
IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
[face_thinking] Hmmm I seem to have recieved an email from IGN.
Looks Like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain might be coming to the PSN because the ESRB just gave it a new rating.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
I would love to have it all over again.
My copy of BO:LOK is on the PC and PS1 and they are back home. [face_cry]


Jun 10, 2008
This is the chance to show Eidos there's still love for LOK, Maybe even get them to consider a new installment to the series.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
I don't still see any love for LoK, anywhere. Unfortunately, people have forgotten about this series, or simply don't care any longer. Myself, I've given up hope on another game ever coming out again. Eh, I've accepted reality now.


Jun 10, 2008
Yep. I searched every corner of the net for some sign that somebody still cares. Nothing. I don't know what would be worse, no game or another BO2 quality sequel. How do you throw Vorador in the story and expect it to be ok? I guess he died again before SR1. Great Job Guys!


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Sorry. we can still dream though can't we. I mean those PSN releases don't get much press before they are realesed anyway a lot of the time. Like RE:DC just got released if I heard correctly. My internet connection does not allow for using my PS3 online right now though. :(


Jun 10, 2008
We can never give up hope, dude. The PSP Version 4 won't have a UMD drive & will depend on the PSN for all games. That should add some incentive to re-release across both platforms considering nothing worth while has been released for PSP yet anyway except maybe GOW. With two systems capable of running PS1 games and the desire to boost PSN sales, anything is possible.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
All I said was something to the effect of 'while it doesn't really matter since this board is so dead, did you really have to bump a one year old thread that was virtually worthless to begin with?' But then I deleted it, because I didn't want to potentially hurt your feelings. But then you pressed the issue, and now... it's all inevitably going to have the same end result which I was trying to avoid initially with the edit.

I guess the moral of the story is this: whatever I touch ultimately brings pain to faceless individuals on the internet because I'm e-poison. No matter what, I always seem to say the first thing that comes to my mind when interacting with people. Or type it out in the case of the internet messaging. Yeah, for good or ill, I seem to lack a "bullshit filter" to prevent myself from making verbal missteps. Now, what started out as a brief explanation, has well... turned into somewhat of a tangent. I say good day!

blah, blah, blah.... yammering on about some meaningless stuff(s).



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
All I said was something to the effect of 'while it doesn't really matter since this board is so dead, did you really have to bump a one year old thread that was virtually worthless to begin with?' But then I deleted it, because I didn't want to potentially hurt your feelings. But then you pressed the issue, and now... it's all inevitably going to have the same end result which I was trying to avoid initially with the edit.

I guess the moral of the story is this: whatever I touch ultimately brings pain to faceless individuals on the internet because I'm e-poison. No matter what, I always seem to say the first thing that comes to my mind when interacting with people. Or type it out in the case of the internet messaging. Yeah, for good or ill, I seem to lack a "bullshit filter" to prevent myself from making verbal missteps. Now, what started out as a brief explanation, has well... turned into somewhat of a tangent. I say good day!

blah, blah, blah.... yammering on about some meaningless stuff(s).

In these times I always find it comforting to listen to the wise words of Ice Cube talking about racial harmony. With a BOOMIN beat!