
Jan 28, 2007
Oky I do need some help on leveling up my monsters, that Monica transforms into, but does anyone know what lv they need to be to get to the next stage? Well my Skeleton Soldier is Lv.21 and I don't know what to do to get it to the next monster stage.


Jan 28, 2007
I have to get that high of lv to get it to the next stage? That will take alot longer than I first thought.


It shall be engraved upon your soul!
Sep 24, 2006
Yes, it will reach the next level at 26. I know it seems like it takes forever. The only monster badge I bothered to level up was the Reptile Badge, because it has a stronger attack than any of the other ones.

(edited for spelling)


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
;^) Here's a trick that will help you to level anything up more quickly: To level anything up, you must collect the blue ABS crystals that monsters drop when they're defeated. Also, tougher monsters drop more ABS crystals. So, you want to travel to the latest dungeon that you've unlocked and level up there.

Here's the trick: you don't have to defeat the monster with the weapon/monster that you wish to level up. Instead, defeat him with your most powerful weapon so that it goes faster, then switch to the weapon/monster/ridepod that you wish to level up before collecting the crystals. All of the experience will go into the equipped weapon/moster form/ridepod.

Using this trick in the last few dungeons of the Zelmite Mines will yeild enough ABS to jump a level 1 monster badge to level 4 with just one monster, for example. By the time that dungeon is clear, the monster badge should be about level twenty-something, if I recall correctly.

:^/ Bear in mind also that the higher you go, the more ABS are needed for each increase. So even when you use this trick it will take a while to max them all out. It'll just take less time than it would otherwise....


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
yeah, i think they made the monster transformation take way too long. i liked how they put it in the game though, and i also miss DC. i wish they would make a new one.


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ There are rumors that they're thinking of it. Level 5 released [link=http://boards.ign.com/rogue_galaxy/b10855/p1]Rogue Galaxy[/link] last year, so now their programmers are free to pursue other projects. It's been hinted that they'll work on Dark Cloud 3 for PS3. We'll see.