Mar 28, 2016
I played through BL2's ultimate vault hunter edition to entirety with a level 72 Zer0. I kill jack and then the warrior shoot jack with a maggie and then lilith blows slag all over the ground... wait what? Yep somehow after splattering Jack's brains I triggered Lilith to kill him when trying to end the game. After triggering the end I get an achieve for complete UVM but no notification for the op levels which I own (I own every DLC BUT this skins cause I have no life) so now I'm stuck in limbo. Im not replaying a Zer0 playthrough modded or not and I have no clue what to do because even killing the warrior again does nothing. Someone help please I CANNOT run through this game again on Zer0 (if youve ever tried you know why. it's HARD) and I can't backtrack it to the talon of god mission so any ideas whatsoever will be appreciated.
Mar 28, 2016
UPDATE: So I just ran digistruct peak again trying to farm for pearlescents. And it decided to let me have my first overpower level for some reason. Well then


Jan 16, 2012
That's how it works - you unlock each OP level by completing Digistruct Peak over. Your progress in that regard is separate from your normal/true/ultimate progression. You can switch to whichever of the OP levels you've unlocked and play the game in that mode using the option added to the mode choice when you use the character selection menu (hope that makes sense?) If you want to complete the entire main story again in OP X, select that OP level and reset your play-through before hitting "Continue"