
Jul 30, 2009
TTYD for me, but the first has the nostalgia element, and the third's just it's close.


NecronomiSean's Favorite Floating Duck
Mar 7, 2006
kendall567 said:
Paper Mario, because it started the series.
That's like saying First Blood is the best in the Rambo series because it started it all. What kind of sense does that make? He's asking which game is your favorite.

Mine is personally Paper Mario 2.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 28, 2008

orig for me anyway though, even though it's the only one I've played, it was pretty awesome stuff.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 13, 2006
Original for me. TTYD was far too easy even for low level runs for me, but both are fantastically fun games regardless.


Sep 6, 2011
Sorry, guys! I know PM64 rocks but... PMTTYD! It was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PM64 is fun, but Paper Mario 2 TOTALLY improves the awesome foundation of PM

And as for SPM, It well................... SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 2, 2012
Detroit Rock City
PM:TTYD was my favorite. Paper Mario:TTYD has my favorite features, partners, chapters, etc. It was a good game on all fronts to me. (It was a little too easy though) The original Paper Mario comes extremely close. It was the hardest and contains some of my favorite bosses. Super Paper Mario was very interesting. I didn't think that it downright sucked ,but certainly my least favorite. The lack of turn based battles really made it feel....empty:( . I could tolerate it ,but that was a major mistake that they really need to avoid. It had the best and most unique story of the 3. That was it's strongest point.


Aug 8, 2010
definitely 2
brought me to the series
any game that has a sequel must've meant it didnt suck too bad in the first
the second one made me play the first... and now playing the third...
favorie partner would be the yoshi you get in number 2.
favorite area would be the area with the ghost in number 2
Aug 16, 2010
My fav was TTYD...or course, I haven't played the original (still want it), but I liked TTYD way better than SPM.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 27, 2006
Paper Mario TTYD is my top favorite. It was the first one I played when I was younger, so that's one reason. Other reasons are that the graphics were the best in the series so far, good music and good adventure. I played the first Paper Mario on VC last year. I like it, but I could see how TTYD was more improved, so it's 2nd place. Last is Super Paper Mario. I completed it just to say I did, but it's a slight disappointment compared to the others. The graphics were a notch lower than TTYD, the game was too easy (I did not get one game over during the main adventure).and it tended to get a little frustrating switching between 2-D and 3-D, so to me, it's a slight disappointment. Plus, platformer and RPG element do not go together, otherwise you get a quite easy little game.
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Apr 28, 2012
TTYD rocked then again it was the only one i ever played.

i need to get a job to pick up a 3ds though and buy an old nintendo 64 i heard the one for wii sucked i'd like to try that one aswell

oh and the freaking poll don't work [face_cry]
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Sep 18, 2011
I think for me the best was Thousand Year Door, it built upon all the best aspects of Paper mario and made it an exciting game that appealed to a wide range of the demographic. But Super Paper Mario individually while a good game, considering that it was part of the series of Paper Mario i felt it changed just far too dramatically from previous installments ie: the lack of turn based fights and introduction of dimension flipping.


Jun 9, 2012
paper mario and the thousand year door shall ALWAYS be my favorite!I played it ever since head start! I still replay the game for fun too. I haven't played the first and the 3rd one is ok but paper mario 2 is AWESOME!!


Jun 13, 2012
The reason why I love the Paper Mario series is because of the badge system. To me, that is what makes Paper Mario well...Paper Mario. Paper Mario 64 started it, but because you had to level up a lot just to use one single badge, you could never use all the badges that you wanted to, unless you grinded your way to a high level. However, TTYD slightly altered the badge system to amazingness. It was more balanced and you could equip a wide variety of badges, but the best part was strategizing with them. You could play defensively by using a lot of defense ups and D-up/P-down badges, or the opposite with increased attack power. You could also decrease your maximum health to 5 and increase your other stats, equip a lot of power rush and luck badges to do one-turn-kill attacks while always dodging your opponent. This is why TTYD is by far the best in terms of gameplay and strategy. I enjoyed Super Paper Mario, but I yearned for that TTYD RPG awesomeness. I'm hoping the sticker system in Paper Mario 3DS is sort of like the badge system in previous titles. :3


Dec 23, 2011
TTYD is my favorite. Its the first I played and the first RPG I played that had turn-based combat I actually enjoyed, because normally with turn-based combat it seems like the player has almost no control over the battle, and the bosses just feel like races to see who runs out of health first. There's still some of that feeling for me on the final bosses in the Paper Mario series, but the action commands make me feel like I can affect whats happening more than in other RPGs. Anyway, I just finished the original on my N64, and it's great and I loved defeating Bowser (I keep doing it over and over), but it just seems like everything was made better in the second game. For example, in the first they reuse the action command for Mario's hammer for like three of his partner's moves, and the same with the hold-down-the-A-button-until-the-red-circle-lights-up action command, but in TTYD every partner has their own "theme" for their action commands (Vivian's is pressing random buttons that appear as fast as possible, Koops's is hitting A with good timing, etc.). The addition of the stage and audience was a cool touch, and I like how parts of the stage will randomly fall down when someone uses a powerful attack. Also, I love the characters much more (Vivian's my fave), and I love all the places from the second game, and its got way more humor and Nintendo references and (IMO) better characters. But probably the best part to me is the story. I love the departure from the typical Bowser-kidnapped-Peach-oh-no-Mario-you-must-do-a-bunch-of-stuff-and-then-fight-through-his-castle-and-save-her scenario (don't get me wrong I freaking love it, and Bowser's Castle from PM64 is just plain epic, but I like that having a different main antagonist makes this game stand out). I think its great that Bowser was still a part of the story and you still fought him at one point, I think that was a very wise choice because Bowser is such a huge part of the Mario series and I love that they recognized that and didn't just cut him out in just to make the game good by making it "unique."

So that's why TTYD is my favorite Paper Mario game. If you're wondering why there's nothing about SPM, it's because I never played it. I heard that there was no turn-based action-command-enhanced combat, so I decided that my money was better spent elsewhere. Now that it's only twenty bucks I'll probably pick it up when I have the cash, but when it came out I just thought there were so many other games that I would rather buy.

I can't wait until Paper Mario 3DS (it's one of the main reasons I have a 3DS), but I've been watching the trailers, and I just don't know about the use of stickers to attack instead of the normal menus or about the lack of leveling-up by experience points. I'll just have to wait and see.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jun 13, 2006
Paper Mario was a lot more memorable for me. The only chapter I remember from PM2 was the train one. On that property, I have to give it to the original. The second game was just a forgettable experience that really was neither fun nor challenging.


Original poster
Cant believe you guys say SPM sucks, its my favorite.


Jun 13, 2010
TTYD was my favourite. It took everything that made PM64 amazing, added tons of new stuff and improved the overall experience. SPM wasn't as good as the previous two, but still extremely fun in its own right. I'm cautiously optimistic about Sticker Star, it looks great, but I'm not to sure if the stickers will work that well, But it's still the reason I bought a 3DS!



Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
The original. TTYD definitely added a good amount of stuff with countering, partner HP, etc. but overall I feel like the original had more charm. TTYD certainly had some highlights (Glitzville, Excess Express) though.

Super Paper Mario was a giant disappointment to me, but I still like it.


Jan 5, 2013
The first was my favorite because it was what I played first and I beat it like 5 times, then TTYD because they took everything from the 1st and improved it, then super paper mario because it was good just preferred the other two by a little bit. And last is sticker star because I feel like it was a step down taking out companions, only leaving one town, no xp or level up system. It kind of dissapointed me, but I still enjoyed it. And one other thing to say about that game in the form of a question, WHY DOES MARIO NEED THAT MANY VACUUMS?


Lost on a island
Jan 29, 2014
Thousand year door, then paper mario, sticker star and super paper mario. How do i use the voting system? I dont see the vote button
Jul 12, 2014


Sep 9, 2014
That's like saying First Blood is the best in the Rambo series because it started it all. What kind of sense does that make? He's asking which game is your favorite.


Sep 16, 2014
That's like saying First Blood is the best in the Rambo series because it started it all. What kind of sense does that make? He's asking which game is your favorite.


Lost on a island
Jan 29, 2014
That's like saying First Blood is the best in the Rambo series because it started it all. What kind of sense does that make? He's asking which game is your favorite.
What´s the point in copying another users post in this thread?


No Longer a Noob
Dec 2, 2003
Paper Mario (N64) will always be one of my favorite games of all time. I have some of the best memories playing that and nostalgia wins. But I must say The Thousand Year Door is the better and takes the cake for the serious in my opinion. Super Paper Mario was okay but it's more of a spinoff. I'm glad Sticker Star isn't on here because that game.......oh my that game......