
Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
This place is trying to die again, so, since I managed to get PSO2 to some what run on my older laptop, lets hear where every ones at now.

Whos still playing? What classes are you using, what level are you too now? What kind of items/weapons are you searching for?

I'll update with my own reply after playing a bit tonight/tomorrow.
Feb 24, 2013
I'm still playing (a lot lol) and I think gundamwing is also still playing as well.

Main Character: Kelly
Gunner/Hunter 65/61, planning to train Ranger once finished with hunter.

Alternate Character: Archer.
Braver/Hunter 58/42?, still hunting for the katana I want for her but I need four freaken XQs full runs for the 11*.

I'm always doing something when I log in...................always doing something literately.
Haven't posted her in the forums as of lates (long lates) due to I guess lack of interest on the IGN forums and stucked to PSO-W's forum at the time.

Oh and next update has a new EQ: Objective is base defence and doing a firefight with waves of darkers.
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Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Yea, heard about that...also...lolpso-world...that place is full of far to much complaining for me, every time I go there I just end up annoyed, sadly tho, with out a real western release of the game this place never got the new members it other wise could have...

I'm hoping tonight or tomorrow I'll finally have a chance to see Seabed, was a great area back on PSO, hoping it lives up to those standards.


Jun 28, 2009
Character: ArleCentauros(Fi/Te): 52/45
Character: Evangelyne (Br/Ra): 45:30

After I got my level 9 bow, I spent most of my time grinding so I could actually wear it

Now I'm planning on doing a crap ton of Blue Ringada runs for that Rod for my techer

The sea bed is nice enough. The water level gimmick doesn't add a whole lot, the new enemies are okay, and it is very pretty IMO. The mini boss was a pretty big bitch but I'm getting the hang of it. For some reason I haven't gotten around to fighting the stage boss.

But yeah, I'm mainly concerned with getting that rod, rare as everything in this game is =P


Jun 28, 2009
I can wear the bow now, and I finally go the rod

Now I guess I'm just grinding to get to a higher level

And I switched my subclass to a force instead of a techer. I might switch back, don't know right now.


May 3, 2011
My character's name is little-devil. She's a 58/47 braver/HU.

I'm also going to remake my Morden character from PSO. He was a Fomar, so I'm looking at Te/Fi and Fi/Te.

GUNPOWR was my main, though, and I think I will hold off on his resurrection until the NA release.

I've been running with AssyrianKing but he hasn't been playing as much, lately. His character is illmatic and I believe he just hit 50 on his main class, fighter.

We reformed Team Cake--a group from PSO--but it's just the two of us for now, so we mainly use it to avoid sending whispers/tells. I was hoping other vets would show up but maybe there is still hope with a domestic release.

As far as weapons go, I'm not looking for much. I recently got a nice top-teir 10* bow and katana. So unless an 11* or 12* drops there's not much room for improvement.

I've been running LQs as of late, but I think I will push foward on the Matter board stuff to finish up the reverse on Arks Bingo.


May 3, 2011
Sounds good, look me up anytime.

AssyrianKing (illmatic) is MIA. He said he's now preparing for Dark Souls 2 and the rumor of Relic doing a domestic release has killed his motivation to level illmatic on the japanese servers.

I'm currently 56 HU/ 60 BR. I got tired of shunka'ing everything and decided to learn the wonders of the wired lance; it's a fun weapon though the lack of block/dash cancel on most PAs makes it a bit dangerous to use.


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Love the wired lance.

Also...I have no faith in a domestic release any more, even if it some how happens, I'm not sure I can care anymore, unless they release it with whats all ready out in japan, or more preferably some how combine the servers..
Feb 24, 2013
I'm done with domestic release unless it has something that draws my attention.

I'm still playing PSO2 as always but the number of to-hunt-items on list is getting smaller because when I'm not hunting for something it just come and hunts me D=
So for now, it's just kill time leveling up new characters with their class for their weapons until SH AQ and new XQs come earlier next month.


May 3, 2011
Love the wired lance.

Also...I have no faith in a domestic release any more, even if it some how happens, I'm not sure I can care anymore, unless they release it with whats all ready out in japan, or more preferably some how combine the servers..

Yeah, I'm nearing 60 on HU and braver is supposed to be my main. I'm enjoying lances enough that I may push HU up to 65 first. Too many katana wielders in MPA's.


May 3, 2011
I'm done with domestic release unless it has something that draws my attention.

I'm still playing PSO2 as always but the number of to-hunt-items on list is getting smaller because when I'm not hunting for something it just come and hunts me D=
So for now, it's just kill time leveling up new characters with their class for their weapons until SH AQ and new XQs come earlier next month.

I still think a domestic release is more accessible to the general populace not willing to deal with the tweaker (which is awesome, so I donated some money towards).

I will play the US over JP if its ever released. I think my biggest issue with JP PSO2 is it pushed itself to a very anime look and feel. While I do enjoy anime, I prefer the original PSO character asthetics. Another rumor is different costumes and items for a localized version and that's appealing, as characters running around in bikinis doesn't really "do it" for me.

The new 70 Falz is a real PoS, right now: times are not great for people in the US and even with 450% rare boost, I'm not even seeing 10* weapons, much less 11* and 12*.
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May 3, 2011
So, sitting at 64 HU / 60 BR.

I've been using wired lances exclusively as of late and lucked out with a Falclaw dropping in TD, today.

I like that it's usable by Fighter too, as I'm considering making it my subclass. I'm tired of seeing so many katana's in MPA.


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
The problem being, based on past PS games, in stead of giving us something different and unique to our region, they either give us the same thing, or nothing at all, that, and the character design wont change, just the available costumes.
Feb 24, 2013
The problem being, based on past PS games, in stead of giving us something different and unique to our region, they either give us the same thing, or nothing at all, that, and the character design wont change, just the available costumes.
Actually the SEA version of the game is getting something basing on their culture (costume-wise) but I don't remember where is the link of the previews but the clothes in the previews looks better than most of what JP PSO2 is having atm. But yea, character design will stay the same because can you imagine the amount of money being put into it to do such a thing when the game is already out? Might as well just a new game instead if that happens.

If there is ever a western version, I'm betting that it'll get the same treatment of "culturalization" along with the seasonal EQs and that's probably bout it.

My main (Kelly) is now 65/65 Gu/Hu.
2nd Character (Archer) is now 65/65 Br/Hu or Hu/Br depending on what katana I'm using.
3rd character (Locust) is now 44/34 Fi/Hu (ohohohooh I love knuckles).
4th Character (Aerial) is now currently standing at 45/45 Te/Fo (Love it).

If I'm ever in-game and anyone wants to hit me up, player ID is the same as my IGN name tag.

I still think a domestic release is more accessible to the general populace not willing to deal with the tweaker (which is awesome, so I donated some money towards).

I will play the US over JP if its ever released. I think my biggest issue with JP PSO2 is it pushed itself to a very anime look and feel. While I do enjoy anime, I prefer the original PSO character asthetics. Another rumor is different costumes and items for a localized version and that's appealing, as characters running around in bikinis doesn't really "do it" for me.

The new 70 Falz is a real PoS, right now: times are not great for people in the US and even with 450% rare boost, I'm not even seeing 10* weapons, much less 11* and 12*.

Yea some people are just avoiding the JP version either: they want it in EN, avoid being banned, macro-transactions is too much a pain in the as, or they don't won't to deal with the Foreign stuffs from story to whatever.

Well Falz gave me an 11* few weeks ago (regular lol) but I've been getting 10*s left and right out of EQs. Also, Falz has shitty drop rates even with boosted RDR even for his 10*s.


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Well, not to sound to negative, but based on over 10 years of past PSO/PSU gaming, usually we dont get unique cultural stuff, we simply get left with the same or nothing at all.


Super Star
Aug 29, 2014
Moon Base 25
I'm not on pso2 Q but I'm rejoining the fight on the GC version with HC, RC and a few bottles of tequila. C-mode anyone? Lol
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Jun 28, 2009

Oh man, the GC version doesn't sound too bad right about now. I haven't been able to connect since Sega was hacked a few months back =P


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Haven't been on old PSO in a long long time, hard to go back to after PSO2, its really the best of things from PSU and PSO.

As for those who can't connect to pso2 currently, some updates fixed that for some, others are using vpn and similar solutions to connect now.


Jun 28, 2009
Still can't connect, but I don't want to go through the trouble of working around it

So now I'm just kinda waiting (and hoping) for the problem to be fixed


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
Does it work on iPads? I have internet on that or I can borrow someone's. Did you ever finish school?

Yup, graduated a few years ago, still looking for work that involves that degree tho..
Not sure about iPads, but I do know Hunter_Soldier was running it on Surface tablet a while back.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
I've been able to connect again and have been playing for the last few months

ArleCentauros: Fi/Te (64/50 I think)
Evangelyne: Br/Ra (54/46)

I've also been leveling up a side character for my brother.

Celestial Sig: Hu/Bo (51/20)

Bouncers are a lot of fun. I'm almost jealous, but I'm still gonna stick with my beloved fighter class.

I got the armor from Zeig's craft shop which will probably be my end game gear. It's nice being not so squishy. Currently just trying to see everything in the game, so right now I'm trying to get to the end of all the extreme quests.