Jul 10, 2014
Hyperborea, or Thule
I found the melee classes to be boring. I felt so underpowered while playing this game as a two handed swordsman. The abilities are stale and weak. Anyone else feel the same. Also the enemies giant healthbars are ridiculous and the boss fights were underwhelming. Bloodborne's bosses are difficult, but you can actually use strategy in that game to beat them. You have a tactical view, yet it's pointless. I found no need for it. One of the worst combat systems in any RPG I've ever played.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Different strokes I guess. Some people certainly don't care for the game. Many people seem to enjoy it. Me included. The "Underpowered" comment doesn't make sense to me and I say that because I've actually seen that said by a few others before too. [face_thinking] Uh... Of course your under powered... When you start the game. That's kinda the point of LEVELING up. [face_raised_brow] Once your Character levels up a bit, especially like level 15-20 and you can have your way w/ the majority of the enemies minus maybe the Dragons.

And strategy is what you make it. Some fights I don't feel the need to use the tactical view to take out a group of 3-4 "Bandits", but other bigger fights I like to use it to strategize my attacks. Some enemies are prone to certain types of damage and are better affected by certain attacks by certain characters.

BioWare tried to set the game up to allow you to be able to use or not use the tactical camera in combat depending on how much control YOU the player want over the battle field/game. Is it perfect? Is anything? But I think it does just fine.

And I think they did a pretty good job w/ the classes this time around. The Mage class is great and I LOVE the Archer class this time around. I also think they greatly improved the 2 Handed Warrior. And although my lesser favorites, I still think the Dual Wield Rogue and Weapon & Shield are still pretty good.

Again my friend, not every game is for everybody and if DA:I isn't for you then I guess it isn't, but I've enjoyed the game thoroughly. I think it's well worth giving it a full chance.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
lol. there's no comparison between this and Bloodborne. Dragon age is loyal to Dragon age series games. The combat system is fine.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
no use for the Tactical view??

really... I find it makes combos attacks way easier to pull off... such as Freezing someone with a mage and having an Archer Shatter them with a power shot....


Dec 8, 2010
the combat is as it should be. Its a lot like DA[face_shock] but more accessible, and hell of a lot better then DA2 'action gameplay'.

Underpowered is...hell no, I played it 1st with a 2H Warrior and while the Ferelden Frostback gave me pause and made me thrown my mouse a couple of times, eventually I beat it with just Cassandra staying alive.
The other dragons - walk in a park once you start to make great custom armors and weapons and use the massively powerful warrior Guard abilities. You can tank any opponent while your ranged take out targets from
distance. Just pause once in a while to give orders to your back ranks (cast barrier, use skills). The combat is extremely versatile and the cross combos are extremely powerful, and once you start to use your whole
party, not just your main character, you'll notice the game gets very easy, than you must go to higher difficulty settings for a challange!


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Comparing this combat system to Bloodborne is an apples/oranges comparison. Dragon Age has he best real time squad combat battle system that I've ever seen. In Bloodborne, you control 1 character whereas in DA I, you control 4.
May 4, 2015
I found the melee classes to be boring. I felt so underpowered while playing this game as a two handed swordsman. The abilities are stale and weak. Anyone else feel the same. Also the enemies giant healthbars are ridiculous and the boss fights were underwhelming. Bloodborne's bosses are difficult, but you can actually use strategy in that game to beat them. You have a tactical view, yet it's pointless. I found no need for it. One of the worst combat systems in any RPG I've ever played.

Hey now, the tactical view is great for casting dispel when a rift spawns.

I agree. Inquisition could learn a lot from Bloodborne and the Souls series in general as far as making deep, rewarding and challenging melee combat is concerned. An MMO rotation just doesn't cut it.


Original poster
I agree feeling underpowered. The leveling isn't satisfying either.. other than that I enjoy the game.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I've played all the DA games, but I never used the tactical stuff until Inquisition. One of the staples was to customize your teammate's behaivor, which they oversimplified in this game IMO. I typically set AI behavior and controlled my character mostly in Origins and DA2. In Inquisition, I had to use the tactical camera to issue commands to my group alot more as a result which I'm thinking was the intent. Took me a bit to get used to it, but it wasn't a big deal and is a lot of fun now.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
I agree feeling underpowered. The leveling isn't satisfying either.. other than that I enjoy the game.
Well that's the same thing really. The unsatisfying leveling is probably why you feel underpowered I suspect. I didn't care for the leveling either myself. I didn't care for the hoops you have to jump through to get your specialization either. Didn't like how taking skills in trees was the main way your physical stats(Str, Int, etc.) improved. I could be putting all my INT buffs in the tree on spells I don't want. That's a problem. I also really didn't like what they did with the spell trees. Making each element one tree. It forces you to put too many eggs in one basket(tree lol) to master an elemental type. Not to mention they flat out dumped many spells and even entire schools of magic. All that said, I still think the combat itself was good. I loved the guard system for warriors. Especially sword/board style.

I've played all the DA games, but I never used the tactical stuff until Inquisition. One of the staples was to customize your teammate's behaivor, which they oversimplified in this game IMO. I typically set AI behavior and controlled my character mostly in Origins and DA2. In Inquisition, I had to use the tactical camera to issue commands to my group alot more as a result which I'm thinking was the intent. Took me a bit to get used to it, but it wasn't a big deal and is a lot of fun now.
Interesting. I never used the tactical camera/issue commands w other party members that much in any of the DA games. I have a little bit I guess. Boss/long fights mostly, but not always even then, and not too much in general. It's about the same amount in all 3 DA games for me. Which is weird because the tactics(if you can even call that menu screen that) SUCKED in DA3, so I would think I'da used it more myself, but not really.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I paused combat to mostly make sure that I had Barriers up at the beginning of a fight when I was playing 2H warrior so I didn't have to keep sucking down health potions. I use it even more as a mage to setup traps, walls, etc. I agree that the "Tactics" screen was horrible and the options were way too limited. The lack of Healing magic and relying on Potions was a bit annoying as well.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah now you're making me remember MORE shit I didn't like damit lol.[face_tongue]

I hated the potion system in DAI, especially because there was no healing magic, AND you don't regen health between fights like DA2/Origins. I obviously adjusted and did fine with it, but I still didn't like it.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
On the plus side, you were able to fast travel to camps once you found them to replenish supplies. Think they should steal more from TES on this, restoraton magic with a slow mana regen as opposed to this whole potion mechanic.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Yeah that did help, but I was on 360 and the loading screens were BRUTALLY long. So it still kinda sucked lol.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I was on PS4, so that wasn't a real issue for me. That definitey would've made it more painful.
Apr 4, 2016
Hmm... In Origins it might really look more interesting and challenging. Though, in DA:I on higher levels of difficulty it looks really interesting too - you really need to use tactics, positioning and etc.. Anyway, it's better then DA 2. DA 2 is just as awful as they ever could do it - especially those corridors.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I used more tactics on DAI than I ever did in Bloodborne.
-but I guess the op played DAI on easy difficulty...