
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2014
Your mom
How do I say this? So I'm stuck at the three bosses at the Lost Baslistic. (or something like that.) I can beat the first one with ease. BUT! I can't beat the other two at least at the same time. Is there a way I can get the one boss to come after me without hitting me off the platform.

PS. If you dare tell me to "git gud" I just don't know what I'll do.

PPS. Inb4someonesaysgitgud
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No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
If you kill dude #1 quick enough you can pot shot his friends with spells. Best to get the hell off there when they both jump up. Beat the 2 by herding them around the room and carefully hitting them when opportunity presents itself; usually after one of them spins or jumps, just make sure they're both done. They don't really react quick enough to get you before you get a hit in. Takes awhile, but is easy if you're patient.