Feb 10, 2014
It's great that Gearbox are including all the downloadable content in the collection, but I am not interested in UVHM. I do not want to deal with enemy health regeneration and a requirement of slag. I am contempt with farming level 50 enemies and doing all the other DLC in TVHM.
Has anyone heard or does anyone know if DLC can be turned off like in the first Borderlands game? Or if we have the option to download the DLC we want off a second disc like the Borderlands 2 GOTY?


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
I tried to look up some info regarding this, but couldn't find anything on it. Going by this description though from the official Borderlands website I don't think it is good news in regards to your question:

*Includes all available downloadable content for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel as of March 24, 2015. Internet connection as well as a PlayStation®Network account or an account on the Xbox Live online entertainment network from Microsoft is required to download certain add-on content.

This info implies that most of the DLC might be incorporated into the game disk, meaning you won't be able to just choose which DLCs you wish to download or not.

I hope this is not the case either as I know many other people feel the same way you do about Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. I was fine with UVHM when it went to lv. 61- everything after that was a massive chore for me. I could handle the difficulty just fine, but I wasn't enjoying it like I was before.

If you're still undecided about picking up the game you could wait for other people to purchase the game and see if they had to download campaign DLC or upgrade packs or if the content is already integrated into the game disk. Keep an eye out for feedback on the official Gearbox forums when Tuesday rolls around.