
IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I told you guys it was coming. [face_tongue]

Only $5.99 (US of coarse).

I'm not a fan of downloadable digital content (I like having a physical copy) and I already have an actual disk so I don't think I'll be getting it but it's there if my disc ever breaks I guess.

PS prepare for noobs.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Downloaded it and played it all over again! Oh man, that game gets better every time I play it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Ruhab said:
Downloaded it and played it all over again! Oh man, that game gets better every time I play it.

That's the only LoK game I don't like. I've tried to play it 3 times but never finished. I think the farthest I got was to that big temple in the middle of the burning city.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Yeah I had a rough time with it too. The combat isn't very good and it drags a little but what really got to me was that I got stuck in one of the temples due to a glitch and didn't have any extra save files that were close to that point in the game. I finished it eventually and LOK is one of the rare series that I've beaten every game of. Though to be honest there aren't many compaired to some serieses. I hate to say it but I'd like to see it redone with a combat engine from one of the later games. A graphics update wouldn't hurt either. Though seeing what they've done with recent remakes I'd rather just see a end to the story that ties up the loose ends of how [hl=black]Vorador came back[/hl].


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Why doesn't the UK psn get any decent titles? We have a very limited range of psone classics. I especially want

- The Spyro Games
- Crash Bandicoot 2
- Um Jammer Lammy
- Blood Omen