
No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Hey guys. I was playing Borderlands 2 a few days ago when I encountered a nasty glitch. I was playing totally normally, but when I loaded up the game it acted like I had never played before. It began scanning for a Borderlands 1 save, my selected character was a level 1 Commando, and I had no continue option. Fortunately, I was still able to select my characters and load their saves. But when I began playing, I noticed that all of my skins (and heads) were gone, and my Badass Rank had reset to 0. On top of that, all of the challenges that I had completed were still completed; I couldn't get the ranks from those back.

I decided to make a post on the official Gearbox forums to ask about it. I had no idea it would be so common or that the thread would explode. Nineteen pages of people having the same problem and a response from a Gearbox employee later, we're now all aware that the bug I described is present on every platform and has a multitude of causes. And the worst part is that there's no fix. A user there also made a short video that documented the bug as it was happening so that everybody could see what was going on.

I just thought I'd let you all know about it. I'm curious to see if it's as common here as it's been on the Gearbox forum.

EDIT: Also, this bug clears content you may have gotten from the Collector's Edition(s). People pay extra for these things only to have them taken away. Love the game, but this definitely needs to be addressed.
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SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
That's a disheartening glitch you've encountered, sorry about that Robbie. Haven't had anything like that happen to me...yet. Definitely going to back up my character saves now though because of this.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Did you lose all your bonuses purchased from your tokens, or was it just the BA rank # & aesthetics?
May 15, 2008
I imagine there is a patch in the works...given the impact of this glitch and the random nature I think the debs are probably hard at work trying to resolve it.


Jan 18, 2004
=/....That sucks.... if that happens to me, patches won't help. I don't go online or have a hardrive. Hopefully its some bug caused from going online and I will be immune. Sounds like it could be tied to a bad ass challenge that gives a skin/head as a reward......


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Man I thought he went on a bank robbin' spree or somethin'. BORING! [face_tongue]

So it DOES cost you all those nice little bonuses from the tokens. Ouch. Very ouch.[face_worried]
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May 15, 2008
I'm surprised IGN hasn't covered this yet. If I wouldn't have come in these forums I wouldn't have known about it. Keeping my fingers crossed they patch it soon for those of you it has affected.


No Longer a Noob
May 27, 2004
Every time I love a game this type of shit emerges. They better patch this up pronto, I cant take another New Vegas catastrophe.

Backing up my files now, but what does that help if you still lose 5, 10, 15 hours worth of badass rank and skin mods?
May 19, 2015
Me too ay all skins and badass as a level 30 commando it happend when I resumed gameplay the next day I wonder if an update would fix it?