Dec 14, 2014
Believe me, I wouldn't create a thread without exhausting my searches elsewhere first. Unfortunately I can't find the answer to this question.

Can someone with BL 2 for Xbox 360 check their options to see if it allows you to set primary weapon fire to LB, and at the same time the joysticks remain normal? I know Borderlands 1 allows LB for primary fire under the "southpaw" config but at the same time it requires the joysticks to be reversed, which is stupid, this caters to about no one. Thanks in advance.

Anyone willing to check the Pre-Sequel too would be greatly appreciated!
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Jan 16, 2012
In BL2, you can create a custom scheme in which you switch the function of any two buttons. I was able to switch the left and right trigger functions without changing anything else. So LT fires and RT aims down sight. Options > Controller >> Controller Preset. You can only have one custom configuration at a time, but it can be based off any of the existing presets. TPS has exactly the same options, so you can almost certainly do the same thing.
Dec 14, 2014
In BL2, you can create a custom scheme in which you switch the function of any two buttons. I was able to switch the left and right trigger functions without changing anything else. So LT fires and RT aims down sight. Options > Controller >> Controller Preset. You can only have one custom configuration at a time, but it can be based off any of the existing presets. TPS has exactly the same options, so you can almost certainly do the same thing.
Alkymist, thank you so much for checking! That's great news. I got used to using the left trigger to fire from the old old school N64 Goldeneye and other N64 FPSs and I haven't been able to adjust to RT or RB after all these years, no matter how hard I try. It's like picking up a friend's controller whose axis setting is opposite of what you're used's basically unplayable. Obviously, this severely limits the games I choose to play, but Borderlands is one that I continue to hear such great things about so I'm pretty excited now to go get BL2 or TPS.

On a side note, Halo offers the use of the LB/LT-side trigger, but I'm really not that into Halo...I'm more partial to RB6 and Ghost Recon-style games. So far no luck on any RB6 or GR games that allow LB/LT-side trigger config that I know of though:/

Thanks again Alkymist!
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Dec 14, 2014
So are you going to pick up either BL2 or TPS?
Yeah I'll prolly nudge my wife that direction as a Christmas idea if she can find either for under $30ish somewhere.

The whole reason this came up is I saw BL1 for $9.99 used at Best Buy the other day so I went ahead and bought it on impulse hoping the controller would config for me. I should have asked this question first!
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Jan 16, 2012
Should be able to get a GOTY version of BL2 for a good price somewhere. Even at full retail it's great value for the money - highly recommended!