
No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2001
I never would have though luck would strike twice. First the logitech wireless guitar for 360 dropped down to insanely 99 kroners here in norway. That compared to the usual 1999 kroners that it originally was selling for. Because of the weight, the shipping actually cost more so it came around 290 kroners. Still it was VERY worth it.

Then now today. I mean i was hoping for the game to arrive on friday or atleast on saturday, but to surprise me today just blew me away.

BTW ive i think im halfway through the game and ive played through Rush's 2112 and it was Amazing, simply amazing. It was fun that i managed it on expert and i FC'd section 2, but that wasn't that hard though. Bohemian Rhapsody also around 800 notes. Missed one by clumsiness and the others were quick blue, Orange Hammerons which just took me by surprise. so i had 10 misses in that song.

If i cant give a full personal review of it yet since im not done with all the songs, but the ones ive played have ranked from good to okey. I liked Money for Nothing allthough it was preatty easy. Same with Offspring - Self Esteem.

I hope in the end im gonna find like World Tour a GOOD handfull of songs that ill really like and the ones i dont i just wont play when im done with the story.

Only complain i can say about alot of songs it that they suffer from the Rock Band 1 and Green Day selection where there are too many songs with just Chord, Chord, Chord and not cool rhythmic notes that vary like most songs like in GH3.

If you have any questions ill try to answer them. Keep in mind that i havent finished the game so "NO" i havent played The Fury of the Storm yet, sorry.

EDIT: I just finished off my playing for the day, my arm is preatty tired and i have work tomorrow. I just checked Quickplay+ for the full list of songs in the game and to my next surprise Guitar Hero has actually gone back to old-school, sortof. That means to play a song you actually have to unlock it. That means for everyone wanting to try their luck out on Fury of the storm will have to play through quest mode or cheat to unlock all songs. Personally i liked quest mode so i'll stick to fnishing it.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2001
The first reply i get with a songname i will post a video of that song on youtube.
If you say Fury of the Storm however or megadeth i will play on hard so it wont be an epic Fail.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2001
Scratch that last one btw, my internet is so slow so i dont want to bother to upload something. Im using my slow capacity today to download the World Tour Export which is around 1.3gigs.

If you have doubts that i have the game then check my Gamertag which is "Znakemaster".


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2001
Hehe yeah, well i finished most of the game yesturday. Recruited most of the warriors yesturday im not gonna spoil how many it takes to finish the game.

However i just checked "My Stuff" just for fun which essentially is where you find Leaderboards and such and your own personal stats from "WOR" and Band Hero and GH5 compiled. However you have you gametime and your lifetime playtime which is WOR combined with BH and GH5.

Seing as i so quickly failed to show off a movie of a song i'il gladly express an option of a song if asked.

Ive played through the first Megadeth song and !! SPOILER !! Scroll Fast down past the next part if you dont want to read spoilers.

At the time you play the Megadeth songs ( 3 of them )you have all your Warriors ( 8 of them, but have to choose carefully your Warriors for 2 Teams divided 4 and 4 ( duh ). Each with their own special Ability. Being that i was in a hurry before work when i did this i selected them in order and probably wasnt the most perfect setup. Still i had alot of help from the team.

Anyway the Megadeth song i Managed to get through the first song and that way only due to of the powers that i had at hand and i was still playing on expert level, but ofcourse you didnt need 100% to finish, but to get through the song in itself. Well, play it and youll know.
The Rest of the songs from there on were straight on hard difficulty for me.

Anyway im happy to have been able to play Warriors of Rock so many days before many others and all i can say is that many will still whine about many songs, but like World Tour and GH5, the fans like me will still find their favorites in the bunch and plays thoose again and again and forget about the rest. Personally the only song ive played again without necessity is Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. As i Said its not hard, but i like the song. Its one of the songs that i was most looking forward too. This is also just personally, but i like My Chemical Romance. I see too much hate around forums and whatnot for them. I dont know why since Dead in GH2 was awesome. I do admit "im Not Okey" is rather simple and can easily be FC'd, but i play it because i actually like the song, not just because i want to FC it and move on to another.

I love the great old songs just and much as i do the great new songs. My Favorites in Greatests Hits were, Smoke on The Water and More than a Feeling and Electric Eye.

Anyway enough rambling, look forward to next week if your in USA, or Friday if your in the UK. Pick up the game, Export your old guitar hero's if you have them, i only have World Tour and Metallica, but im waiting to see if i can get Greatest Hits and GH5 off amazon cheap.

BAND HERO I CAN LIVE WITHOUT (, but please give out American Pie and I Want You to Want me as DLC )


Jan 23, 2004
FYI, although you may have a legit copy of the game you could still get banned from xbox live for playing the game early. I would advise you to be careful and play offline and dont sign on until the game is released. Just a friendly heads up [face_peace]


Rockband Boards Vice-President
Oct 30, 2007
The Edge of The Abyss
[face_rose] I'm actually sad for you that you're so happy to get this. Is Norway that deprived of music games?
It's like the feeling you get when you see a handicapped child, say, score a touchdown. You're happy for him for being allowed to do it, yet sad he's handicapped.
Really though, if it makes you feel good, that's a good thing.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2001
stevebrownrocks said:
I'm actually sad for you that you're so happy to get this. Is Norway that deprived of music games?

Well not really, but ive enjoyed music games since GH2 and i still enjoy to play the games now and then. Ive now played myself bored of warriors of rock and now im playing black ops. However play a little guitar hero just for variation or when i have friends over who wants to play. BTW the fact that i got the game early was just fun just because i had been waiting for it so long. Had it been Halo Reach or something like that then im sure i would have gotten more of a reaction ;)