
Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Do you have any ideas for car features that you think would be popular today but don't seem to be offered by any (or very few) manufacturers you know of?

I've had two ideas for a while that I feel should not be difficult to offer and would provide a lot of value for a lot of consumers.

1. Some kind of cover that can black out your windows when you are parked. It can either be an actual physical cover that slides out somehow from the roof or doors, or maybe some kind of way to make windows opaque dynamically, maybe with electrochromic dimming or something. While I don't have a concrete idea of how it would be done, I don't think it would be too difficult, and there would be a few great advantages. Keep your car cool[er] during the summer (it can get up to like 130 degrees inside a car here in Texas), hide your belongings while you're parked from potential thieves (... or cops...), and it just might look pretty cool.

2. Built-in HD "dash" cams, and/or cams that record the cabin, too. The obvious advantages are that it would be great for security purposes while parked or being serviced, liability purposes while driving, and of course for going to the track or for just recording awesome things that might happen from day to day. A built-in option from the factory seems like it would be better than putting one in yourself for many reasons, too. It's obviously easier since it's already set up; if done right, nothing will need to be hidden when you park; you won't have to worry about the camera going off center; and certain features can be integrated with the car's central LCD controls.


Aggie Proud
Oct 28, 2003
A button on the key fob (aka hold down the lock button) and all four windows roll down. My dad's Infiniti had this but I haven't yet found another car that does. This would be a HUGE feature in places like Texas and Arizona and such. As you're walking to you car the ability to let all the 120 degree heat escape before you get there would be amazing. And you have to think, the hardware is already 100% installed in the car. Just need a slight software tweak.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
Yeah my dad's 99 Infiniti and sister's 98 Maxima had the windows roll down on the unlock button thing with the key fob. It's a Nissan thing mostly, but I just got an 06 accord and it has it as well. It's so simple and useful here in Florida.


Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
1. Multiple license level and cars that have speed restrictions based on who is driving. I would gladly take more classes to be able to legally use our interstates at the proper 90 to 120+ mph they are built to handle.

2. Internet connections (this is coming soon)

3. Trunk to fuel tank quick conversions for those of us with long commutes. And yes I know you can do this already but only as a fairly permanent change. I want the trunk when I need it but a fuel tank when I don't.

4. I love the auto tinting windows idea from the OP.

5. Self driving mode. For long commutes I would love to be able to space out even if that meant at like 50mph in a special lane.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Yeah, Xandra has the window feature, also. I don't know how common it is, but I think a few manufacturers have something like it.

1. Multiple license level and cars that have speed restrictions based on who is driving. I would gladly take more classes to be able to legally use our interstates at the proper 90 to 120+ mph they are built to handle.

2. Internet connections (this is coming soon)

3. Trunk to fuel tank quick conversions for those of us with long commutes. And yes I know you can do this already but only as a fairly permanent change. I want the trunk when I need it but a fuel tank when I don't.

4. I love the auto tinting windows idea from the OP.

5. Self driving mode. For long commutes I would love to be able to space out even if that meant at like 50mph in a special lane.
#1 is not quite the kinda thing I had in mind, but yeah, that would be nice... Traffic laws (and the way they're enforced) in America are just all kinds of fucked up.

#2 is not just coming soon, it's already available in a few high-end luxury cars, but I do hope it becomes a feature they can implement in more cars without too much expense to the consumer.

#3 sounds purty intursting... [face_thinking] I could see that being useful.

#4 thanks, who do we get in contact with about this?

#5 is coming... I don't think that one can be ready for retail today, but soon.
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Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
1. I think the only way to make multiple license levels work would be a tech solution. My mom is legally blind and can legally drive. The US has a messed up system where it is too easy to get a license and there are very few levels and most of those are for teens and commercial drivers.

2. I believe it was GM that talked about having it all their cars by like 2017. I do fear the pricing though as cell internet is way over priced currently.

3. Sadly I think possible lawsuits will keep it from happening but I might try to make a personal version.

4. I wish I knew. :)

5. I think the issue will be laws and lawsuits on this one as well. This kind of tech has been being flooded since at least the 90's in a serious way. I remember the old Beyond 2000 show spoke about it a few times.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
2. I believe it was GM that talked about having it all their cars by like 2017. I do fear the pricing though as cell internet is way over priced currently.
That's my biggest concern, also. I haven't looked into how pricing works for the luxury cars that currently offer that service... I would not want to pay much of a monthly fee for that not only since I have enough monthly bills for internet-related services, but because I would probably barely use internet in my car. What might be almost as good is a car being able to connect with my phone's internet service, and that's ultimately most likely the direction we're going, anyways.

5. I think the issue will be laws and lawsuits on this one as well. This kind of tech has been being flooded since at least the 90's in a serious way. I remember the old Beyond 2000 show spoke about it a few times.
Eh, I've had this discussion on here before, and I don't think that will be very much of a concern before long. There will always be some issues, but these companies would protect themselves with some liability coverage, and the risk would be proven to be low enough after a while that that wouldn't be very expensive I think.


Jun 21, 2012
Self driving cars? They'll take my wheel & pedals from my cold dead hands...which, with self driving cars on the road, is quite possible (esp. if they're powered by about the Blue Screen of Death [face_tongue]).

It would make traffic jams a thing of the past. Most people are more into texting than looking at the road with the ridiculous idea that they have the ability to multitask. I am all for all cars being self driving in certain areas/times. DUIs? Gone. Accidents from not paying attention? Gone. Granny driving too slow in the fast lane? Gone. Jerks cutting you off because they didn't signal or look? Gone.


Lord High President of Gallifrey
Dec 6, 2002
Self driving cars? They'll take my wheel & pedals from my cold dead hands...which, with self driving cars on the road, is quite possible (esp. if they're powered by about the Blue Screen of Death [face_tongue]).

Self driving has a purpose and the hope I have is it would clear the bad drivers out of our way. Plus make commutes better for those of us who have them.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
To be fair to Tiger, the emoticon at the end of his post implies he was just joking... It's 2013, hopefully most car enthusiasts today, as much as they may love driving, can see the advantages of self-driving cars.

I'd fuckin LOVE to have a self-driving car. Especially if the autonomous mode is killable and I can have some fun here and there... Otherwise I guess I'll just have a separate car for the fun. But yeah, it would be great to be able to catch a nap on the way to Austin, or do some work on the way to work, or not have to worry about having a few drinks before going home, etc, etc. The cars would also be 2X as efficient and 100X safer than even the best driver in the world.

I still stand by my original prediction, though... The first 95% autonomous car will be on the market by around the turn of the decade.
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You gonna scream before I ban ya?
Sep 4, 2000
Fyrestone, deep in the Borderlands
I can really see where autonomous cars could be very beneficial & efficient in areas where its pretty much all multilane highways (or for doing long interstate trips)....but in my area, they'd probably end up being death on wheels. Hell, they can't even get a GPS unit to work properly up here (I'm in an area where its all mountain roads, and a good chunk are NOT on GPS maps), so why would I trust a car to be driving itself around my area?


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
I can really see where autonomous cars could be very beneficial & efficient in areas where its pretty much all multilane highways (or for doing long interstate trips)....but in my area, they'd probably end up being death on wheels. Hell, they can't even get a GPS unit to work properly up here (I'm in an area where its all mountain roads, and a good chunk are NOT on GPS maps), so why would I trust a car to be driving itself around my area?
It's not just for areas with multilane highways... It will be just as useful for almost any road. Lots of built-in GPS maps are constantly going out-of-date, but in the world of autonomous cars, you wouldn't have DVD-based systems that need to be updated annually. You would have HDD/SSD-based systems that are updated constantly via the internet. Do your roads show up on Google Maps? If so, you're good. If not... yeah, that's a problem.

With that said, I did specifically say "95% autonomous" for a reason. I think the first couple self-driving cars will probably require the driver to take over in certain situations and on certain roads. But it is well within technology's grasp in the relatively near future to be able to drive on ANY road without human interaction.
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You gonna scream before I ban ya?
Sep 4, 2000
Fyrestone, deep in the Borderlands
There's actually a lot of roads up here that are NOT on google maps...and if they are, they're often way off from where they're supposed to be (named wrong, sometimes as much as a mile off from where they actually are, etc...). Not real good for a self-driving car.

Like I said, they're a great idea for areas with lots of mindless highway driving. Hell, I'd be willing to use one on long interstate trips...but the moment I'm off that boring ass interstate, I want to be in control to get around.


Alpha Mod
Dec 15, 2000
There are lots of cars with shades in them. They are almost all luxury cars though. They don't do the front windows, but they do the rear:


I'm sure we're all aware of the curtains in the 57 and 62:
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Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
I don't just want shades, I want complete blackouts. The windshield is important, too, because that's one of the biggest sources of heat since it's a huge, upward-facing window, and you're not allowed to tint it. Plus, that's where certain things like cameras, GPS, and radar detectors are most visible.

Curtains are aight, I guess, as long as they can be motor-operated... They're kinda unsightly, though. And probably also present problems for the front window.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 15, 2006
I can really see where autonomous cars could be very beneficial & efficient in areas where its pretty much all multilane highways (or for doing long interstate trips)....but in my area, they'd probably end up being death on wheels. Hell, they can't even get a GPS unit to work properly up here (I'm in an area where its all mountain roads, and a good chunk are NOT on GPS maps), so why would I trust a car to be driving itself around my area?

I'm in the same boat as you. People are constantly being told to go across a bridge that doesn't exist, and go through a river crossing to get to my house...GPS can still get better for rural areas.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 14, 2000
Advanced telematics/infotainment/whatever you call it

I should be able to go to a personalized website and see every detail about my car, its current status, stats on driving, etc.

I would love glass that could change from blacked out or frosted or mirrored at the push of a button. This technology exists, though I don't know if it works with automotive grade glass yet, and the mirrored technology I only saw from some video from some college lab. I know electronically frosting glass already exists commercially (companies use it for conference rooms, etc) and I think electronically tinting glass exists commercially too.
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Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002

2. Built-in HD "dash" cams, and/or cams that record the cabin, too. The obvious advantages are that it would be great for security purposes while parked or being serviced, liability purposes while driving, and of course for going to the track or for just recording awesome things that might happen from day to day. A built-in option from the factory seems like it would be better than putting one in yourself for many reasons, too. It's obviously easier since it's already set up; if done right, nothing will need to be hidden when you park; you won't have to worry about the camera going off center; and certain features can be integrated with the car's central LCD controls.

Welp, that tears it. Chevy has all but guaranteed themselves my business in late 2014.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
The more I think about it, the more I realize how crazy of a coincidence this is... I have been asking for this feature for a couple years now, and the first car to offer it is the Chevrolet Corvette??? A car I have lusted over since I was 12 years old???

It's a sign from the car gods. WE WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER.


Dec 11, 2013
What about putting rear facing cameras in mirrors. That way you can have a display in you dash so you would not have to look to you left and right.. Probably not the best idea but u took all mine already


Alpha Mod
Dec 15, 2000
What about putting rear facing cameras in mirrors. That way you can have a display in you dash so you would not have to look to you left and right.. Probably not the best idea but u took all mine already

The Accord has that feature:

It's only for the passenger side though.

Oh and for y'all talking about GPS with autonomous cars. They use that, but most of their steering is off of cameras and radar. So they won't drive you off a bridge that doesn't exist.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
What about putting rear facing cameras in mirrors. That way you can have a display in you dash so you would not have to look to you left and right.. Probably not the best idea but u took all mine already

The Accord has that feature:

It's only for the passenger side though.

Oh and for y'all talking about GPS with autonomous cars. They use that, but most of their steering is off of cameras and radar. So they won't drive you off a bridge that doesn't exist.

I'm sorry if you can't use your mirrors you deserve to total your car and lose your license.

I am not for the movement towards automated cars.

I want gullwing and suicide doors on modern cars.
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Jan 21, 2014
Self driving cars? They'll take my wheel & pedals from my cold dead hands...which, with self driving cars on the road, is quite possible (esp. if they're powered by about the Blue Screen of Death [face_tongue]).

It would make traffic jams a thing of the past. Most people are more into texting than looking at the road with the ridiculous idea that they have the ability to multitask. I am all for all cars being self driving in certain areas/times. DUIs? Gone. Accidents from not paying attention? Gone. Granny driving too slow in the fast lane? Gone. Jerks cutting you off because they didn't signal or look? Gone.

as good of a point that you have, you have to look at it as dui's and speeding tickets is what helps pay cops income. when you get fined for those and also more traffic violations you are helping someones pay check. it would be cool for self driven cars though.


Jan 21, 2014
Some rear view mirrors have that tinting glass.

i have a 98 jeep grand cherokee that has one in it, i love it. i now drive a bmw as an everyday drive to save on gas and where it is so low and does not have tent anywhere, i pretty much am blinded while driving


Jun 21, 2012
Self driving cars? They'll take my wheel & pedals from my cold dead hands...which, with self driving cars on the road, is quite possible (esp. if they're powered by about the Blue Screen of Death [face_tongue]).

It would make traffic jams a thing of the past. Most people are more into texting than looking at the road with the ridiculous idea that they have the ability to multitask. I am all for all cars being self driving in certain areas/times. DUIs? Gone. Accidents from not paying attention? Gone. Granny driving too slow in the fast lane? Gone. Jerks cutting you off because they didn't signal or look? Gone.

as good of a point that you have, you have to look at it as dui's and speeding tickets is what helps pay cops income. when you get fined for those and also more traffic violations you are helping someones pay check. it would be cool for self driven cars though.

Oh, you mean that the overburdened and underfunded cops could fight crime? Yeah, great reason to halt progress.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Self driving cars? They'll take my wheel & pedals from my cold dead hands...which, with self driving cars on the road, is quite possible (esp. if they're powered by about the Blue Screen of Death [face_tongue]).

It would make traffic jams a thing of the past. Most people are more into texting than looking at the road with the ridiculous idea that they have the ability to multitask. I am all for all cars being self driving in certain areas/times. DUIs? Gone. Accidents from not paying attention? Gone. Granny driving too slow in the fast lane? Gone. Jerks cutting you off because they didn't signal or look? Gone.

as good of a point that you have, you have to look at it as dui's and speeding tickets is what helps pay cops income. when you get fined for those and also more traffic violations you are helping someones pay check. it would be cool for self driven cars though.
This has to be a joke.

I'm sorry if you can't use your mirrors you deserve to total your car and lose your license.

I am not for the movement towards automated cars.

I want gullwing and suicide doors on modern cars.
So you are against progress... why exactly?


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
I'm sorry if you can't use your mirrors you deserve to total your car and lose your license.

I am not for the movement towards automated cars.

I want gullwing and suicide doors on modern cars.
So you are against progress... why exactly?

That's not progress. It's like devolution.
I would say that making the world way safer, way more efficient, way more accessible, and way more convenient is pretty good progress.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
So you are against progress... why exactly?

That's not progress. It's like devolution.
I would say that making the world way safer, way more efficient, way more accessible, and way more convenient is pretty good progress.

Putting all our reliance in robots and computers wont make things safer or more efficient. They'll make us so reliant that when they break we'll be unable to deal with real life. It's devolution. It's not convenient or progress at all.
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Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
robots and computers wont make things safer or more efficient.
Yes, they will. For reasons already explained in this thread among many, many others.

They'll make us so reliant that when they break we'll be unable to deal with real life. It's devolution. It's not convenient or progress at all.
Your life is already completely and totally dependent on technology unless you're surviving in a hunter-gatherer tribe, which seems unlikely given that you're posting here. Is that the kind of life you propose we go back to?

Disaster scenarios are possible no matter how much or how little technology is in our lives, but technological progress improves productivity and if anything mitigates the risk of disaster.
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IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
robots and computers wont make things safer or more efficient.
Yes, they will. For reasons already explained in this thread among many, many others.
your explanations are weak and inaccurate.

They'll make us so reliant that when they break we'll be unable to deal with real life. It's devolution. It's not convenient or progress at all.
Your life is already completely and totally dependent on technology unless you're surviving in a hunter-gatherer tribe, which seems unlikely given that you're posting here. Is that the kind of life you propose we go back to?

Disaster scenarios are possible no matter how much or how little technology is in our lives, but technological progress improves productivity and if anything mitigates the risk of disaster.
Very little in my life is automated. Most of it has a human still in control of the machinery.


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
robots and computers wont make things safer or more efficient.
Yes, they will. For reasons already explained in this thread among many, many others.
your explanations are weak and inaccurate.

They'll make us so reliant that when they break we'll be unable to deal with real life. It's devolution. It's not convenient or progress at all.
Your life is already completely and totally dependent on technology unless you're surviving in a hunter-gatherer tribe, which seems unlikely given that you're posting here. Is that the kind of life you propose we go back to?

Disaster scenarios are possible no matter how much or how little technology is in our lives, but technological progress improves productivity and if anything mitigates the risk of disaster.
Very little in my life is automated. Most of it has a human still in control of the machinery.
If we were to have some kind of EMP or something (which is really the only kind of out-of-this-world disaster that could cause the kinds of problems you're worried about), you would be just as screwed as anyone else. Your car wouldn't run, your computer wouldn't power on, your water wouldn't flow, your lights wouldn't light, your stove wouldn't heat...
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IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Your car wouldn't run, your computer wouldn't power on, your water wouldn't flow, your lights wouldn't light, your stove wouldn't heat...
>implying I haven't EMP proofed my car.
Water in this area is not reliant on the power grid. It's a gravity fed system. Who needs lights? I got candles.
>implying my stove is electric when it's clearly gas and works during power outages


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Your car wouldn't run, your computer wouldn't power on, your water wouldn't flow, your lights wouldn't light, your stove wouldn't heat...
>implying I haven't EMP proofed my car.
Water in this area is not reliant on the power grid. It's a gravity fed system. Who needs lights? I got candles.
>implying my stove is electric when it's clearly gas and works during power outages
Seriously?... Are you a prepper? That kinda explains this whole thing, I guess.

Alright, well enjoy do ya thing off the grid, brogurt. I hope you don't use your computer or fridge or AC too much. I'm going to enjoy the conveniences that the expansion of human knowledge provides, and I'll live with the consequences.
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IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Your car wouldn't run, your computer wouldn't power on, your water wouldn't flow, your lights wouldn't light, your stove wouldn't heat...
>implying I haven't EMP proofed my car.
Water in this area is not reliant on the power grid. It's a gravity fed system. Who needs lights? I got candles.
>implying my stove is electric when it's clearly gas and works during power outages
Seriously?... Are you a prepper? That kinda explains this whole thing.

No. I was just a boy scout. Always be prepared


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
I'm just shocked you even responded seriously to the whole EMP thing. Are you actually worried about that??? Even if you had the skills to survive in such a scenario, the world would be so overwhelmed with chaos that you likely would not do very well for very long.

But if you really have a completely off-the-grid backup life prepared in isolation somewhere, then good for you, I guess... Odds are excellent that you're never going to need it, though. And that even if it worked out, you would just be surviving. Not living.
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Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Are you actually worried about that???
Yes. It's well known cops have been working on devices to shut down your car's electronics. With EM pulses.
Oh so you're worried about it on a small scale, not a large scale.

While you're sounding increasingly like a tinfoil hat guy, I'll bite. If a cop wanted to do that to you, and it didn't work because your car was "EMP-proofed", do you really think that would stop them and you'd get away? If you tried, then you can now add evading the police to the list of whatever crimes were already causing the cops to want to chase you down.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Are you actually worried about that???
Yes. It's well known cops have been working on devices to shut down your car's electronics. With EM pulses.
Oh so you're worried about it on a small scale, not a large scale.

While you're sounding increasingly like a tinfoil hat guy, I'll bite. If a cop wanted to do that to you, and it didn't work because your car was "EMP-proofed", do you really think that would stop them and you'd get away? If you tried, then you can now add evading the police to the list of whatever crimes were already causing the cops to want to chase you down.

No but I can outdrive a cop.