct has a very polished training/tutorial mode that I believe you could benefit from if you included some similar aspects of it in your next Street Fighter title.


Character-specific stages should come back with a vengeance in Street Fighter V. Characters can share stages if there are too many characters to make stages for. At the very least, Ryu and Sagat should have their very own exclusive stages.

-Ryu: Suzaku Castle Ruins, of course. The fight with Ryu should take place somewhere around the perimeter of Suzaku Castle, near the trees, with the ruins of the castle in the background. It is a somewhat desolate, yet very peaceful background with a constant, steady breeze blowing through the trees.

-Sagat: Thailand. Where else? Bring back Sagat's Street Fighter II stage, but with a crowd of people gathered around the statue in the background watching the fight. After all, Sagat is the championship match in the Street Fighter V World Warrior Tournament.

I leave the rest of the stage design to your creative team, Capcom.


Please bring back Hideki Okugawa to do the music for Street Fighter V. There should be default stage themes, and character-specific themes. The main theme of Street Fighter V should convey a majestic tone of new beginnings while still being hype enough to celebrate the franchise's glorious past. Tell Okugawa to provide musical themes for Ryu and Sagat that remain very faithful to their Street Fighter II iterations.


Here is the big one.

The game should borrow most of its core mechanics from Street Fighter III: Third Strike, with a few things thrown in from the Street Fighter Alpha, and Street Fighter IV series respectively. Here is what I would suggest you include in Street Fighter V's gameplay. Please read carefully:

-Control Scheme: Same as always. Six attack buttons consisting of three punches, and three kicks each with a different strength designation ranging between light, medium, and hard. Move your fighter around, and jump with the joystick or D-pad.

-Stun Meter: Please put the stun meter back under the health bar where it belongs. We like to know exactly when we are going to get stunned.

-Super Meter: Of course. Super meter is built by parrying, dealing damage via regular attacks, special attacks, and combos excluding super, and most ultra combos. Divide the super meter into five segments.

-EX Moves: EX moves return. While performing a special attack, press two punches or kicks instead of one to unleash a more powerful version of that special attack. They cost one segment of super meter.

-Super Arts: Super arts, or character-specific super combos will be returning also. They cost three segments of super meter to unleash. Every character has several super arts, all of which are available for use during battle.

-Ultra/Revenge Meter: I know many Street Fighter purists are not the biggest fans of the ultra meter, but it cannot be denied that it definitely makes Street Fighter battles more interesting. It should return for Street Fighter V. Ultra/revenge meter is built whenever a player takes damage, or absorbs damage via using a focus attack. Once filled above the halfway point, the player may unleash their ultra combo at the opportune moment. The damage inflicted by the ultra combo scales with how much of the ultra/revenge meter is filled.

-Ultra/Revenge Combo: With the ultra/revenge meter come the ultra/revenge combos. These are character-specific combos that may be unleashed when a player's ultra/revenge meter has filled beyond its halfway point. Every character should have three of them. Before every fight, players must choose one ultra combo to bring with them to battle. Two of the ultra selections will be character-specific combos, with the third selection being a custom combo option available to the entire roster.

-The Custom Combo Option [Ultras continued]: The custom combo [name pending] option is every fighter's third selection when choosing an ultra combo to bring to the battle. The effects for every character using this option are the same. Anyone who activates this ultra in battle will receive a speed boost, the ability to link any string of attacks together, and a significant increase in the amount of super meter built for each parry, and successfully landed attack. Custom combo only lasts for several seconds which scale to the amount the ultra/revenge meter is filled. Characters with a custom combo-esque option as one of their super combos will not be able to activate their super custom combo simultaneously with their ultra custom combo. One custom combo must run its course until it is over before the player may activate another.

-Parrying: This must come back. The addition of parrying into the Street Fighter formula was absolute genius, and it should make its return in Street Fighter V. Players press forward at the moment of impact to parry high and middle attacks, down-forward for low attacks. Parrying will also build super meter. There will be the normal white parry for good timing which builds some super meter, and the advanced red parry for perfect timing which builds more super meter. However, I do believe parrying should be made a little more accessible by making the window of execution slightly larger. With the timing for parrying being less strict, newcomers to the franchise will not feel as intimidated by this mechanic, and it will provide for much more intense battles. Successfully pulling off an advanced red parry should be significantly more difficult than a successful basic, normal white parry. Players can not block while airborne, but they may parry while in the air. This brings me to the next, all-new mechanic.

-Focus Meter: With the reworked parrying mechanic comes the focus meter. This meter will be placed under the health bar, above the stun meter. The focus meter represents your fighter's decreasing concentration as they parry one attack after the next. It starts every round full, then depletes a set amount with each parry, and automatically replenishes moderately fast while the player is not parrying, or taking damage. Advanced red parries deplete the focus meter significantly less than normal white parries. The amount of focus meter that is lost with each parry could scale differently depending on the type of attack being parried. If a player ever depletes their focus meter completely, they will be temporarily barred from using the ability to parry for several seconds. After those several seconds are up, the focus meter is instantly replenished back to full. The focus meter will ensure that the reworked parrying mechanic does not become the be all-end all of defensive options for skilled players who would abuse it. To see how the focus meter can be replenished at a faster rate, see my explanation for re-implementing the focus attack/cancel, and armor-breaking attacks.

-Focus Attack/Cancel: The focus attack and focus cancel can return for Street Fighter V, but with some adjustments to the way they are used. Whenever a player performs a focus attack or a focus cancel, it will cost one segment of super meter. To perform a focus attack, the player must hold both medium attack buttons simultaneously to begin charging the attack, and then let go of the buttons when they want to unleash the attack. As the player charges the focus attack, its power escalates through three levels, just as before, with each level's power surpassing the one before it. Successfully landing a focus attack will instantly replenish a set amount of focus meter depending on which level of a focus attack was performed. A level one focus attack behaves like a normal, blockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, and restores some focus meter. A level two focus attack behaves like a powerful, yet blockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, crumples your opponent upon impact for a free combo, and restores more focus meter. A level three focus attack behaves like a very powerful, unblockable attack that can absorb one hit while charging, crumples your opponent upon impact for a free combo, and restores the most focus meter. A focus attack can be cancelled by simply dashing forward or backward out of it. This is to not be confused with performing a focus cancel. To perform a focus cancel, the player must tap both medium attack buttons at the moment of impact for certain attacks in order to instantly begin charging a focus attack. Focus-attack-dash-cancelling [FADC] is performed in the same fashion, but with the extra step of dashing forward or backward, and will serve the same purpose it always has for extending combos, and/or implementing mix-ups.

-Armor-Breaking Attacks: Armor-breaking attacks will return. Armor-breaking attacks refer to certain attacks each fighter can perform which nullify a focus attack's ability to absorb one hit while charging, and results in a knockdown upon impact. Successfully landing an armor-breaking attack on an opponent charging a focus attack will restore a varied amount of focus meter depending on the level of focus attack that was interrupted. Breaking a level one focus attack will restore some focus meter, breaking a level two focus attack will restore more focus meter, and breaking a level three focus attack will restore the most focus meter.

-Taunt Buffs: Please bring this back from Street Fighter III: Third Strike. When characters taunt, they gain a character-specific buff to aid them in battle. Put this mechanic in Street Fighter V, and have some sort of special effect happen when a fighter gains their buff from taunting.

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I think links/combos should be slightly less difficult to pull off, but with a revamped training mode this may not be necessary. Implementing a team battle mode, or a tag team mode would definitely liven things up, but they are not essential to Street Fighter. The way the characters fight in general, old and new, I will leave to your devices. Please consider the prospect of going back to detailed, animated 2D sprites for the fighters, set against hand-drawn or 3D backgrounds. Please consider the plot outline I provided. Please consider my idea regarding Ryu taking Akuma's place as the secret boss character. Please make Street Fighter V soon.


I believe that is everything. Please comment, and share your thoughts regarding my post.

If absolutely nothing else comes from me posting this, I can at least take heart in the fact that I had lots of fun putting all these ideas together.

Thank you for reading!


-Captain Ransack

You are very welcome, Capcom ;P
Jul 30, 2013
West Linn, OR
Great stuff. This would pretty much be the ideal SFV. Personally, I'd want three things: No parrying (because it's really annoying to do and deal with), bring back the guard bar, and add Guile to the roster. Those are just personal things I'd want, though, and they don't have to be in it. I hope Capcom really does look at this and get some ideas, because that would be really good.


Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
Gotdamn bro, you really thought this out lol. This sounds good though.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
lol i hate be that guy but i disagree strongly with the roster. you basically picked alot of ppl from SFIV wtf.
i'd rather see

Chun Li
E. Honda
AND About 6 new characters....

but if CAPCOM Gets Rights to SFEX CHARACTERS AGAIN ( i feel like they will...) then it will be:
