Jan 21, 2013
Ok I just feel it hasn't been said if not nearly enough, and I must say it again now. I played elder scrolls, I didn't play Zelda growing up (I'm 24 I know it's a cardnial sin but I never owned a nintendo I had playstation and a gameboy growing up) but have finally gotten around to playing them, I've played Final Fantasy games aswell. But Dark Souls just took everything a rpg should be and did it.

Love the fact you can be a mage, you can be a pyromancer, you can be a heavy knight, a thief, a noble fencer, or whatever you choose. The world is the way you perseve it, given only hints as to what is going on around you it plays out like a detective game leaving you up to connect the clues and interpret them for your self.

There is also the fact that your not just playing out someone elses life, sorry but I'm looking at you Link. You are who you choose to be you can come up with any crazy back story you like instead of already being given one from the start. For me that takes the role out of role playing.

And what I feel is the best part of the entire game is NO STUPID SKILL TREES! I don't know about you but I hate skill trees, let me learn build my charecter how I see fit to the smallest detail. Not have to acquire 3 crap skills just to get to the one ability I need to round off my charecter.

I feel this game deserves more praise then it gets, it should be right next to Zelda and Final Fantasy. Opinions?
Feb 19, 2014
i recently got dark souls on the cheap and think it's a nice change of pace game with some innovation and uniqueness. however, for me, it's not a rpg in the category of TES, though, really, no game is. in tes, you truly roleplay a character and this doesn't simply mean picking some skills, weapons, armor, etc. and being able to have different combat styles. dark souls is merely a unique action-adventure where you get to choose some weapons, armor, equipment and upgrades and then fight. unique to TES/fallout games and opposed to ALL other games (on consoles, that i can think of right now) is the fact that you really can live a life through your character and flesh out their entire persona. different fighting styles and techniques DOES NOT make a rpg in the TES way. as well, one can and should implement strict, self-imposed rules to their gameplay.

i'm not too far into the game, but, the flaws of the game are quite obvious and some of the developer design choices are laughably inept and foolish and written off by apologists as something else, lol. right now, i'm having a blast in the game and can't wait to get back to it.

as a side, i find that group of wannabe-elitist-ish dark soul snobs funny, in that, the game isn't even hard once you begin to understand the mechanics and the game absolutely depends on CHEAP death and adolescent trial and error gameplay.

overall, a good, unique game that is very overrated by it's defenders.
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