
No Longer a Noob
Apr 18, 2001
Now that it's considered commonplace to condemn cheating in online games, I would like to point out that I was a champion for the cause of legit gameplay back on PSO1; before people understood the implications of taking another player's experience for granted.

I was spat upon by many and called a fool for my views, but history has proven I was simply ahead of my time.

I give a big middle finger to those who discouraged me. I knew I was right all along.

Also, a big "F*** off" to whoever was moderating this forum at that time, as you continually discouraged my discussions. You suck so much that I can't even remember your name! Deep discussions about things that matter are necessary for views to change, and you tried to suppress this! You're a historical douche now and forever!

Online cheating sucks, and it has been mostly defeated in terms of ideals. I take pride in that I was a forerunner of the cause. Internet personalities don't get historical credit, so it is necessary to claim it.
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May 3, 2011
I remember you posting from way, way back in the day (this is a new account as my old one is gone).

I never cheated in PSO and tried to avoid people who did, as I think it ruined the game, in many ways.

I'm curious though, why are you posting about this now? It's a long time to be angry about silly stuff in a game.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 18, 2001
I missed out on a lot of good friendships on PSO GameCube because I was considered too controversial. This sucks because my views are now pretty much in alignment with those of the average online gamer. I was just ahead of my time, and that hurt my social standing on this game. I stood up for something I believed in, and I ended up worse off than those who didn't. The people who later hopped on the "anti-cheating" bandwagon are now fully enjoying the benefits of the groundwork I (and others) laid.

I'm not saying I was a direct cause of the elimination of online cheating. But for some, a very stark change in thinking between offline and online gaming was necessary. I would like to think that I facilitated that change for a fairly large number of people through argumentation and example. The elimination of cheating has occurred in many games on the Internet, and PSO was just one small corner of that. I hope I made a difference in that corner.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 25, 2001
Now that it's considered commonplace to condemn cheating in online games, I would like to point out that I was a champion for the cause of legit gameplay back on PSO1; before people understood the implications of taking another player's experience for granted.

I was spat upon by many and called a fool for my views, but history has proven I was simply ahead of my time.

I give a big middle finger to those who discouraged me. I knew I was right all along.

Also, a big "F*** off" to whoever was moderating this forum at that time, as you continually discouraged my discussions. You suck so much that I can't even remember your name! Deep discussions about things that matter are necessary for views to change, and you tried to suppress this! You're a historical douche now and forever!

Online cheating sucks, and it has been mostly defeated in terms of ideals. I take pride in that I was a forerunner of the cause. Internet personalities don't get historical credit, so it is necessary to claim it.

So legit you moved to the illegitimate hacked servers. Seems legit to me.

Don't post pics of users without permission- columbo
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 1, 2000
Now that it's considered commonplace to condemn cheating in online games, I would like to point out that I was a champion for the cause of legit gameplay back on PSO1; before people understood the implications of taking another player's experience for granted.

I was spat upon by many and called a fool for my views, but history has proven I was simply ahead of my time.

I give a big middle finger to those who discouraged me. I knew I was right all along.

Also, a big "F*** off" to whoever was moderating this forum at that time, as you continually discouraged my discussions. You suck so much that I can't even remember your name! Deep discussions about things that matter are necessary for views to change, and you tried to suppress this! You're a historical douche now and forever!

Online cheating sucks, and it has been mostly defeated in terms of ideals. I take pride in that I was a forerunner of the cause. Internet personalities don't get historical credit, so it is necessary to claim it.

So legit you moved to the illegitimate hacked servers. Seems legit to me.

Ade is such a cheater, he hacked that table to shreds.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 18, 2001
Hah, that picture is now over 10 years old, and it's the only thing blaze has ever posted in response to anything I've said.

Blaze: consider this. You say the free servers were "unlegit."

If I created a "replica" chess board that was not from the official maker of the game, and I proceeded to play the game of chess correctly, you would not argue that I am "playing chess unlegit." You would be deemed idiotic for doing so. The rules of the game do not exist outside of the game.

It might be ILLEGAL to play PSO on a free server, but it's not "unlegit in-game play." I was making the argument that I stand up for legit play. I never once said I wasn't breaking the law.

Your understanding of the difference between open and closed-systems is rudimentary at best. You've always been one of my antagonists for no good reason, and you're an idiot for it.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 1, 2000
Hah, that picture is now over 10 years old, and it's the only thing blaze has ever posted in response to anything I've said.

Blaze: consider this. You say the free servers were "unlegit."

If I created a "replica" chess board that was not from the official maker of the game, and I proceeded to play the game of chess correctly, you would not argue that I am "playing chess unlegit." You would be deemed idiotic for doing so. The rules of the game do not exist outside of the game.

It might be ILLEGAL to play PSO on a free server, but it's not "unlegit in-game play." I was making the argument that I stand up for legit play. I never once said I wasn't breaking the law.

Your understanding of the difference between open and closed-systems is rudimentary at best. You've always been one of my antagonists for no good reason, and you're an idiot for it.

Sorry but you can't consider the private servers "legit in-game play" using the way the official servers were meant to be played as a basis for "correct play" when some of the most basic mechanics of PSO were modified in much the same ways you had people using cheats to do on the official servers. The following excerpt is taken directly from the ToS page of the hack servers and directly proves you supported "unlegit in-game play". You don't really get to choose when these so called rules get to apply and when they don't. If you were so staunchly against cheating on the official servers then you would be deemed idiotic for being okay with modifying the way the game runs in order to get a leg up on unofficial servers. That's called being a hypocrite. Either play the game of chess correctly or don't, whether it is a replica or not.

It's all irrelevant though because people didn't dislike you because you were against cheating, people disliked you because you were an insufferable jackass always ranting about something or other in the online lobby of a video game. Even then most people didn't hate you like you seem to believe, most people didn't care enough about you either way to have any emotional response, be it positive or negative. There were some that enjoyed laughing at you when you went off on one of your crazy rants though. You know the kind of crazy rant such as coming back to a dead forum for an online game you played 10 years ago to "get even" with some imaginary haters and to curse out the moderators who had to wade through your other crazy rants which were the exact reason why the aforementioned people ended up not wanting to be around you in the first place.
  1. Gameplay
    1. The actual drop rate and general item drop is based on Sega's official servers but is slightly different. Do not complain about drops being unusual.
    2. Rare monster appearance rates are not based on Sega's ratio.
    3. Rare drop rates are not based on Sega's ratio, but the actual items dropped by monsters are the same. This means that all drop rates listed on other PSO sites do not apply to this server.
    4. The Episode 4 rare drops are not the same as official servers. For better reference, look at the Episode 4 drop chart topic on the forums. Do not complain about rare drop rates or ask for certain items to be changed. This is the Drop chart for Episode IV in this server: Episode 4 Drop Chart on Schthack Server


No Longer a Noob
Jan 25, 2001
Don't post pics of users without permission- columbo

Then it should be okay then. Ade was the one who posted that very same picture on the hacked server forums with the intent that others make modifications to it. You should of seen it! If only we could go back in time and bring back some of those pictures....


Dark Sun Rising
Jan 16, 2001
I never played with you, or around you. I had slowed down playing when you started going on your rants, though I read a few. I know a lot of people hated you, I never really cared either way. Though having heard of your exploits secondhand, I could not credit them. Of course, then you came here and posted this. So in hindsight, you're a douche.

Blazed and Mike are also douches mind you. And they are always wrong. Or so I thought. Mike is right, Blazed is right, for once. It's been over a decade. Get over yourself.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 12, 2001
I never played with you, or around you. I had slowed down playing when you started going on your rants, though I read a few. I know a lot of people hated you, I never really cared either way. Though having heard of your exploits secondhand, I could not credit them. Of course, then you came here and posted this. So in hindsight, you're a douche.

Blazed and Mike are also douches mind you. And they are always wrong. Or so I thought. Mike is right, Blazed is right, for once. It's been over a decade. Get over yourself.

: O


No Longer a Noob
Apr 18, 2001
I revisited this thread again years later and read some of the really mean stuff people said. I don't have a long-winded speech about it. But a reminder:

The way you treat others in environments that don't have direct consequences is a window into your personal character. I learned a tremendous amount about that by interacting with both the positive and negative aspects of this community over the years. I stumbled many times, but I got up, dusted myself off, learned, and moved on.

My "stick to my guns" attitude has brought me a lot of success in real life. I am exponentially better off than when I posted this thread. As a result, I don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore. I know I'm doing something right. I am proud of who I am.

I think I cared what people thought back in 2014 because I felt like I didn't get a fair reward for being "ahead of my time" for possessing integrity when there was no reward for doing so, but the rewards in other areas of life have been far greater. I was wrong to be bitter.

I also imagine those who lack integrity, and acted in such a manner online, are likely reaping the fruits of their labor, as well. (Though they'd never admit it.) I wish them well.

It took me 19 years, but I finally don't care what others think. Results are more valuable than opinions.

I'm not saying this to be arrogant. I'm just saying that a whole bunch of people can say that you're wrong or that you're worthless, and ALL OF THEM could be wrong.

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No Longer a Noob
Sep 19, 2000
Ade. My guess is that I won't be able to explain this in a way that will actually be meaningfully assimilated into your view of your history on this board or prompt any grand self-reflection and reorientation on your part. You seem to operate in an ideological world you've made for yourself, so this is probably useless. But as a point of historical clarity, it should be pointed out that a lot of people's problem with you had nothing to do with your stance on cheating necessarily. Not many, but a few IGN people played the game legit for their entire run and believed in that as an ethic and an ideal, but had no interest in playing with you nonetheless. This includes me. The issue was your antagonistic and borderline-repellent personality. On the whole, your presence on the board projected little more than sanctimony, aggrievement, and victimhood. There seemed to be no other mode you were able to operate in. Rightly or wrongly, this is not the kind of energy that most people enjoy or want to surround themselves with. I'm also aware that a lot of your anger extended beyond how you thought people viewed you because of this anti-cheating stance or whatever you cooked up in your head, but your frustration at not finding rares at the rate of others and a general resentment of people you perceived as more "popular" than you (who you barely knew).

Having read you for years, it seems you have some degree of narcissistic personality disorder. You've seemed simultaneously desperate for recognition and validation from others while also taken up by the idea that you don't need this, that you don't care what people think of you. As is common, I think, the latter trait is a kind of defense mechanism for the management of the former.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 18, 2001
Ade. My guess is that I won't be able to explain this in a way that will actually be meaningfully assimilated into your view of your history on this board or prompt any grand self-reflection and reorientation on your part. You seem to operate in an ideological world you've made for yourself, so this is probably useless. But as a point of historical clarity, it should be pointed out that a lot of people's problem with you had nothing to do with your stance on cheating necessarily. Not many, but a few IGN people played the game legit for their entire run and believed in that as an ethic and an ideal, but had no interest in playing with you nonetheless. This includes me. The issue was your antagonistic and borderline-repellent personality. On the whole, your presence on the board projected little more than sanctimony, aggrievement, and victimhood. There seemed to be no other mode you were able to operate in. Rightly or wrongly, this is not the kind of energy that most people enjoy or want to surround themselves with. I'm also aware that a lot of your anger extended beyond how you thought people viewed you because of this anti-cheating stance or whatever you cooked up in your head, but your frustration at not finding rares at the rate of others and a general resentment of people you perceived as more "popular" than you (who you barely knew).

Having read you for years, it seems you have some degree of narcissistic personality disorder. You've seemed simultaneously desperate for recognition and validation from others while also taken up by the idea that you don't need this, that you don't care what people think of you. As is common, I think, the latter trait is a kind of defense mechanism for the management of the former.

Your first sentence, that I won't be able to get anything meaningful out of this, is wrong.

A lot of what you said is probably correct. If I really didn't 100% care what anyone thought, I probably wouldn't have felt the need to come back and make that post. I suppose if the dents in one's armor are severe enough that, with time, they can be mostly- but never fully- repaired.

Maybe some have to create an antagonist in their mind in order to fight against something to better themselves. Or perhaps by encountering nothing but antagonists at an early age one sees antagonists where they are not. Either way, it got me to where I am. Guess that goes to show you don't have to be perfect if you're persistent.

Sorry that you didn't want to play with me. I was pretty good.

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No Longer a Noob
Sep 19, 2000
"Sorry that you didn't want to play with me. I was pretty good."

I don't doubt that at all and, yeah, it's a shame. Thanks for the reply. I reread what I wrote a lot afterward and thought I was being really harsh, but I just wanted to be straight with you and give you my perspective.

It's really cool and says something about the strength of your personality that you stuck to your guns. I know there were times when you got nothing but shit. I wouldn't have been able to take it myself and don't know how I would react under the same treatment.

Thanks for always advocating for people to play the game how it was meant to be played. I was genuinely stoked for you when you finally found the Sealed J. Happy to hear you're doing well. [face_peace]
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Just a heads up: on the Sylverant server, there is a tag you can enter for any room you create. Just type /legit in the lobby before creating it. It will make a 'Legit' mode, and anyone with non-legit items won't be able to enter. If it's in their bank, and they try to take it out after joining the room, they will be disconnected automatically.


So if you're still wanting to play online on your Dreamcast, you can! I personally don't remember you being a negative person. The thing I rememeber (I think) is that you had a Super Monkey Ball icon. And that's alright by me :)
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