
Apr 24, 2011
I am playing through A Crack in Time on Challenge mode now, and am noticing the effect that is used for fire or for dirt being dug up by Terratropes especially on the moons, does not look right. It's just white blocks flying up in the same pattern, so I know what it is supposed to be. But, as stated, it's all just white looking blocks. This seems to be the only effect that's glitched. This did not happen on my first playthrough.

Can anyone tell me if they are having the same problems or if there is a way to fix it?
Apr 14, 2010
Ive played through it numerous times already. I have noticed a few glitches with in the game. There not so disruptive, just amusing to find. One glitch put me in the wrong place. It was before you fight Azimuth and your on the rail, I died. When they brought me back, it brought me back as Clank and it put me near the railing. Now that one kind of screwed me off.


Apr 24, 2011
I haven't had that happen, but that actually sounds fun. I did manage to fall through one of the moons though and end up falling to the center of it and was able to simply look around at all the nifty space around me without seeing the moon where I couldn't move or fall. I knew it was the center though because I was standing on this little green dot.


Prime Member
Aug 24, 2007
I've found 3:

1. Tractor beam glitch - Those robots that shoot out the tractor beam and pull you in? Well, in the Agorian Battleplex, I noticed if you're getting sucked in and destroy the robot, the robot goes away and the beam stops, but the effect is active. It will continue sucking you forward - off the platform over the lava and into the wall. You stay there, pinned, until you die.

2. Vorselon Final Battle Floor glitch - When battling Lord Vorselon the second time, he'll electrify the floor leaving 2 pie wedges open. When this activated, the entire floor went white.

3. Raritanium Tournament glitch - I completed the game, beat the Gold and Silver tourneys but did NOT do the Raritanium tournament. I selected the option to go back in time, find the remaining Zonis and defeat Vorselon for good. When I returned to the battleplex it wouldn't unlock the Raritanium tourney. Gold was completed, but no Raritanium. I had replay the last level of the Gold tourney before it would unlock.