Feb 12, 2011
I just wanted to know if it was possible to defeat the final boss on dead space 2 without the contact beam. I'm having trouble defeating nicole and the marker, even though it really isn't that difficult (I'm on the normal setting). I keep hearing that you're supposed to use the contact beam because it goes faster, but I never got it. I mainly use the pulse rifle, the plasma cutter, the line gun, and the force gun. I can't really go back to a store without getting attacked frequently and dying (trust me I've tried). I can fend off nicole and the pack pretty well but the marker doesn't seem to want to die, any advice? None of my weapons are fully upgraded. The plasma cutter is upgraded for the most part and the pulse rifle is only upgraded a little. It's really frustrating and I hope I don't have to restart the entire game, please help.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
With re-spec (sell some ammo to get the 5000 CR) you can take the power nodes and slam them all into one weapon (make it fire fast and hard).

The Line Gun and Contact Beam makes it easier to destroy the swarming necromorphs so they drop ammo to refill your weapons.

It's a fast and furious fight -- remember that if you can't beat it currently, you have the option to dial down the difficulty in the options screen and come back on subsequent rounds with carried over firepower.


Feb 19, 2011
i simply cannot do this and it's driving me insane ...making me hate this game too, which I've loved up until the 8 hours I've wasted doing this scene over and over. and over. and over.

I started with Plasma Rifle, Line Gun and cutter, but didnt have enough ammo. No good.
Then I went back to the store (through all those monsters and the invincible prick) and sold the rifle to load up on line racks for my fully upgraded line gun. No good.
Then I went back to the store (through all those monsters and the invincible prick) and sold the line gun and loaded up on the force beam (unupgraded) and tons of ammo. No good.

I have figured out how to keep running around in the broadest circle to avoid the little monsters for the mostpart, but they constantly give me little dings and after the 4th or 5th time of shooting up that damn heart (to no avail), I run out of health and they kill me. That is, if Nicole doesn't appear directly on top of me after the heart closes, which happens about half the time.

I have never been so aggrevated by a game ...which it bumming me out because up until this crap this was one of the best games ever. I am playing on normal difficulty. How can this be so impossible? Is my game malfunctioning or something? WOuld it help if I threw my Xbox out the window? This is an option I am seriously considering.

BOO to DS2 for putting such a brutal & unfair ending on such an amazing game.

EDIT -- just got the contact beam, and it was easy. Ridiculously so, considering how impossible it was otherwise. Hmm, not the most satisfying ending to an otherwise great game.
Feb 12, 2011
I can totally relate. I wanted to throw my xbox out the window too, looks like I'll have to go retrieve the contact beam now (which I'm not looking forward to back-tracking through all of that crap) I loved that game too, it was amazing, definitely better (and more intense) than the first one. It's good to know I'm not the only one having trouble with the last boss.
Mar 29, 2011
Its impossible, it doesnt matter which way you run, or how good you can dodge your **** girlfriend, those little kiddies will put you in movie mode. It doesnt seem to occur at any specific time or when you are particularly most vurnerable that movie mode will happen. No, it happens at random intervals. To refresh your memory, in movie mode, one of the little pricks grabs your back, another ripps off your left arm; at which time you struggle to get them off before you are decapitated. Loved this game, but they could have spent a little more time designing the boss. Oh yeah, and screw movie mode.
Apr 5, 2011
I was able to defeat her with the Plasma Cutter on Survivalist (whichever difficulty was above "normal,") -- and trust me, I died plenty of times, haha. I know it's frustrating, but it's possible. Even if the Plasma Cutter isn't max'd out, providing it's your first playthrough -- I'd say she has about three phases, obviously the shadow pack makes the fight much more difficult...But I promise you it's possible.

As above, if it would help -- try a respec with a different weapon until you find what is easiest for you. As you kill the shadow pack, by now I'm sure you've seen, they'll drop ammo and kits -- so there is a benefit to killing them, but in the second/third phases, she'll continually summon them in, you just have to hammer on her until the core becomes vulnerable.


May 14, 2011
So I decided after wanting to throw my xbox out the window, multiple times, to take some advice from a dude who posted a youtube video. He had the line gun maxed out and claimed that it was all you needed.

So after about twenty tries, here's how I did it:

I respeced the plasma cutter and put all the nodes into the line gun (my personal fav gun, used it a lot in DS1). If it's almost maxed out, it will do just fine. I also created a few save spots by the bench and store just in case.

When I got to Nicole, I statis-d her every time and alt fired the timed bomb right at her feet. That will instantly open up the marker and I fired five shots into the heart looking thing. If you focus on freezing Nicole and not on the dumb kids running around, you should be able to beat the marker in 25 to 30 shots.

I had a couple stasis packs I picked up and a crapload of health which helped. The kids will drop ammo and stuff but to be honest I didn't use any of it. I also played most of the game with the original weapons and didn't experiment much, so I can't say how the force gun or other weapons will work out.

Good luck!
Apr 11, 2011
Just beat it after a few tries. I'm on PS3, but I don't think it matters as the two games are pretty much identical. I have a plasma cutter, which I only used to shoot Nicole the first few times until the marker opened up and showed its heart/core. Then I shot the core/heart with my pulse rifle, which is fully upgraded on ammo capacity and damage. Then once the core/hear closed and the little shadow monsters showed up, I switched to my force gun, which was about halfway upgraded. I used the force gun on the little shadow guys (great for taking out a larger number of them in one shot) and alternately used it on Nicole until the heart/core showed itself again and then switched back to my pulse rifle again to shoot the core. After 3 cycles of shooting the core with the pulse rifle, that was it. It took me 7 or 8 attempts before I figured out what worked the best for me, but once I got it I beat it in less than 5 minutes. The main key for me was to keep moving when the shadow guys showed up so they wouldn't jump on my back, and then as soon as the core/heart opened up ignore everything else and just wail on it with the pulse rifle.
Jun 14, 2011
The detonator works surprisingly well. I used detonator/contact beam combo. My first play-through, I was on Zealot. So my method is very slow and steady.

Continuously run around the outer rim of the stage, occasionally turning around and firing a couple detonator mines. This will slowly blow up the shadow children giving you tons more ammo for the contact beam and other weapons. Once you get most of the shadow children, fire away at her with the cutter or any other weapon. Once the marker opens, contact beam it to death. Rinse, repeat.

I must have played it over 50 times. It took me a few days. If you get hit a lot, you'll run slower and get killed. Hope this helps someone!


Jul 6, 2011
Thanks to all who participated in this thread. Will try these methods and hope that one is useful. I'm beginning to think I made a mistake maxing out the plasma cutter. It worked so well on all the other enemies to this point. Furthermore, perhaps I wasted nodes by maxing out my suit, but it thought the HP would serve me well.


Sep 21, 2011
I completed the game in hard difficulty 3 days ago. The last boss was kinda easy (well, not the one that pursues you cause i think is inmortal), if you stay in one corner with the force gun imrpoved completely and the plama cutter with all the upgrades and enough ammo for both of them (80 plasma cutter bullets and 30 or so for the force gun) you will do it in less than 3 minutes.

For me this is the best action game of 2011 for the moment, but his kingdom will end soon...


Jun 29, 2011
Best game, the end boss is awesome, i love the idea but its too hard!! I cant do it, why bother there are other games to play, what a dissapointment to an otherwise awesome game! Ill watch the end on u tube


Nov 27, 2011
I finally beat the boss only using my plasma cutter by running the perimeter to the very edge when the demons were triggered then shooting at them while running backwards and shooting Nicole running backwards as well. To avoid dying I would dodge the demons before they could swarm and if hit use a health pack as soon as possible. At first I thought it was going to be impossible but once you break free from the swarm they leave you alone and flood the center giving you a chance to pick them off from the perimeter.
Jan 16, 2012
I've killed Nicole on normal with a fully upgraded pulse rifle and one clip of ammo. Wasn't that hard even just focus on Nicole and the marker that's it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
For another strategy/gun combo that I haven't seen mentioned, I used the flamethrower (maxxed out alt fire) and Seeker (also maxxed out alt fire). Took me only a couple of minutes to defeat the Marker this way on normal difficulty. I used the flamethrower to wipe out the shadow minions with ease, and also to "kill" Nicole. Then I used the Seeker's alt fire on the Marker heart. Took exactly 9 shots to wipe out the Marker. Pretty efficient way to beat it in my opinion. Great game.
Mar 16, 2012
if you need more time to kill the marker stasis the marker when it opens but the stasis needs time to get there so fire away with the pulse rifle and then give a taste of your line gun warning stasis may miss so use it right before you kill Nicole
Mar 16, 2012
charge up your force gun ( Alternate Fire ) it's not as powerful as the contact beam but it does massive damage to the marker. ran out of ammo? have too little ammo? do this step then fire away with the next best thing the pulse rifle or the plasma cutter I wouldn't recommend using the line gun unless you run out of ammo for everything else

P.S The contact beam won't really help you unless you have it fully upgraded and the force gun won't do much good either but if both have no power nodes on them use the force gun it is faster than the contact beam.



Apr 3, 2012
I just wanted to know if it was possible to defeat the final boss on dead space 2 without the contact beam. I'm having trouble defeating nicole and the marker, even though it really isn't that difficult (I'm on the normal setting). I keep hearing that you're supposed to use the contact beam because it goes faster, but I never got it. I mainly use the pulse rifle, the plasma cutter, the line gun, and the force gun. I can't really go back to a store without getting attacked frequently and dying (trust me I've tried). I can fend off nicole and the pack pretty well but the marker doesn't seem to want to die, any advice? None of my weapons are fully upgraded. The plasma cutter is upgraded for the most part and the pulse rifle is only upgraded a little. It's really frustrating and I hope I don't have to restart the entire game, please help.
I beat it with just my pulse rifle! Fully upgraded. I never even paid attention to the shadow kids because if you keep firing on Nichole till she flashes the core will open up and the kids go away, then when Nichole comes back keep her busy with your pulse rifle again and the kids will be of no bother to you I promise. One kid likes to reach me as I deliver the final blow to Nichole but then its just one kid. Three rounds of this and you have beaten the game


Apr 9, 2012
I thought the game was great up until the last part of it. The monsters that you can't kill are cheap and they just threw so many at you that you couldn't even kill them all then collect your goodies so at the end, I hardly had any ammo and the wrong guns. I was frustrated by the last boss and I did something I have never done on any game, switched it to easy just to finish the game and move on with my life. I think the first game was too easy, and this one was too hard (in spots). Hopefully they can get it right next time.


Apr 28, 2012
After trying for some time, I have found by far easiest way by far. I don't know if you realise but the shadow things die when marker heart is exposed, which is key to this fight. To make it easy; all you need is line cutter, contact beam/plasma cutter. Health pack would be handy too in case you mess up, but not essential.

So... from the start blast Nicole with contact beam/cutter, so the marker opens, then hit that with whatever you want, until it closes. When Nicole reappears with her minions, just stasis her and do an alt fire with line cutter. I upgraded mine quite a bit, so the alt fire mine kills her (and opens the marker) in one shot. When marker is fully open, all the little shadow babies die, and leave items!! Blast marker again with whatever you want. Repeated this about 3 times, and that was it.

I was playing on zealtot btw.


Jun 11, 2012
It's so easy on normal!
I passed it first shot without any maxed weapons only force gun and plasma cutter.
on zealot,i'm at my fucking limit. i need advice cause i can't be bothered going back for the contact beam


Nov 10, 2011
I know this is an old thread BUT thought Id share my opinions, I found DS 2 was all about sussing out your tactics, I mean the last chapter with the regen monster WAS anoying but after a couple goes I got it worked out.
you do now that after fighting him in a location you CAN go back to the store and re-stock, change weapons etc and you 100% WONT run into him or anything you have cleared, I did that once to catch a breath and get some stasis.
As far as the final boss I did it in about 3-4 mins on survivalist, Although I had a max line gun & plasma cutter, I ended up doing the Boss in a few mins by just using an upgraded pulse rifle, I wasted Nichole blasted the marker, when the shadow kids showed up I used the "alt fire" on the contact beam, (all killed instantly), Nichole appeared again so wasted her and hit the marker a 2nd time and bang that was it, after DS1 I thought "Damn that was one of the easiest boss fights ever" not that Im complaining as game companies have to get away from just making the ending as hard and frustrating as possible.
But all in all with the C Beam maxed out and the pulse rifle Maxed out it really is a almost TOO EASY..
PS btw in general as soon as I started this game I worked on my Rig Health and stasis, if you mas stasis out it really can be a life saver esp on harder settings, on my 2nd run thru its P Cutter, Contact Beam, Line Gun and Ripper which I must say using that you almost dont need stasis its amazing when swamped :)
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 18, 2010
It was so effing easy. I had a seeker rifle with two upgrades to capacity and ALT fully upgraded. finished the fight without getting a scratch on me in less than a minute or so. this is survivalist difficulty.
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Sep 11, 2012
Thanks for this post it really helped with the final aggravating boss! Really wanted to throw my console out of the window, but didn't and kept at it! Awesome game though 9/10 :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
The final boss is so tough. I have the plasma cutter, pulse rifle, line gun, and the javelin gun and there all low on ammo. At most I can expose the heart three times before those shadow Pack kills me. They are the biggest headaches before it easy to take out Nicole with the javelin gun,it just those Park guys swarm me so fast.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
The final boss is so tough. I have the plasma cutter, pulse rifle, line gun, and the javelin gun and there all low on ammo. At most I can expose the heart three times before those shadow Pack kills me. They are the biggest headaches before it easy to take out Nicole with the javelin gun,it just those Park guys swarm me so fast.

Just beat it, I had to lower my diffurty to normal to win.


Feb 8, 2013
Clearly you all suck!!!
I just beat it with no deaths on Zealot. Force gun(Primary Fire) the little kids, Force Gun(Secondary Fire) Nicole and then i switched to the plasma cutter for the exposed heart. You've just been Schooled!!!


Feb 11, 2013
Am I the only one that did this fight with a fully powered up javelin gun? Once you get the explosion add-on not only is it good for doing mass damage to Nicole and splash damage to the adds, but it also kills the heart pretty quickly too


Feb 13, 2013
Hi there, we want to help people to go out and meet each other, instead of sitting in the front of their TVs and PCs only. We are not after money but we invested a lot in that project and are just wondering whether you like our idea – watch our 2 min. video here:http://goo.gl/TzfeQ


Mar 5, 2013
I beat her with a fully up'ed cutter and barely up'ed line gun do a stasis bomb avoid the demon children use cutter to attack heart reload in between running around the area and repeat fully up'ed cutter will take it down in 3 rounds


Jun 22, 2013
So I know I'm late to the party. [face_tongue]

First of all, thanks to everyone who posted on this thread; the posts helped me realize the final battle could be done with damn near anything. I was playing on normal throughout, and from Chapter 12 onwards I was rounding the checkpoints on minimal health and/or ammo. This chapter was no exception but for the record I had a nearly maxed rig, 50% amped plasma cutter, 25% amped line gun, a pulse rifle and a seeker gun (those with no upgrades at all) on the PC.

I'm on the fence for either playing through DS 2 again, or going to DS 3, but I won't be waiting very long to decide.
Sep 9, 2014
Not gonna lie but I beat her on normal with the plasma cutter in less than a minute on my third try. The first two tries I totally didn't get that once she exploded I was supposed to shoot the marker(though I did that the first time and it didn't look like it did anything so I gave up) but the third time I pretty much just went button mash crazy. She reappears where you're already aiming so I kept her in from of the marker, shot her to hell then kept rapid firing the marker, I didn't even pay attention to her little helpers... Plasma cutter was at full capacity