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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]C.O.P.: The Recruit Hands-On[/link]
by Hilary Goldstein

C.O.P.: The Recruit may have a dumb name, but it's going to get some serious attention when it ships to stores in early November. Rockstar's GTA: Chinatown Wars provided a well-executed top-down open-world experience and C.O.P. looks for follow suit. Though the two titles make for obvious comparisons (drive fast, shoot lots of people, explore a giant metropolis), there are some notable differences. While Chinatown Wars is a top-down game, C.O.P. is fully 3D, takes place in a recreated version of New York City, and puts you in the role of a good guy, rather than a criminal.
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Jul 17, 2003
Ugh. Another game that puts freelook on the touch screen - like THAT's a good idea. The game should at least offer traditional Turok style controls with a bounding box a la Resistance on PSP. That is, far and away, the best option for handheld shooters. At least, until a new handheld comes out with a second analog stick/nub. The touch screen is garbage for freelook - Nintendo proved that themselves with Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt. Why is it that nearly all the impressive 3D games on DS are nearly unplayable because the developers decided to make them shooters that rely on scribbling about on the 2 inch touch screen? Asinine decision; a complete shame.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 22, 2006
Ugh. Another whinny bitch. The controls are fine. I loved it for Metroid Hunters on the DS.
Jun 15, 2005
100% agree with guiltywingv18. He is not being a whining bitch. He is pointing out the obvious. Sure some people will like the controls, but for most it is horrible. DS is such a great piece of machine. The touch screen doesn't always have to be the primary controls.


Prime Member
Sep 2, 2006
"It may not end up being the GTA killer, but if you've already beaten Chinatown Wars, it might be worth a look."

I'm predicting a final review score somewhere between 7.1 and 7.9 based solely on this comment.
Jun 11, 2005
Pixel-to-pixel accurate touchscreen controls,on a game with shooting? THIS IS MADNESS! The clunky D-pad would be much better. Just add an aiming feature that takes some of the skill out of the game! That sound like fun....

sound like both Rasengod777 and guiltywingv18 are whining...


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 16, 2004
Agreed, brushdemhaters.

Those two obviously suck at stylus aiming, that's why they say it's so inaccurate. I've been playing FPS's on DS since Day 1 with MPH: First Hunt. It controlled excellent then, and it controls excellently now with FPS's like the COD games, Dementium, and Moon. Can't wait for MW:Mobilized and Dementium 2. Oh, and hope COP is great too. :)
Jul 17, 2003
You guys are crazy; that old argument of - what do you call it? "Pixel-to-pixel accurate" - aiming is a tired one. The only thing the touch screen does is provide some spazzy, scribbly aiming. I am not saying it's inaccurate Evil C44; I'm saying it's uncomfortable and stupid. And comfort should come first - you shouldn't have to fight your game to play it.

But whatever; it's cool if you're crazy:D Rasengod777 is right in that they should provide for more than just one, very insane, type of player. I mean, only like 8 people bought Moon. There are not a lot of people who prefer scribbling about on the DS's touch screen for aiming. There should be at least ONE frickin' shooter on DS that recognizes that and gives you the option to play with the superior Resistance: Retribution style of aiming.


Mar 15, 2008
You make me laugh with your final statement, and I almost pee in the pants when you mention that your whining with the DS shooters began with metroid prime: first hunt, I mean with a demo version, not with the final product.

Seriously, even that I don't like the FPS at all I have to admit that Metroid prime: hunters, has some of the best controls in the entire DS catalog. You maybe have a really bad pulse.

Did you ever read the preview? the only complaint about the controls is if you are left handed because you'll have to use the A,B,X,Y instead of the D-pad. Being a left-hande myself I admit that is kinda strange to use those buttons for movement in the beginning, but thank's to TWEWY I think that I'm more than prepared for this way of play.

If you like Resistance, then go now and play with your PMSp (no offense to all the psp users, just only to this guy) instead of whining around


Jun 3, 2009
Touch screen aiming certainly takes some getting used to, and it's not for everyone, but I personally think it's heads and shoulders above thumbstick aiming on consoles. Much more accurate and fluid-feeling. But that's just me; I can see why some people don't like touch screen aiming


Dec 3, 2005
0 they basically took the Bros. In Arms DS engine and mechanics and used them for this game. I'm cool with that. Though BiA was full of bugs and chugged a little, the FPS-style controls felt good.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2008
I have yet to play a shooter on the DS, so I can't comment on that part. But I have to say that Resistance: Retribution was one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I have ever had. The controls are wonky, and not nearly responsive enough, especially for Boilers, oh god the Boilers! I wrote a blog review about it titled "Like beating your head against a wall, but no wall handy? Try Resistance: Retribution!" Talk about a cool game ruined by miserable controls.
Jun 11, 2005
Really!?! you count Moon's sales, on it controls? GTA controlled great and it sold like 8 copies as well. Moon's sales hand nothing to do with the controls. that was just a good and great game that sold poor, nothing more. "spazzy, scribbly aiming" that is like calling the mouse "a leap frog Aiming toy".....maybe your hand size make it "uncomfortable" which is ok, but calling it stupid...different stokes for different folks.
Apr 27, 2009
Metroid Prime does allows you to fore go stylus aiming and use the ABXY buttons instead but after 5 minutes playing that way you will change it back cause it sucks.


Oct 5, 2009
In Nintendo Power it says that you can't run around being a killing machine, and that killed this game for me. Almost all of my time in GTA is just running around killing random people for no reason. It's nice to see an honest effort from Ubisoft though..


Jun 24, 2009
"After all, there aren't a ton of massive open-world games on the DS -- especially ones that take place at the ground level from a third-person perspective."

'Transformers: Autobots/Decepticons' would like a word with you.
Nov 30, 2009
I really like the control type in these types of games. Metroid Prime Hunters and Brothers in Arms DS supported this and they were huge successes in my mind.As for free roam Halelujah! Im over and done with Transformers and this is lookin awesome.Could anyone tell me another game with this control type.THNX
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