
Sep 20, 2003
Since 2003 I have run a Yahoo fantasy hockey league for this board. The last couple years have been rough with regards to interested people. I'd hate to call it quits on this so I'm giving it one last attempt. Traffic here is mostly to blame, and from the looks of it this years EA game isn't going to bring a lot of happy people here but it's worth the effort.

If you are interested in participating please post. The league has six returnees as of now with a few more coming. I'd like to have 16 teams, but am looking for a minimum of 12 to go through with the league. New posters are welcome.



Almost Not a Noob
Apr 22, 2006
That's saddening. I haven't been on IGN in, god knows how many years, but I always looked forward to this. If you guys do ever get something going again, I'm always game. dquig I know you have me on facebook, I'm not sure you ever use it, but if you do ever start something up again, just give me a shout on there or on Yahoo.
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